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GPGnet Protocol


The GPGnet protocol is used to instruct the Forged Alliance.exe binary with information about what lobby to open, which players to connect, game options, game results and potentially much more.

GPGnet is used across the apps from game to lobby server:

[FA.exe] <--> [faf-pioneer] <--> [faf-client] <--> [faf-lobby-server]

The correct order of sending is crucial in order to get players into a lobby and connected to each other.

But the GPGnet protocol can also be extended by SIM mods in the game since the message are sent in Lua code. However: A running game can never receive or process GPGnet messages, once start, it is sending only.

Binary representation

The game sends and receives GPGnet messages in a custom representation. The encoding is always Little Endian (but affects only uint32 fragments).

Here is the specification in Backus-Naur-Form:

<message>              ::= <command> <size> <chunks>
<command>              ::= <string>
<size>                 ::= uint32
<string>               ::= <size> []byte
<chunks>               ::= <chunk> | <chunk> <chunks>
<chunk>                ::= <type_int> uint32 | <type_string> <string> | <type_followup_string> <string>
<type_int>             ::= byte = 0x00
<type_string>          ::= byte = 0x01
<type_followup_string> ::= byte = 0x02

Known messages types

command sent by args index type content
GameState game 1 0 str state: [Idle,Lobby, ???]
CreateLobby client 5 0 int lobby init mode 0 = Normal / Custom 1 = Auto
1 int lobby port
2 str local player name
3 int local player id
4 int unknown
HostGame client 1 0 str map name
JoinGame client 3 0 str net address
1 str remote player name
2 int remote player id
ConnectToPeer client 3 0 str net address
1 str remote player name
2 int remote player id
DisconnectFromPeer client 1 0 int remote player id
GameOptions both? ? ? ? ?
GameEndedMessage game 0

Message flow for opening a lobby
