- Deploying the BIG-IP VE in AWS - Example Failover BIG-IP HA Cluster - Virtual Machines
The goal of this solution is to reduce prerequisites and complexity to a minimum so with a few clicks, a user can quickly deploy a BIG-IP, login and begin exploring the BIG-IP platform in a working full-stack deployment capable of passing traffic.
This solution uses a parent template to launch several linked child templates (modules) to create an example BIG-IP Highly Available (HA) solution using the F5 Cloud Failover Extension (CFE). For information about this deployment, see the F5 Cloud Failover Extension documentation. The linked templates are located in the examples/modules
directory in this repository. F5 recommends cloning this repository and modifying these templates to fit your use case.
Full Stack (failover.yaml)
Use the failover.yaml parent template to deploy an example full stack HA solution, complete with network, bastion (optional), dag/ingress, access, bigip(s) and application.
Existing Network Stack (failover-existing-network.yaml)
Use the failover-existing-network.yaml parent template to deploy HA solution into an existing network infrastructure. This template expects VPC, subnets, and bastion host(s) have already been deployed. A demo application is also NOT part of this parent template as it intended use is for an existing environment.
The modules below create the following cloud resources:
- Network: A virtual network (also known as VPC), subnets, internet/NAT gateways, DHCP options, network ACLs, and other network-related resources. (Full stack only)
- Bastion: This template creates a bastion host for accessing the BIG-IP instances when no public IP address is used for the management interfaces. (Full stack only)
- Application: This template creates a generic example application for use when demonstrating live traffic through the BIG-IP instance. (Full stack only)
- Disaggregation (DAG/Ingress): This template creates resources required to get traffic to the BIG-IP, including Network Security Groups, Public IP Addresses, NAT rules and probes.
- Access: This template creates IAM Roles, AWS InstanceProfiles and ssh keys.
- BIG-IP: This template creates F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition instances provisioned with Local Traffic Manager (LTM) and (optionally) Application Security Manager (ASM).
By default, this solution (failover.yaml) creates a VPN with 4 subnets, an example Web Application instance, two PAYG BIG-IP instances with three network interfaces (one for management and two for dataplane/application traffic - called external and internal). Depending on settings, the number of Public IPs provisioned will vary.
- Two EIPs will automatically be provisioned for the external Self IPs (for egress system routing).
- Two EIPs will automatically be provisioned for NAT gateways.
- If provisionPublicIpMgmt is set to true, two EIPs will be provisioned the Management Interfaces. If set to false, one EIP will be created for a bastion host.
- If provisionExampleApp is set to true, an additional EIP is provisioned for the virtual service.
Application traffic from the Internet traverses an external network interface configured with both public and private IP addresses. Traffic to the application traverses an internal network interface configured with a private IP address.
DISCLAIMER/WARNING: To reduce prerequisites and complexity to a bare minimum for evaluation purposes only, this example template provides immediate access to the management interface via a Public IP. At the very minimum, configure the restrictedSrcAddressMgmt parameter to limit access to your client IP or trusted network. Note that in production deployments, management access should never be directly exposed to the Internet and instead should be accessed via typical management best practices like jump boxes/bastion hosts, VPNs, etc. See the provisionPublicIpMgmt parameter for more details.
For information about this type of deployment, see the F5 Cloud Failover Extension documentation.
Accepted the EULA for the F5 image in the AWS marketplace. If you have not deployed BIG-IP VE in your environment before, search for F5 in the Marketplace and then click Accept Software Terms. This only appears the first time you attempt to launch an F5 image. By default, this solution deploys the F5 BIG-IP BEST with IPI and Threat Campaigns (PAYG, 25Mbps) images. For more information, see K14810: Overview of BIG-IP VE license and throughput limits.
The appropriate permission in AWS to launch CloudFormation (CFT) templates. You must be using an IAM user with the AdministratorAccess policy attached and have permission to create the objects contained in this solution. VPCs, Routes, EIPs, EC2 Instances. For details on permissions and all AWS configuration, see AWS documentation.
Sufficient EC2 Resources to deploy this solution. For more information, see AWS resource limit documentation.
By default, this solution configures an SSH Key pair in AWS for management access to BIG-IP VE via the sshKey parameter. For more information about creating and/or importing the key pair in AWS, see AWS SSH key documentation. If one is not specified, one will be created for you named
is the value you provided in the uniqueString parameter). To obtain the private key, refer to AWS section To retrieve the private key in plain text.- For example, you first obtain the key pair ID.
- If using the AWS Management Console, navigate to EC2 > Key Pairs > uniqueString-keyPair > ID column.
- If using the AWS CLI, you can run the following aws cli command, replacing uniqueString and region with your values:
aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-name ${UNIQUE_STRING}-keyPair --query KeyPairs[*].KeyPairId --output text --region ${REGION}
- Then you can use the key pair ID to obtain the private key:
- If using the AWS Management Console, navigate to Systems Manager > Parameter Store > click on your /ec2/keypair/${KEY_ID} -> click Show
- If using the AWS CLI, you can run the following aws cli command, replacing the key id and region with your values:
aws ssm get-parameter --name "/ec2/keypair/${KEY_ID}" --with-decryption --query Parameter.Value --output text --region ${REGION}
- For more information about accessing the instances with a SSH private key, see Accessing the BIG-IP below.
- For example, you first obtain the key pair ID.
By default, this solution uses an AWS secret stored in AWS Secrets Manager (in the region where deploying the template) for the admin password - which is used to access and cluster the HA Pair.
