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308 lines (251 loc) · 31.8 KB


Last update: 2024/11/13

8-BIT targets with known working existing emulators

target name long target name working CPU family dev-kit real-time input graphics sound notes
abc80 Luxor ABC 80 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
abc800 Luxor ABC 800 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
ace Jupiter Ace YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
alphatro Alphatronic YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A missing
altair8800 MITS Altair 8800 YES Intel 8080 Z88DK N/A N/A N/A
apple2 Apple II YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
apple2enh Apple //e YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
aquarius Mattel Aquarius YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A OK
atari5200 Atari 5200 YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
atari7800 Atari 7800 YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
atari Atari 8-bit (e.g., Atari 800) YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
atari_lynx Atari Lynx YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
attache Otrona Attache YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing
aussie Aussie Byte (Knight 2000) YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing OK
bbc BBC Micro YES MOS 6502 VBCC OK OK OK
bbcmaster BBC Master YES MOS 6502 VBCC OK OK OK
bic BIC/A5105 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? ?
bit90 Bit Corporation BIT 90 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing PSG SN76489A
bondwell Bondwell YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? ?
bondwell2 Bondwell 2 YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? ?
c128_8502 Commodore 128 [8502 CPU] YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK missing OK
c128_z80 Commodore 128 [Z80 CPU] YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
c16 Commodore 264 series (16/116/+4) YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
c64 Commodore 64 YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
cbm510 Commodore CBM 510 YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK missing missing
cbm610 Commodore CBM 610 YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK missing missing
camputers_lynx Camputers Lynx 48k/96k/128k YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing
cidelsa_altair Cidelsa Altair arcade board YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK missing OK
cidelsa_destroyer Cidelsa Destroyer arcade board YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK missing OK
cidelsa_draco Cidelsa Draco arcade board YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK missing OK
coco Color Computer 1/2 YES Motorola 6809 CMOC OK OK OK
coco 3 Color Computer 3 YES Motorola 6809 CMOC OK OK OK
coleco Colecovision YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing PSG SN76489A
coleco_adam Colecovision Adam YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing PSG SN76489A
comx COMX-35 YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK OK OK
corvette Corvette YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK? OK? missing
cpc Amstrad CPC YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
cpm_8080 CP/M Intel 8080 YES Intel 8080 Z88DK OK N/A N/A
cpm_z80 CP/M Z80 with adm3a/vt52/vt100 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A
creativision VTech Creativision YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
cx16 Commander CX 16 YES MOS 6502 CC65 missing missing missing
dai DAI YES Intel 8080 Z88DK missing N/A ? N/A ?
dmv Decision Mate V YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? ?
dragon Dragon 32/64 YES Motorola 6809 CMOC OK OK OK
eg2k EACA EG2000 Color Genie YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK ?
einstein Tatung Einstein YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? OK ? PSG AY-3-8910
enterprise Enterprise 64/128 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing
excalibur64 Excalibur64 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? N/A ?
fp1100 Casio FP-1100 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing N/A ?
g800 Sharp PC-G800 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing N/A ?
gal Galaksija YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A
gal_plus Galaksija Plus YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? N/A
gamate Gamate YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
gamegear Game Gear YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK ? PSG SN76489 Mednafen OK
gb Game Boy YES GBZ80 Z88DK OK OK OK grey levels
gemini Gemini YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? ?
gx4000 Amstrad GX-4000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
hector 1 Hector 1 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
hector HR2+ Hector HR2+ YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing
hector HRX Hector HRX YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing
hemc Huebler/Evert-MC YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
hgmc Huebler-Grafik-MC YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing N/A ?
homelab Homelab 4 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
homelab2 Homelab 2 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
kaypro83 Kaypro 83 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
kaypro Kaypro 2X YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? N/A ?
kc Robotron KC-85/2/3/4 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A ?
kc85 Kyocera 85 YES Intel 8085 Z88DK OK missing missing
kramermc Kramer-MC YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
krokha Krokha YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? ?
lambda Lambda 8300 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
laser500 Laser 500 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
lm80c LM80C YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK? OK missing
m10 Olivetti M10 YES Intel 8085 Z88DK OK missing missing
m100 TRS-80 M100 YES Intel 8085 Z88DK OK missing missing
m5 Sord M5 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK ?
mbc200 Sanyo MBC 200 YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
micro8085 Micro 8085 YES? Intel 8085 Z88DK N/A? N/A? N/A?
mega65 Mega 65 / Commodore 65 ? MOS 6502 VBCC missing missing missing
mc10 TRS-80 MC-10 / Alice Matra 4k YES Motorola 6803 CC6303 OK missing OK
mc1000 CCE MC-1000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
microboard Microboard Computer Development System YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK OK OK
microbee Microobee YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
mikro80 Mikro 80 YES Intel 8080 Z88DK OK N/A N/A
mo5 Thomson Mo series / Olivetti Prodest PC 128 YES Motorola 6809 CMOC OK OK OK
msx MSX 1/MSX 2/2+/Turbo YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
