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File metadata and controls

53 lines (41 loc) · 2.28 KB

What we have learnt

Heroku database

To set up a database in Heroku

  • Get Heroku account (if you don't have one)
  • Download and install Heroku CLI (info on how to do this here: Heroku CLI docs)
  • Login to Heroku on the command line using heroku login and type in the email and password you use for Heroku
  • Create new app using heroku create <app-name>
  • Create database using heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
  • After running this, Heroku will create a DATABASE_URL variable, which you can find in your Heroku app settings under 'Config Variables'
  • Create a config.env file in your local repo using the Heroku DATABASE_URL (make sure that this is in your .gitignore file, because you don't want to push it to GitHub)
  • Make sure that your db_connection.js files references this correctly (i.e. const params = url.parse(process.env.DATABASE_URL);, not DB_URL)
  • Run node database/db_build.js to create your database locally (or whatever command you use to create your database)
  • Connect directly to Heroku database using heroku pg:psql
  • To see if your tables are there, run \dt

Testing your databases

  • You will have to make a config-test.env file
  • (add it to your git-ignore)
  • It should contain a dburl to your local database
  • In your db_connection.js amend your file with the following:
    if(process.env.ENV === 'test'){
    } else{
  • Inside your package.json, add a script called "test-database":"ENV=test node database/db_build.js"
  • Create a database called test_database in your psql
  • Your db_url will look like ```[name]:localhost:[port]/[name of database]

hapi 404

If a file isn't found by the directory handler, it will respond with a 404 error by default.

What you can do is intercept this with an onPreReponse handler, which checks if the response is an error response (a Boom object), and if so respond however you wish.

server.ext('onPreResponse', function (request, reply) {

    if (request.response.isBoom) {
        // Inspect the response here, perhaps see if it's a 404?
        return reply.redirect('/');

    return reply.continue();