- To use an existing secret, pass the ARN to the bigIpSecretArn input parameter. To obtain the ARN for a secret, you can run the following aws cli command, changing the secret name and region as needed:
For example, for a secret named mySecretId, the ARN format required for the input parameter will look like arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:111111111111:secret:mySecretId-xdg0kdf.
aws secretsmanager describe-secret --secret-id ${SECRET_NAME} --query ARN --output text --region ${REGION}
- If you don't specify a secret, the solution creates one with an auto-generated password named
is the value provided for the uniqueString input parameter). To obtain the secret value, you can run the following aws cli command, changing the secret-id and region as needed:aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id ${uniqueString}-BigIpSecret --query "SecretString" --output text --region ${REGION}
- To use an existing secret, pass the ARN to the bigIpSecretArn input parameter. To obtain the ARN for a secret, you can run the following aws cli command, changing the secret name and region as needed:
By default, this solution creates required IAM roles, policies, and instance profile. By specifying a value for the bigIpInstanceProfile input parameter, you can assign a pre-existing IAM instance profile with applied IAM policy to the BIG-IP instance(s). See AWS IAM documentation for more information on creating these resources. Ensure it contains the required permissions for the secret provided with bigIpSecretArn. See IAM Permissions by Solution Type for a detailed list of the permissions required by this solution.
By default, this solution creates an S3 bucket for use by the F5 Cloud Failover Extension (CFE). The bucket is configured with AWS SSE-S3 encryption enabled and the IAM role is set to enforce AES256 encryption. See Protecting data using server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed encryption keys (SSE-S3) for more information. CFE also supports AWS SSE-KMS encryption using the default and customer managed keys. See Cloud Failover Extension documentation for more information.
To change the BIG-IP image, update the bigIpImage parameter. See Understanding AMI Lookup Function for valid string options. For non marketplace custom images (for example, clones or those created by the F5 BIG-IP Image Generator), update the bigIpCustomImageId parameter.
When specifying values for the bigIpInstanceType parameter, ensure that the instance type you select is appropriate for the deployment scenario. Each instance types allow a fixed number of NICs and Secondary IP addresses. See AWS Virtual Machine Instance Types for more information.
This solution requires Internet access for:
- Downloading additional F5 software components used for onboarding and configuring the BIG-IP (via github.com and/or cdn.f5.com). Internet access is required via the management interface and then via a dataplane interface (for example, external Self IP) once a default route is configured. See Overview of Mgmt Routing for more details. By default, as a convenience, this solution provisions Public IPs to enable this but in a production environment, outbound access should be provided by a
SNAT service (for example: NAT Gateway, custom firewall, etc.). NOTE: access via web proxy is not currently supported. Other options include 1) hosting the file locally and modifying the runtime-init package url and configuration files to point to local URLs instead or 2) baking them into a custom image, using the F5 Image Generation Tool. - Contacting native cloud services for various cloud integrations:
- Onboarding:
- F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init - to fetch secrets from native vault services
- Operation:
- F5 Application Services 3 - for features like Service Discovery
- Cloud Failover Extension (CFE) - for updating IP and routes mappings
- Additional cloud services like Private endpoints can be used to address calls to native services traversing the Internet.
- See Security section for more details.
- Downloading additional F5 software components used for onboarding and configuring the BIG-IP (via github.com and/or cdn.f5.com). Internet access is required via the management interface and then via a dataplane interface (for example, external Self IP) once a default route is configured. See Overview of Mgmt Routing for more details. By default, as a convenience, this solution provisions Public IPs to enable this but in a production environment, outbound access should be provided by a
This solution template provides an initial deployment only for an "infrastructure" use case (meaning that it does not support managing the entire deployment exclusively via the template's "Redeploy" function). This solution leverages cloud-init to send the instance user_data, which is only used to provide an initial BIG-IP configuration and not as the primary configuration API for a long-running platform. Although "Redeploy" can be used to update some cloud resources, as the BIG-IP configuration needs to align with the cloud resources, like IPs to NICs, updating one without the other can result in inconsistent states, while updating other resources, like the image or instanceType, can trigger an entire instance redeployment. For instance, to upgrade software versions, traditional in-place upgrades should be leveraged. See AskF5 Knowledge Base and Changing the BIG-IP Deployment for more information.
If you have cloned this repository to modify the templates or BIG-IP config files and published to your own location (NOTE: CloudFormation can only reference S3 bucket locations for templates and not generic URLs like from GitHub), you can use the s3BucketName, s3BucketRegion and artifactLocation input parameters to specify the new location of the customized templates. You may also need to ensure that the user has READ IAM permissions to that bucket. See main /examples/README.md for more template customization details. If you have customized the Runtime Configurations, use the bigIpRuntimeInitConfig input parameter to specify the new location of the BIG-IP Runtime-Init config. See Changing the BIG-IP Deployment for more BIG-IP customization details.
In this solution, the BIG-IP VE has the LTM and ASM (when provisionExampleApp is set to true) modules enabled to provide advanced traffic management and web application security functionality.
This template can send non-identifiable statistical information to F5 Networks to help us improve our templates. You can disable this functionality for this deployment only by supplying false for the value of the allowUsageAnalytics input parameter, or you can disable it system-wide by setting the autoPhonehome system class property value to false in the F5 Declarative Onboarding declaration. See Sending statistical information to F5.
See trouble shooting steps for more details.
Required means user input is required because there is no default value or an empty string is not allowed. If no value is provided, the template will fail to launch. In some cases, the default value may only work on the first deployment due to creating a resource in a global namespace and customization is recommended. See the Description for more details.