mtx Memotech MTX 512 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK ?
mtx500 Memotech MTX 500 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK ?
multi8 Mitsubishi Multi 8 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
myvision Nichibutsu My Vision YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
mz Sharp MZ 80/700 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A OK
mz2500 Sharp MZ 2500 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
nabu Nabu PC YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK? OK? missing
nascom Nascom YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A missing
nc100 Amstrad NC-100/150 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A ?
nc200 Amstrad NC-200 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A ?
nes Nintendo Enterteinment System YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK missing
newbrain Grundy Newbrain YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing
ondra Tesla Ondra Vili YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? missing
oric Tangerine Oric 1/Atmos YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
osborne1 Osborne 1 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? N/A ?
osca OSCA v6z80p YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
osic1p Ohio Scientific Challenger 1P YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK N/A ? N/A ?
oz Sharp OZ-700 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK N/A ? N/A ? N/A ?
p2000 Philips P2000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A OK
pacman Pacman Namco arcade board NO Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing
pasaopia7 Toshiba Pasopia 7 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing PSG SN76489
pc6001 NEC PC 6001 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
pc8201 NEC PC 8201 YES Intel 8085 Z88DK OK missing missing
pc88 NEC PC 8801 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? missing
pce PCEngine YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
pcw Amstrad PCW ? Zilog 80 Z88DK ? missing missing
pecom Pecom 32/64 YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK OK OK
pencil2 Hanimex Pencil II YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? missing PSG SN76489
pet Commodore Pet YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK N/A OK
pmd85 PMD85 YES Intel 8080 Z88DK OK OK ? missing
pps Peters Plus Sprinter YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? missing
primo Microkey Primo YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? OK ?
pv1000 Casio PV1000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
pv2000 Casio PV2000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing PSG SN76489
px4 Epson PX-4/HC-40 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A ?
px8 Epson PX-8/HC-80 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A ?
qc10 Epson QX-10/QC-10 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? N/A ?
radio86 Radio 86 YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK? missing
rc700 Regnecentralen RC700 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? N/A ?
rx78 Bandai RX-78 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK missing PSG SN76489
samcoupe Sam Coupe YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
sc3000 Sega SC 3000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
sg1000 Sega SG 1000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
smc777 Sony SMC-70 / SMC-777 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing PSG SN76489
sms Sega Master System YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK? PSG SN76489 Mednafen OK
sol20 Sol 20 YES? Intel 8085 Z88DK OK? missing missing
sos S-OS YES Zilog 80 Z88DK N/A N/A N/A
spc1000 Samsung SPC 1000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
special Specialist YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A ? N/A ?
spectrum Sinclair Spectrum 16k/48k/128k YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
srr Exidy Sorcerer YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
super80 Dick Smith Super 80/80d/80e/80m YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A OK
super80r Dick Smith Super 80r/80v YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? OK
supervision Watara Supervision YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
sv8000 Bandai Supervision 8000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing OK ? 4k rom limit
svi Spectravideo 318/328 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
T200 TRS-80 T200 YES Intel 8085 Z88DK OK missing missing
telestrat Oric Telestrat YES MOS 6502 CC65 missing missing missing
tmc600 Telmac TMC-600 YES RCA 1802 LCC1802 OK N/A OK
ti82 Texas Instruments TI 82 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
ti83 Texas Instruments TI 83 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
ti8x Texas Instruments TI 83 Plus YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
ti85 Texas Instruments TI 85 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
ti86 Texas Instruments TI 86 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
tiki100 TIKI 100 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
tim 011 Tim 011 YES? Zilog 180 Z88DK OK? OK? missing
to7 Thomson To series YES Motorola 6809 CMOC OK OK OK
trs80 TRS-80 Model I/III/IV YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A OK
ts2068 Timex TS 2068 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
tvc Videoton TV Computer YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing
vector06c Вектор-06Ц Vector06c YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing missing
vg5k VG-5000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
gl4000 VTech Genius Leader 4000 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing
gl6000sl VTech Genius Leader 6000sl YES Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing
v1050 V1050 YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK? OK missing
vic20 Commodore Vic 20 YES MOS 6502 CC65 OK OK OK
vz200 VTech VZ200 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing OK
x1 Sharp X1 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? OK mode 0 has udg
x820 Xerox 820 YES? Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? OK
z1013 Robotron Z1013 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK N/A N/A ?
z80tvgame ZX80 TV Game YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? missing
z88 Cambridge Z88 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK OK
z9001 Robotron Z9001, KC 85/1, KC 87 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK ? missing
zx80 Sinclair ZX80 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK ? missing N/A
zx81 Sinclair ZX81 YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK OK N/A
zxn ZX Spectrum Next YES Zilog 80 Z88DK OK missing OK

