- Fixed default network state
- Merged request/response value classes
- Improved initialization process
- Added support for listening to any calibration state change (ICalibrationStateListener)
- Runtime 'debug mode' now controlled through GazeManager.DebugMode
- Default states for all GazeManager enum types
- Unittests now using NUnit
- Updated Json.NET to 9.0.1
- Fix listener bug
- Extensive rewrite of core classes
- New support for .Net 3.5, 4.0 & 4.5 frameworks
- Added support for methods of async nature in GazeManager
- Added support for debug mode via GazeManagerCore.IS_DEBUG_MODE
- Point2D & Point3D are now 'struct' types
- Moving all data types from 64-bit to 32-bit floating point precision
- Added calibration evaluation class CalibUtils
- Added support for listening to active screen index changes (IScreenStateListener)
- Adapting to EyeTribe API changes, deprecating obsolete GazeManager method calls
- Added Unit Tests
- Updated Json.NET to 8.0.3
- Added GetHashCode() implementation for all public data types
- Refactored internal Collection types, fixing several race condition bugs
- Improved ThreadPool implementation
- Fixing bugs associated to CalibrationPoint resampling
- Fixing network initialization bugs
- Clearing Listener types now requires explicit call to GazeManager.deactivate()
- Minor syntax changes
- Ensured callback order of listener types during activation
- Ensured thread safety in singletons
- Refactored internal blocking queues
- More consistent console output on errors
- Unified constructors and operators for all data types
- Added utility methods to GazeData class
- Updated Json.NET to 6.0.6
- Fixed bug, causing offset in GazeData timestamp
- Added method GetTimeDeltaNow() to GazeUtils
- Updated license
- Updated project setting to MS Visual Studio 2013
- Improved multithreading and stability in network layer
- Fixed bug related to initialization lock
- Fixed bug related to multi-screen setups
- Fixed bug related to broadcasting calibration updates
- Thread safe GazeManager activation/deactivation
- Added support for listening to EyeTribe Server conneciton state (IConnectionStateListener)
- Minor API timestamp change
- Updated Json.NET to 6.0.2
- Minor refactoring
- Generel bug fixing and optimization
- Fixed tab/space formatting
- New methods to GazeUtils
- Minor internal refactoring
- Redesign and refactoring of main SDK interface GazeManager to support new TET API features
- Added support for listening for EyeTribe Tracker states (ITrackerStateListener & TrackerState)
- Added support for listening for changes in calibration state (ICalibrationResultListener)
- Added option to fetch current FrameRate setting
- Added option to fetch cached CalibrationResult
- Added GazeUtils class that holds methods common to eye tracking apps
- Added documentation
- Initial release