Parameter | Required* | Default | Type | Description |
allowUsageAnalytics | No | true | string | This deployment can send anonymous statistics to F5 to help us determine how to improve our solutions. If you select false statistics are not sent. |
appDockerImageName | No | f5devcentral/f5-demo-app:latest | string | The name of a container to download and install which is used for the example application server(s). If this value is left blank, the application module template is not deployed. |
application | No | f5app | string | Application Tag. |
artifactLocation | No | f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v3.6.0.0/examples/ | string | The directory, relative to the templateBaseUrl, where the modules folder is located. |
bigIpHostname01 | No | failover01.local | string | Supply the hostname you would like to use for the BIG-IP instance. The hostname must be in fqdn format and contain fewer than 63 characters. |
bigIpHostname02 | No | failover02.local | string | Supply the hostname you would like to use for the BIG-IP instance. The hostname must be in fqdn format and contain fewer than 63 characters. |
bigIpInstanceType | No | m5.xlarge | string | Enter a valid instance type. |
bigIpImage | No | *17.1.1-0.2.6* PAYG-Best Plus 25Mbps* | string | F5 BIG-IP market place image. See Understanding AMI Lookup Function for valid string options. bigIpImage is required when bigIpCustomImageId is not specified. |
bigIpInstanceProfile | No | string | Enter the name of an existing IAM instance profile with applied IAM policy to be associated to the BIG-IP virtual machine(s). Leave default to create a new instance profile. | |
bigIpCustomImageId | No | string | Provide a custom BIG-IP AMI ID you wish to deploy. Otherwise, can leave empty. | |
bigIpLicenseKey01 | No | string | Supply the F5 BYOL license key for BIG-IP instance 01. Leave this parameter blank if deploying the PAYG solution. | |
bigIpLicenseKey02 | No | string | Supply the F5 BYOL license key for BIG-IP instance 02. Leave this parameter blank if deploying the PAYG solution. | |
bigIpRuntimeInitPackageUrl | No | https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.5.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.5.0-1.gz.run | string | Supply a URL to the bigip-runtime-init package. |
bigIpExternalSelfIp01 | No | | string | External Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance A. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpMgmtAddress01 | No | | string | Management Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance 01. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpInternalSelfIp01 | No | | string | Internal Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance A. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpRuntimeInitConfig01 | No | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v3.6.0.0/examples/failover/bigip-configurations/runtime-init-conf-3nic-payg-instance01.yaml | string | Supply a URL to the bigip-runtime-init configuration file in YAML or JSON format to use for f5-bigip-runtime-init configuration. |
bigIpExternalSelfIp02 | No | | string | External Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance B. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpMgmtAddress02 | No | | string | Management Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance 02. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpInternalSelfIp02 | No | | string | Internal Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance B. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpRuntimeInitConfig02 | No | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v3.6.0.0/examples/failover/bigip-configurations/runtime-init-conf-3nic-payg-instance01.yaml | string | Supply a URL to the bigip-runtime-init configuration file in YAML or JSON format to use for f5-bigip-runtime-init configuration. |
bigIpPeerAddr | No | | string | Provide the static address of the remote peer used for clustering. In this failover solution, clustering is initiated from the second instance (02) to the first instance (01) so you would provide the first instances Self IP address. |
bigIpExternalVip01 | No | | string | External Secondary Private IP Address for BIGIP instance A. |
bigIpExternalVip02 | No | | string | External Secondary Private IP Address for BIGIP instance B. |
bigIpSecretArn | No | string | The ARN of the AWS secret manager secret where the BIG-IP password used for clustering is stored. If left empty, a secret will be created. | |
cfeVipTag | No |, | string | Cloud Failover VIP tag value; provides private IP addresses to be assigned to VIP public IP. |
cfeTag | No | bigip_high_availability_solution | string | Cloud Failover deployment tag value. |
cfeS3Bucket | No | string | Supply a unique name for a CFE S3 bucket created and used by Cloud Failover Extension. If a value is not provided, a bucket will be created using the value of the uniqueString input parameter. For example: uniqueString-bigip-high-availability-solution. S3 bucket name must be unique, can be between 3 and 63 characters long, and can contain only lower-case characters, numbers, periods, and dashes. It cannot contain underscores, end with a dash, have consecutive periods, or use dashes adjacent to periods. | |
cost | No | f5cost | string | Cost Center Tag. |
environment | No | f5env | string | Environment Tag. |
group | No | f5group | string | Group Tag. |
numAzs | No | 2 | string | Number of Availability Zones. Default = 2 |
numNics | No | 3 | integer | Number of interfaces to create on BIG-IP instance. Maximum of 3 allowed. Minimum of 2 allowed. |
numSubnets | No | 4 | string | Number of Subnets. Default = 3, 4 required when provisionExampleApp = false |
owner | No | f5own | string | Owner Tag. |
provisionExampleApp | No | true | string | Flag to deploy the demo web application.. |
provisionPublicIpMgmt | No | true | string | Whether or not to provision Public IP Addresses for the BIG-IP Management Network Interface. By default, Public IP addresses are provisioned. See the restrictedSrcAddressMgmt parameter below. If set to false, a bastion host will be provisioned instead. |
restrictedSrcAddressApp | Yes | string | An IP address range (CIDR) that can be used to access web traffic (80/443) to the AWS instances, for example 'X.X.X.X/32' for a host, '' for the Internet, etc. NOTE: The VPC CIDR is automatically added for internal usage. | |
restrictedSrcAddressMgmt | Yes | string | An IP address or address range (in CIDR notation) used to restrict SSH and management GUI access to the BIG-IP Management or bastion host instances. IMPORTANT: The VPC CIDR is automatically added for internal use (access via bastion host, clustering, etc.). Please do NOT use "". Instead, restrict the IP address range to your client or trusted network, for example "". Production should never expose the BIG-IP Management interface to the Internet. | |
s3BucketRegion | No | us-east-1 | string | The AWS Region that contains the S3 bucket containing templates. |
s3BucketName | No | f5-cft-v2 | string | The S3 bucket name for the modules. The S3 bucket name can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens (-). It cannot start or end with a hyphen (-). |
