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Kubernetes workshop with Fairwinds

Assembly Required Workshop Walkthrough

  1. Create namespace
  2. Deploy redis:
    • kubectl apply -f 01_redis/
    • kubectl get deployments
    • kubectl get pods
    • kubectl describe pod <redis primary>
    • kubectl logs <redis primary>
    • kubectl get services
  3. Deploy the basic webapp
    • Edit 02_webapp/app.deployment.yml and set a value for SECRET1 and DEPENDENCY_URL.
    • Edit 02_webapp/app.service.yml and select a port mapping.
    • kubectl apply -f 02_webapp/
    • kubectl get services
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/asdf/1234
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/asdf
  4. Improve the configuration
    • Edit 03_configsandsecrets/app.configmap.yml and set app.dependency.url to your DEPENDENCY_URL from above.
    • Edit 03_configsandsecrets/app.secret.yml and set val1 to your base64-encoded SECRET1 from above
    • Edit 03_configsandsecrets/app.deployment.yml and set key names to match
    • kubectl apply -f 03_configsandsecrets/
  5. Health and readiness
    • Edit 04_probes/app.deployment.yml and set reasonable values for livenessProbe and readinessProbe
    • kubectl apply -f 04_probes/
  6. Scaling
    • Apply some load ab -n 30000 -c 100 http://[external_ip]:[port]/
    • Edit 05_scaling/app.deployment.yml and set the CPU to to 200m and the memory to 300Mi
    • Edit 05_scaling/*.horizontal_pod_autoscaler.yml and set targetCPUUtilizationPercentage and maxReplicas
    • kubectl apply -f 05_scaling/
    • Install ab: sudo apt-get install apache2-utils --yes
    • Apply some load ab -n 30000 -c 100 http://[external_ip]:[port]/
  7. Network policy
    • kubectl apply -f 06_networkpolicy/default.networkpolicy.yml
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/
    • Delete webapp pods
    • Edit 06_networkpolicy/app.networkpolicy.yml and set the CIDR and label fields
    • kubectl apply -f 06_networkpolicy/app.networkpolicy.yml
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/asdf
    • Edit 06_networkpolicy/redis.networkpolicy.yml and set the label fields
    • kubectl apply -f 06_networkpolicy/redis.networkpolicy.yml
    • curl [external_ip]:[port]/asdf