Releases: FABtotum/FABlin
Releases · FABtotum/FABlin
Maintenance revision 1.0.0097.1
- Min power level for laser fixed at
- Laser head blower is automatically turned on when laser is active
- Better diagnostic messages for laser head
Revision 1.0.0097
- Final laser support: moved dedicated commands from M6/7 to M60/1/2
- Broadened number of cases in which head misplacement is detected
- Workaround for false z-min endstop triggerings
Maintenance revision: 1.0.0096.1
Increased MAX TEMP value for different heads
Revision 1.0.0096
Mainly bugfixes and minor enhancements:
- Fixed G27/G28 behaviour near axis limits and silenced verbose error messages
- Fixed G29 hitting Y endstop
- Changed M503 and other diagnostic outputs
- Fixed out of bound errors caused by THERMISTOR_INPUT_HOTSWAP feature
Versioning Preparatory work
Updated base configurations (Jerks)
Introduced M763 SX Hardware batch numbering
Pre-release of the FABlin Fabtotum Firmware, V 1.0.008.
- [Feature] Heater,Milling Motor, Bed are disabled after 8 minutes of no physical (movement, heating) activity.
- [Feature] Fan Auto on if received M109 or M104. M106 can override speed and M107 can disable it as usual.
- [Porformance] Changed default Accelerations and Jerk to match FAB UI 0.875 defaults
- [Community contribution] Added support for Capacitive Probe /external Endstop with G38 (Code by Imarin)
- [Community contribution] Added support for impossible endstops combinations. (Code by Imarin)
- [FIX] changes on Safety lockdown & other nasty safety messages.
- [Ambient] changed fading speeds
You can download the master and compile your Marlin.cpp.hex with Arduino IDE as usual and use the Recovery menu to flash the file after uploading it in /var/www/build.