sshKey | No | string | Supply the key pair name as listed in AWS that will be used for SSH authentication to the BIG-IP virtual machines. Example: myAWSkey . If a value is not provided, one will will be created using the value of the uniqueString input parameter. Example: uniqueString-keyPair . |
subnetMask | No | 24 | string | Mask for subnets. Valid values include 16-28. Note supernetting of VPC occurs based on mask provided; therefore, number of networks must be >= to the number of subnets created. Mask for subnets. Valid values include 16-28. |
uniqueString | No | myuniqstr | string | A prefix that will be used to name template resources. Because some resources require globally unique names, we recommend using a unique value. Must contain between 1 and 12 lowercase alphanumeric characters with first character as a letter. |
vpcCidr | No | | string | CIDR block for the VPC. |
Name | Required Resource | Type | Description |
amiId | Function Module | string | The ami-id used for deployment. |
bastionInstanceId | Bastion Module | string | Instance ID of standalone Bastion instance. |
bigIpKeyPairName | SSH Key Pair | string | SSH key pair name. |
bigIpInstance01 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Instance ID of BIG-IP VE instance. |
bigIpInstanceMgmtPrivateIp01 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Private management address. |
bigIpInstance02 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Instance ID of BIG-IP VE instance. |
bigIpInstanceMgmtPrivateIp02 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Private management address. |
bigIpSecretArn | Secrets Manager secret | string | Secret ARN. |
cfeS3Bucket | BigipStandalone Module | string | The s3 bucket used for cloud failover extension. |
Parameter | Required | Default | Type | Description |
allowUsageAnalytics | No | true | string | This deployment can send anonymous statistics to F5 to help us determine how to improve our solutions. If you select false statistics are not sent. |
appDockerImageName | No | f5devcentral/f5-demo-app:latest | string | The name of a container to download and install which is used for the example application server(s). If this value is left blank, the application module template is not deployed. |
application | No | f5app | string | Application Tag. |
artifactLocation | No | f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v3.6.0.0/examples/ | string | The directory, relative to the templateBaseUrl, where the modules folder is located. |
bigIpHostname01 | No | failover01.local | string | Supply the hostname you would like to use for the BIG-IP instance. The hostname must be in fqdn format and contain fewer than 63 characters. |
bigIpHostname02 | No | failover02.local | string | Supply the hostname you would like to use for the BIG-IP instance. The hostname must be in fqdn format and contain fewer than 63 characters. |
bigIpInstanceType | No | m5.xlarge | string | Enter a valid instance type. |
bigIpImage | No | *17.1.1-0.2.6* PAYG-Best Plus 25Mbps* | string | F5 BIG-IP market place image. See Understanding AMI Lookup Function for valid string options. bigIpImage is required when bigIpCustomImageId is not specified. |
bigIpInstanceProfile | No | string | Enter the name of an existing IAM instance profile with applied IAM policy to be associated to the BIG-IP virtual machine(s). Leave default to create a new instance profile. | |
bigIpCustomImageId | No | string | Provide a custom BIG-IP AMI ID you wish to deploy. Otherwise, can leave empty. | |
bigIpRuntimeInitPackageUrl | No | https://cdn.f5.com/product/cloudsolutions/f5-bigip-runtime-init/v1.5.0/dist/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.5.0-1.gz.run | string | Supply a URL to the bigip-runtime-init package. |
bigIpExternalSubnetId01 | Yes | string | Subnet ID used for BIGIP instance A external interface. Required for 2 NIC deployments. | |
bigIpExternalSelfIp01 | No | | string | External Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance A. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpMgmtSubnetId01 | Yes | string | Subnet ID used for BIGIP instance A management interface. | |
bigIpMgmtAddress01 | No | | string | Management Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance 01. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpInternalSubnetId01 | No | string | Subnet ID used for BIGIP instance A internal interface. Required for 3 NIC deployments. | |
bigIpInternalSelfIp01 | No | | string | Internal Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance A. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpRuntimeInitConfig01 | No | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v3.6.0.0/examples/failover/bigip-configurations/runtime-init-conf-3nic-payg-instance01.yaml | string | Supply a URL to the bigip-runtime-init configuration file in YAML or JSON format to use for f5-bigip-runtime-init configuration. |
bigIpExternalSubnetId02 | Yes | string | Subnet ID used for BIGIP instance B external interface. Required for 2 NIC deployments. | |
bigIpExternalSelfIp02 | No | | string | External Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance B. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpMgmtSubnetId02 | Yes | string | Subnet ID used for BIGIP instance B management interface. Required for 3 NIC deployments. | |
bigIpMgmtAddress02 | No | | string | Management Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance 02. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpInternalSubnetId02 | No | string | Subnet ID used for BIGIP instance B internal interface. Required for 3 NIC deployments. | |
bigIpInternalSelfIp02 | No | | string | Internal Private IP Address for BIGIP Instance B. IP address parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x. |
bigIpRuntimeInitConfig02 | No | https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v3.6.0.0/examples/failover/bigip-configurations/runtime-init-conf-3nic-payg-instance01.yaml | string | Supply a URL to the bigip-runtime-init configuration file in YAML or JSON format to use for f5-bigip-runtime-init configuration. |
bigIpPeerAddr | No | | string | Provide the static address of the remote peer used for clustering. In this failover solution, clustering is initiated from the second instance (02) to the first instance (01) so you would provide the first instances Self IP address. |
bigIpExternalVip01 | No | | string | External Secondary Private IP Address for BIGIP instance A. |
bigIpExternalVip02 | No | | string | External Secondary Private IP Address for BIGIP instance B. |
bigIpSecretArn | No | string | The ARN of the AWS secret manager secret where the BIG-IP password used for clustering is stored. If left empty, a secret will be created. | |
cfeVipTag | No |, | string | Cloud Failover VIP tag value; provides private IP addresses to be assigned to VIP public IP. |
cfeTag | No | bigip_high_availability_solution | string | Cloud Failover deployment tag value. |
cfeS3Bucket | No | string | Unique S3 bucket name created and used by Cloud Failover Extension. If a value is not provided, a bucket will be created using the value of the uniqueString input parameter. For example: uniqueString-bigip-high-availability-solution. S3 bucket name must be unique, can be between 3 and 63 characters long, and can contain only lower-case characters, numbers, periods, and dashes. It cannot contain underscores, end with a dash, have consecutive periods, or use dashes adjacent to periods. | |