TOTAL : 169

OK : 166

KO : 1


Statistics on 8-bit targets with known existing emulators

Dev-kit no. 8-bit targets
Z88DK 130
CC65 22
LCC1802 7
CC6303 1

CPU family no. 8-bit targets
Zilog 80 118
MOS 6502 24
Intel 8080 12
RCA 1802 7
Motorola 6803 1
Motorola 6809 5
GBZ80 1

8-BIT vintage targets with no known working emulators

target name long target name working CPU family dev-kit real-time input hires graphics sound notes
rex Xircom Rex 6000 ? Zilog 80 Z88DK missing missing missing

8-BIT "new-retro" targets with no known emulators

target name long target name working real-time input hires graphics sound notes
hbios HBIOS generic target ? missing missing missing
scz180 SC126 and SC130 boards ? missing missing missing
rc2014 RC 2014 board ? missing missing missing
rcmx00 Rabbit Control Module ? missing missing missing
yaz180 YAZ 180 board ? missing missing missing

16-BIT targets

target name long target name working real-time input hires graphics sound notes
amiga Commodore Amiga YES missing missing missing
atari_st Atari ST YES missing missing missing
olivetti_m20 Olivetti M20 YES missing missing missing
pc8086 PC 8088/86 YES missing missing missing
pdp11v7 PDP 11 V7 ? missing missing missing
sinclair_ql Sinclair QL YES missing missing missing
ti99 Texas Instruments TI99/4A YES OK OK OK

OK : 5


32-BIT targets

target name long target name working real-time input hires graphics sound notes
linux386 ELF linux for Intel 386 YES missing missing missing
linux68k ELF linux for Motorola 68020 YES missing missing missing
linuxppc ELF linux for PPC YES missing missing missing
linuxmips ELF linux for little endian MIPS32r2 ? missing missing missing

OK : 3


32-BIT and 64-BIT targets on modern systems

target name long target name working real-time input hires graphics sound notes
gcc Native Console version (with or without ncurses) YES missing missing missing
emcc Emscripten (WebAssembly version) YES missing missing missing input

OK : 2


TOTAL : 188

OK : 176

KO : 3