This section describes the specific South-port API implemented by this IoT Agent. For the Configuration API and other APIs concerning general IoTAgents, check the API Reference section;
ISOXML is a standard for electronics communications protocol for agricultural equipment. It fully defined in ISO 11783
The payload for information update requests consists of a well defined TASKFILE.XML
message - an XML format defined
with the following XML schema
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<FRM A="FRM3" B="Animal Farm" C="Street2" D="PO Box2" E="PostalCode2" F="City2" G="State2" H="Country2" I="CTR2"/>
<CTR A="CTR2" B="Napoleon the Pig" />
<TSK A="TSK11" B="mass-based product allocation">
<PAN A="PDT2" B="004B" C="20000" D="1" E="DET3" F="VPN1">
<ASP A="2019-11-12T08:00:00" D="4"/>
<PGP A="PGP1" B="Herbicides"/>
<PDT A="PDT1" B="agent 1" C="PGP1"/>
<PGP A="PGP2" B="Potato" C="2" />
<PDT A="PDT2" B="Asterix" C="PGP2"/>
<VPN A="VPN1" B="0.001" C="1.0" D="0" E="kg"/>
In this example, the message holds multiple entities within a single message. For example it holds a Farm <FRM>
, a
Customer <CTR>
, a task <TSK>
, two Product Groups <PGP>
, two Products <PDT>
and a Value
In English, the message is an "Action Effected" <ASP ... D="4"/>
request from a worker who has done the following:
On the 12th November, Herbicide Agent 1 was sprayed onto the Asterix Potatoes for the customer Napoleon the Pig of Animal Farm
Each XML element directly beneath <ISO11783_TaskData>
can be translated directly into an NGSI entity. The attributes
, B
, C
etc.) correspond to entity attributes. Sub elements (such as the Product Allocation <PAN>
at a
specific Timestamp <ASP>
) can be translated into complex entity attributes of type=StructuredValue
. `
The ISOXML will generate eight separate NGSI entities, one for each one of the XML elements found directly below
. Each one of those requests can contain any number of attributes or complex sub-attributes.
Commands are messages sent to the MICS from the IoT Agent. A command has the same syntax as a measure received.
Typically a planned task will hold a <ASP ... D="1"/>
element with a future timestamp.
<TSK A=”TSK11” B=”filling example” D=”FRM1” E=”PFD1” G=”1” H=”1” F=”WKR1”>
<PAN A=”PDT250” B=”0048” C=”50000” D=”1” E=”DET3” F=”VPN1”>
<ASP A=”2020-02-05T13:00:00” D=”1”/>
This indicates that the device DET3
, lying in field PFD1
is to be filled with product PDT250
by worker WKR1
the 5th February
Additional XML elements such comments may also be sent.
To initiate commands as a downlink to the MICS, a service must be registered into the IoT Agent for each message type:
curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:4041/iot/services' \
-H 'fiware-service: <fiware-service>' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: <fiware-servicepath>' \
--data-raw '{
"services": [
"apikey": "tsk",
"cbroker": "http://orion:1026",
"entity_type": "Activity",
"resource": "/iot/isoxml",
"commands": [
"name": "send",
"type": "command"
Setting up a send
command enables a use to send a specific task to the MICS, additional entities can be supplied in
the payload:
curl -L -X POST 'http://localhost:4041/v2/op/update' \
-H 'fiware-service: openiot' \
-H 'fiware-servicepath: /' \
--data-raw '{
"actionType": "update",
"entities": [
"type": "Activity",
"id": "urn:ngsi-ld:Activity:TSK3",
"send" : {
"type": "command",
"value": {
"entities": ["urn:ngsi-ld:Person:WKR1"]
The project is managed using npm.
For a list of available task, type
npm run
The following sections show the available options in detail.
Mocha Test Runner + Should.js Assertion Library.
The test environment is preconfigured to run BDD testing style.
Module mocking during testing can be done with proxyquire
To run tests, type
docker run -d -p 27017:27017 mongo:4.2
npm test
Uses the provided .eslintrc.json
flag file. To check source code style, type
npm run lint
If you want to continuously check also source code style, use instead:
npm run watch
Analizes the code coverage of your tests.
To generate an HTML coverage report under site/coverage/
and to print out a summary, type
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run test:coverage
To check consistency of the Markdown markup, type
npm run lint:md
Uses the provided .textlintrc
flag file. To check for spelling and grammar errors, dead links and keyword consistency,
npm run lint:text
Removes node_modules
and coverage
folders, and package-lock.json
file so that a fresh copy of the project is
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run clean
Runs the prettier code formatter to ensure consistent code style (whitespacing, parameter placement and breakup of long lines etc.) within the codebase.
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run prettier
To ensure consistent Markdown formatting run the following:
# Use git-bash on Windows
npm run prettier:text