cost | No | f5cost | string | Cost Center Tag. |
environment | No | f5env | string | Environment Tag. |
group | No | f5group | string | Group Tag. |
numNics | No | 3 | integer | Number of interfaces to create on BIG-IP instance. Maximum of 3 allowed. Minimum of 2 allowed. |
owner | No | f5own | string | Owner Tag. |
provisionExampleApp | No | true | string | Flag to deploy the demo web application. |
provisionPublicIpExternal | No | true | string | Whether or not to provision primary public IP addresses for the BIG-IP external network interfaces. The IPs are used to source outbound traffic from the BIG-IPs. By default, Public IP addresses are provisioned. |
provisionPublicIpMgmt | No | true | string | Whether or not to provision Public IP Addresses for the BIG-IP Management Network Interface. By default, Public IP addresses are provisioned. See the restrictedSrcAddressMgmt parameter below. If set to false, a bastion host will be provisioned instead. |
provisionPublicIpVip | No | false | string | Whether or not to provision secondary public IP addresses for the BIG-IP external network interfaces. IPs are used for application traffic. You must choose false when provisionPublicIpExternal is also false. |
restrictedSrcAddressApp | Yes | string | An IP address range (CIDR) that can be used to access web traffic (80/443) to the AWS instances, for example 'X.X.X.X/32' for a host, '' for the Internet, etc. NOTE: The VPC CIDR is automatically added for internal usage. | |
restrictedSrcAddressMgmt | Yes | string | An IP address or address range (in CIDR notation) used to restrict SSH and management GUI access to the BIG-IP Management or bastion host instances. IMPORTANT: The VPC CIDR is automatically added for internal use (access via bastion host, clustering, etc.). Please do NOT use "". Instead, restrict the IP address range to your client or trusted network, for example "". Production should never expose the BIG-IP Management interface to the Internet. | |
s3BucketRegion | No | us-east-1 | string | The AWS Region that contains the S3 bucket containing templates. |
s3BucketName | No | f5-cft-v2 | string | The S3 bucket name for the modules. The S3 bucket name can include numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens (-). It cannot start or end with a hyphen (-). |
sshKey | No | string | Supply the key pair name as listed in AWS that will be used for SSH authentication to the BIG-IP virtual machines. Example: myAWSkey . If a value is not provided, one will will be created using the value of the uniqueString input parameter. Example: uniqueString-keyPair . |
subnetMask | No | 24 | string | Mask for subnets. Valid values include 16-28. Note supernetting of VPC occurs based on mask provided; therefore, number of networks must be >= to the number of subnets created. Mask for subnets. Valid values include 16-28. |
uniqueString | No | myuniqstr | string | A prefix that will be used to name template resources. Because some resources require globally unique names, we recommend using a unique value. Must contain between 1 and 12 lowercase alphanumeric characters with first character as a letter. |
vpcCidr | No | | string | CIDR block for the VPC. |
vpcId | Yes | string | ID for VPC to use with deployment. |
Name | Required Resource | Type | Description |
amiId | Function Module | string | ami-id used for deployment |
bigIpInstance01 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Instance ID of BIG-IP VE instance |
bigIpInstanceMgmtPrivateIp01 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Private management address |
bigIpInstance02 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Instance ID of BIG-IP VE instance |
bigIpInstanceMgmtPrivateIp02 | BigipStandalone Module | string | Private management address |
bigIpKeyPairName | SSH Key Pair | string | SSH key pair name. |
bigIpSecretArn | Secrets Manager secret | string | Secret ARN. |
cfeS3Bucket | BigipStandalone Module | string | s3 bucket used for cloud failover extension |
Two options for deploying this solution:
- Using the Launch Stack button
- Using the AWS CLI
The easiest way to deploy this CloudFormation template is to use the Launch button.
Important: By default, the link takes you to an AWS console set to the us-east-1 region. Select the AWS region (upper right) in which you want to deploy after clicking the Launch Stack button.
Step 1: Specify template
- Click "Next".
Step 2: Specify stack details
- Fill in the REQUIRED parameters. For example:
- restrictedSrcAddressMgmt
- restrictedSrcAddressApp
- And any network related parameters if deploying the the failover-existing-network.yaml template, for example:
- vpcId
- vpcCidr
- bigIpMgmtSubnetId01
- bigIpMgmtSubnetId02
- bigIpExternalSubnetId01 (for 2 NIC)
- bigIpExternalSubnetId02 (for 2 NIC)
- bigIpInternalSubnetId01 (for 3 NIC)
- bigIpInternalSubnetId02 (for 3 NIC)
- As well as the static IP address related parameters, which have defaults, but need to be mapped to your network.
- Click "Next"
Step 3: Configure Stack Options
- Click "Next".
Step 4: Review
- Navigate to Capabilities > Check "Acknowledgment" Boxes.
- Click Create Stack.
For next steps, see Validating the Deployment.
As an alternative to deploying through the AWS Console (GUI), each solution provides an example AWS CLI 2.0 command to deploy the CloudFormation template. The following example deploys a HA pair of 3-NIC BIG-IP VE instances.
By default, the templates in this repository are also publicly hosted on S3 at https://f5-cft-v2.s3.amazonaws.com/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/[VERSION]. If you want deploy the template using the AWS CLI, provide url of the parent template and REQUIRED parameters:
aws cloudformation create-stack --region ${REGION} --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \
--template-url https://f5-cft-v2.s3.amazonaws.com/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v1.2.0.0/examples/failover/failover.yaml \
--parameters "ParameterKey=<KEY>,ParameterValue=<VALUE> ParameterKey=<KEY>,ParameterValue=<VALUE>" \
or with a local parameters file (see failover-parameters.json
example in this directory):
aws cloudformation create-stack --region ${REGION} --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} \
--template-url https://f5-cft-v2.s3.amazonaws.com/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v1.2.0.0/examples/failover/failover.yaml \
--parameters file://failover-parameters.json \
aws cloudformation create-stack --region us-east-1 --stack-name myFailover \
--template-url https://f5-cft-v2.s3.amazonaws.com/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/v1.2.0.0/examples/failover/failover.yaml \
--parameters "ParameterKey=sshKey,ParameterValue=MY_SSH_KEY_NAME ParameterKey=restrictedSrcAddressMgmt,ParameterValue= ParameterKey=restrictedSrcAddressApp,ParameterValue=,ParameterKey=bigIpSecretArn,ParameterValue=arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-west-1:012345678901:secret:myBigipSecret-Qnju" \
For next steps, see Validating the Deployment.
You will most likely want or need to change the BIG-IP configuration. This generally involves referencing or customizing a F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init configuration file and passing it through the bigIpRuntimeInitConfig01 and bigIpRuntimeInitConfig02 template parameters as a URL.
Example from failover-parameters.json
"ParameterKey": "bigIpRuntimeInitConfig01",
"ParameterValue": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/main/examples/failover/bigip-configurations/runtime-init-conf-3nic-payg-instance01.yaml"
"ParameterKey": "bigIpRuntimeInitConfig02",
"ParameterValue": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/F5Networks/f5-aws-cloudformation-v2/main/examples/failover/bigip-configurations/runtime-init-conf-payg-02.yaml"
- IMPORTANT: Note the "raw.githubusercontent.com". Any URLs pointing to github must use the raw file format.
F5 has provided the following example configuration files in the examples/failover/bigip-configurations
- These examples install Automation Tool Chain packages for a PAYG licensed deployment.
- These examples install Automation Tool Chain packages and create WAF-protected services for a PAYG licensed deployment.
- These examples install Automation Tool Chain packages for a BYOL licensed deployment.
- These examples install Automation Tool Chain packages and create WAF-protected services for a BYOL licensed deployment.
- This ASM security policy is supported for BIG-IP 13.1 and later.
See F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init for more examples.
IMPORTANT: By default, this solution deploys 3-NIC PAYG BIG-IPs:
- The Full Stack (failover.yaml) references the
BIG-IP config files, which include an example virtual service, and can be used as is. These example configurations do not require any modifications to deploy successfully (Disclaimer: "Successfully" implies the template deploys without errors and deploys BIG-IP WAFs capable of passing traffic. To be fully functional as designed, you would need to have satisfied the Prerequisites). However, in production, these files would commonly be customized. Some examples of small customizations or modifications are provided below. - The Existing Network Stack (failover-existing-network.yaml) references the
BIG-IP config files, which only provide basic system onboarding and do not NOT include an example virtual service, and can be used as is.
To deploy 2NIC instances:
- Update the bigIpRuntimeInitConfig01 and bigIpRuntimeInitConfig02 input parameters to reference the corresponding
config files (for example,runtime-init-conf-2nic-payg-instance01-with-app.yaml
) - Update the numNics input parameter to 2
To deploy BYOL instances:
- Update the bigIpImage input parameter to use a
image. Example:{ "ParameterKey": "bigIpImage", "ParameterValue": "*17.1.1-0.2.6***BYOL-All Modules 2Boot*" },
- Update the bigIpLicenseKey01 and bigIpLicenseKey02 input parameters to reference the unique registration keys to use when licensing the BIG-IP instances.
"bigIpLicenseKey01":{ "value": "AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-EEEEEEE" }, "bigIpLicenseKey02":{ "value": "AAAAA-BBBBB-CCCCC-DDDDD-FFFFFFF" }
- Update the bigIpRuntimeInitConfig01 and bigIpRuntimeInitConfig02 input parameters to reference the corresponding
config files (for example,runtime-init-conf-3nic-byol-instance01-with-app.yaml
However, most changes require customizing the example configuration files.
To change BIG-IP configuration(s):
Edit/modify the declaration(s) in the example runtime-init config file(s) with the new
. For example, if you wanted to change the DNS or NTP settings, update values in the Declarative Onboarding declaration(s):Example:
My_Dns: class: DNS nameServers: - <YOUR_CUSTOM_DNS_SERVER> My_License: class: License licenseType: regKey regKey: '{{{LICENSE_KEY}}}' My_Ntp: class: NTP servers: - <YOUR_CUSTOM_NTP_SERVER> timezone: UTC
Publish/host the customized runtime-init config(s) file at a location reachable by the BIG-IP at deploy time (for example: github, Google Storage, etc.)
Update the bigIpRuntimeInitConfig input parameter(s) to reference the new URL(s) of the updated BIG-IP configuration(s).
In order deploy additional virtual services:
For illustration purposes, this solution pre-provisions IP addresses needed for an example virtual service and the runtime-init configurations contain an AS3 declaration with a virtual service. However, in practice, cloud-init runs once and is typically used for initial provisioning, not as the primary configuration API for a long-running platform. More typically in an infrastructure use case, virtual services are added post initial deployment and involves:
- Cloud - Provisioning additional IPs on the desired Network Interfaces.
- BIG-IP - Creating Virtual Services that match those additional Secondary IPs.
- Updating the AS3 declaration with additional Virtual Services (see virtualAddresses:).
NOTE: For cloud resources, templates can be customized to pre-provision and update additional resources (for example, various combinations of NICs, IPs, Public IPs, etc). Please see Getting Help for more information. For BIG-IP configurations, you can leverage any REST or Automation Tool Chain clients like Ansible,Terraform, etc.
This section describes how to validate the template deployment, test the WAF service, and troubleshoot common problems.
To view the status of the example and module stack deployments in the AWS Console, navigate to CloudFormation > Stacks > Your stack name. You should see a series of stacks, including one for the Parent Failover template as well as the Network, Application, DAG, Bastion, Function, BIG-IP nested templates. The creation status for each stack deployment should be "CREATE_COMPLETE".
Expected Deploy time for entire stack =~ 13-15 minutes.
If any of the stacks are in a failed state, proceed to the Troubleshooting Steps section below.
From Parent Template Outputs:
Console: Navigate to CloudFormation > STACK_NAME > Outputs.
aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs"
Obtain the Instance ID:
- Console: Navigate to CloudFormation > STACK_NAME > Outputs > bigIpInstanceId.
aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpInstanceId'].OutputValue" --output text
Obtain the IP address of the BIG-IP Management Port:
Console: Navigate to CloudFormation > STACK_NAME > Outputs > bigIpManagementPublicIp.
- Public IPs:
aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpInstanceMgmtPublicIp01'].OutputValue" --output text aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpInstanceMgmtPublicIp02'].OutputValue" --output text
- Private IPs:
aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpInstanceMgmtPrivateIp01'].OutputValue" --output text aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpInstanceMgmtPrivateIp02'].OutputValue" --output text
- Public IPs:
Or if you are going through a bastion host (when provisionPublicIP = false):
Obtain the Public IP address of the bastion host:
bash aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bastionPublicIp'].OutputValue" --output text
SSH key authentication:
# (Optional) If you did not provide the name of an existing SSH key pair, you must retrieve the private key before connecting REGION=us-east-1 UNIQUE_STRING=myuniqstr YOUR_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY=${UNIQUE_STRING}-private-key.pem # Retrieve the key pair ID KEY_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-key-pairs --key-name ${UNIQUE_STRING}-keyPair --query KeyPairs[*].KeyPairId --output text --region ${REGION}) # Uses key Pair ID to retrieve the private key and save to a file for SSH client aws ssm get-parameter --name "/ec2/keypair/${KEY_ID}" --with-decryption --query Parameter.Value --output text --region ${REGION} > ${YOUR_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY} # Set the permissions on the private key file for SSH client chmod 400 ${YOUR_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY} # Key is now ready to use for SSH client ssh admin@${IP_ADDRESS_FROM_OUTPUT} -i ${YOUR_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY}
Password authentication:
at prompt, enter your bigIpInstanceId (see above to obtain from template "Outputs")
OR if you are going through a bastion host (when provisionPublicIP = false):
From your desktop client/shell, create an SSH tunnel:
ssh -i ${YOUR_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY} -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i ${YOUR_PRIVATE_SSH_KEY} -W %h:%p ec2-user@[BASTION-HOST-PUBLIC-IP]" admin@[BIG-IP-MGMT-PRIVATE-IP]
Replace the variables in brackets before submitting the command.
For example:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem -o ProxyCommand="ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem -W %h:%p ec2-user@" admin@
Obtain the URL address of the BIG-IP Management Port.
Console: Navigate to CloudFormation > STACK_NAME > Outputs > bigIpManagement01Url443 or bigIpManagement02Url443.
aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpManagement01Url443'].OutputValue" --output text aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='bigIpManagement02Url443'].OutputValue" --output text
OR when you are going through a bastion host (when provisionPublicIpMgmt = false):
From your desktop client/shell, create an SSH tunnel:
ssh -i [keyname-passed-to-template.pem] ec2-user@[BASTION-HOST-PUBLIC-IP] -L 8443:[BIG-IP-MGMT-PRIVATE-IP]:[BIGIP-GUI-PORT]
For example:
ssh -i ~/.ssh/mykey.pem ec2-user@ -L 8443:
You should now be able to open a browser to the BIG-IP UI from your desktop:
Open a browser to the Management URL.
- NOTE: By default, the BIG-IP system's WebUI starts with a self-signed cert. Follow your browser's instructions for accepting self-signed certs (for example, if using Chrome, click inside the page and type this "thisisunsafe". If using Firefox, click "Advanced" button, click "Accept Risk and Continue").
- To Login:
- username: admin
- password: password identified in bigIpSecretArn
If you deployed the example application (provisionExampleApp = true)
- Navigate to Virtual Services.
- From the drop-down menu Partition (upper right), select Partition =
. - Navigate to Local Traffic > Virtual Servers. You should see two Virtual Services (one for HTTP and one for HTTPS). This should show up as Green. Click on them to look at the configuration (declared in the AS3 declaration).
- From the drop-down menu Partition (upper right), select Partition =
- From TMSH shell, type 'bash' to enter the bash shell:
- Examine the Runtime-Init Config downloaded:
cat /config/cloud/runtime-init.conf
- Examine BIG-IP configuration via F5 Automation Toolchain declarations:
curl -u admin: http://localhost:8100/mgmt/shared/declarative-onboarding | jq .
- Examine the BIG-IP Cloud Failover Extension (CFE) declaration:
curl -su admin: http://localhost:8100/mgmt/shared/cloud-failover/declare | jq .
- If you deployed the example application (provisionExampleApp = true)
curl -u admin: http://localhost:8100/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare | jq .
If you deployed the example application (provisionExampleApp = true), to test the WAF service, perform the following steps:
- Obtain the address of the WAF service:
- Console: Navigate to CloudFormation > STACK_NAME > Outputs > vip1PublicUrl.
aws --region ${REGION} cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ${STACK_NAME} --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='vip1PublicUrl'].OutputValue" --output text
- Verify the application is responding:
- Paste the IP address in a browser:
- NOTE: By default, the Virtual Service starts with a self-signed cert. Follow your browsers instructions for accepting self-signed certs (for example, if using Chrome, click inside the page and type this "thisisunsafe". If using Firefox, click "Advanced" button, click "Accept Risk and Continue", etc.).
- Use curl:
curl -sko /dev/null -w '%{response_code}\n' https://${IP_ADDRESS_FROM_OUTPUT}
- Verify the WAF is configured to block illegal requests:
curl -sk -X DELETE https://${IP_ADDRESS_FROM_OUTPUT}
- The response should include a message that the request was blocked, and a reference support ID.
$ curl -sko /dev/null -w '%{response_code}\n' 200 $ curl -sk -X DELETE <html><head><title>Request Rejected</title></head><body>The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator.<br><br>Your support ID is: 2394594827598561347<br><br><a href='javascript:history.back();'>[Go Back]</a></body></html>
If you have deployed the example application(provisionExampleApp = true), to test failover, perform the following steps:
- Log on to the BIG-IPs per instructions above:
- WebUI: Go to Device Management of Active Instance -> Traffic-Groups -> Select box next to traffic-group-1 -> Click the "Force to Standby" button *.
tmsh run sys failover standby
Verify the EIP associated w/ the Virtual Service (vipPublicUrl) is remapped to the peer BIG-IP (ex. for this deployment, from in AZ1 to in AZ2).
For information on the Cloud Failover solution, see F5 Cloud Failover Extension.
As CloudFormation does not delete S3 buckets that contain data, in order to delete this deployment, you will first need to empty / delete the S3 bucket created for the Cloud Failover Extension (provided via cfeS3Bucket parameter or uniqueString-bigip-high-availability-solution if using the default value).
After the S3 Bucket is deleted, you can now delete the solution by deleting the CloudFormation stack.
Navigate to S3.
Select the radio button to select the bucket name provided with the cfeS3Bucket parameter.
Click Empty.
Reselect the bucket and click Delete.
aws s3 rb s3://${cfeS3Bucket} --force
For more information, see AWS's CLI s3 rm.
Navigate to CloudFormation > Stacks.
Select the radio button to highlight the Parent Template.
Click Delete.
At the confirm pop up "Deleting this stack will delete all stack resources. Resources will be deleted according to their DeletionPolicy. Learn more", click Delete Stack.
aws cloudformation delete-stack --region ${REGION} --stack-name ${STACK_NAME}
For more information, see Troubleshooting AWS CloudFormation.
There are generally two classes of issues:
- Stack creation itself failed
- Resource(s) within the stack failed to deploy
In the even that a template in the stack failed, click on the name of a failed stack and then click Events
. Check the Status Reason
column for the failed event for details about the cause.
When creating a GitHub issue for a template, please include as much information as possible from the failed CloudFormation stack events.
Common deployment failure causes include:
- Required fields were left empty or contained incorrect values (input type mismatch, prohibited characters, etc.) causing template validation failure
- Insufficient permissions to create the deployment or resources created by a deployment (IAM roles, etc.)
- Resource limitations (exceeded limit of IP addresses or compute resources, etc.)
- AWS service issues (service health can be checked from the AWS Service Health Dashboard
If all stacks were created "successfully" but maybe the BIG-IP or Service is not reachable, then log in to the BIG-IP instance via SSH to confirm BIG-IP deployment was successful (for example, if startup scripts completed as expected on the BIG-IP). To verify BIG-IP deployment, perform the following steps:
- Obtain the IP address of the BIG-IP instance. See instructions above
- Check startup-script to make sure was installed/interpolated correctly:
cat /opt/cloud/instance/user-data.txt
- Check the logs (in order of invocation):
- cloud-init Logs:
- /var/log/boot.log
- /var/log/cloud-init.log
- /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
- runtime-init Logs:
- /var/log/cloud/startup-script.log: This file contains events that happen prior to execution of f5-bigip-runtime-init. If the files required by the deployment fail to download, for example, you will see those events logged here.
- /var/log/cloud/bigIpRuntimeInit.log: This file contains events logged by the f5-bigip-runtime-init onboarding utility. If the configuration is invalid causing onboarding to fail, you will see those events logged here. If deployment is successful, you will see an event with the body "All operations completed successfully".
- Automation Tool Chain Logs:
- /var/log/restnoded/restnoded.log: This file contains events logged by the F5 Automation Toolchain components. If an Automation Toolchain declaration fails to deploy, you will see more details for those events logged here.
- cloud-init Logs:
- GENERAL LOG TIP: Search most critical error level errors first (for example, egrep -i err /var/log/).
If you are unable to login to the BIG-IP instance, you can navigate to EC2 > Instances, select the check box next to the instance you want to troubleshoot, and then click Actions > Monitor and Troubleshoot > Get System Log or Get Instance Screenshot for potential logging to serial console.
aws ec2 get-console-output --region ${REGION} --instance-id <ID>'
This CloudFormation template downloads helper code to configure the BIG-IP system:
- f5-bigip-runtime-init.gz.run: The self-extracting installer for the F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init RPM can be verified against a SHA256 checksum provided as a release asset on the F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init public GitHub repository, for example: https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-bigip-runtime-init/releases/download/1.3.2/f5-bigip-runtime-init-1.3.2-1.gz.run.sha256.
- F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init: The self-extracting installer script extracts, verifies, and installs the F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init RPM package. Package files are signed by F5 and automatically verified using GPG.
- F5 Automation Toolchain components: F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init downloads, installs, and configures the F5 Automation Toolchain components. Although it is optional, F5 recommends adding the extensionHash field to each extension install operation in the configuration file. The presence of this field triggers verification of the downloaded component package checksum against the provided value. The checksum values are published as release assets on each extension's public GitHub repository, for example: https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-appsvcs-extension/releases/download/v3.30.0/f5-appsvcs-3.30.0-5.noarch.rpm.sha256
The following configuration file will verify the Declarative Onboarding and Application Services extensions before configuring AS3 from a local file:
runtime_parameters: []
- extensionType: do
extensionVersion: 1.23.0
extensionHash: bfe88c7cf3fdb24adc4070590c27488e203351fc808d57ae6bbb79b615d66d27
- extensionType: as3
extensionVersion: 3.30.0
extensionHash: 47cc7bb6962caf356716e7596448336302d1d977715b6147a74a142dc43b391b
- extensionType: as3
type: url
value: file:///examples/declarations/as3.json
More information about F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init and additional examples can be found in the GitHub repository.
List of endpoints BIG-IP may contact during onboarding:
- BIG-IP image default:
- vector2.brightcloud.com (by BIG-IP image for IPI subscription validation )
- Solution / Onboarding:
- github.com (for downloading helper packages mentioned above)
- f5-cft.s3.amazonaws.com (downloading GPG Key and other helper configuration files)
- license.f5.com (licensing functions)
- Telemetry:
- www-google-analytics.l.google.com
- product-s.apis.f5.com.
- f5-prod-webdev-prod.apigee.net.
- global.azure-devices-provisioning.net.
- id-prod-global-endpoint.trafficmanager.net.
These templates have been tested and validated with the following versions of BIG-IP.
BIG-IP Version | Build Number |
17.1.1 | 0.2.6 | | 0.53.5 |
For more information on F5 solutions for AWS, including manual configuration procedures for some deployment scenarios, see the AWS section of Public Cloud Docs.
For information on getting started using F5's CloudFormation templates on GitHub, see Amazon Web Services: Solutions 101.
For information on the Cloud Failover solution, see F5 Cloud Failover Extension.
Due to the heavy customization requirements of external cloud resources and BIG-IP configurations in these solutions, F5 does not provide technical support for deploying, customizing, or troubleshooting the templates themselves. However, the various underlying products and components used (for example: F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition, F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init, F5 Automation Toolchain extensions, and Cloud Failover Extension (CFE)) in the solutions located here are F5-supported and capable of being deployed with other orchestration tools. Read more about Support Policies. Problems found with the templates deployed as-is should be reported via a GitHub issue.
For help with authoring and support for custom CST2 templates, we recommend engaging F5 Professional Services (PS).
Use the Issues link on the GitHub menu bar in this repository for items such as enhancement or feature requests and bugs found when deploying the example templates as-is. Tell us as much as you can about what you found and how you found it.