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Releases: FalconChristmas/fpp


26 Aug 11:25
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NOTE: The OS level has changed. There are a few fixes that require the fppos update method or new image.


  • New "Check Pixel Count" command to compare counted pixels against configured pixels and issue warnings on miss-match. (Requires a cape with current monitoring/pixel counting)
  • Several new API's available to plugins around HTTP connections, Timers, Command addition/removal, etc...

Bug Fixes

  • NTP service restart on network connection to hopefully resolve network time quicker (Requires OS level update)
  • Fix problems with "Other" output tab if commandPresets file is empty or missing
  • Create a proper link for SSH shell if running through a proxy
  • Retain Kiosk setup on first boot after fppos upgrade (will take a long time to re-install Kiosk components)
  • Longer timeout on wifi scans to allow finding networks in crowded environments
  • Bugs/issues with autoscroll of playlist on status page
  • Re-Apply BBB led lights settings and gpio fan settings on fppos upgrade
  • Use 32bit kernel on Raspberry Pi 4 - fixes issues with external Wifi drivers (Requires OS level update)

Installation Instructions

If you have a system running 7.0, you can go to the FPP about page (about.php) and click on the "Manual Update" button. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Click on that to start the update process. It may take a long time to upgrade. Likely 5-10 minutes. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process.

For users of FPP 6.x or older, it is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 5.x/6.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this requires you to have FPP 5.5 and all the updates for 5.5 or FPP 6.3 already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 7.1. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image



26 Jul 17:38
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FPP 7.0


  • New "OUTPUTS_ENABLED" and "OUTPUTS_DISABLED" Command preset triggers that are fired when Outputs are enabled/disabled
  • FPP remotes can play a "fallback.fseq" file if the main fseq is missing
  • FSEQ files can now contain special "Effects" and "Command Preset" timing tracks that can trigger based on timing marks instead of custom On effects on control channels.
  • Backups
    • Changing settings will now automatically trigger a configuration backup
    • Backups can be configured to save to an external device (USB) or other FPP host
    • Restoring backups from remote FPP hosts is now fully enabled
  • UI Enhancements
    • Playlist "breadcrumbs" displayed for nested/inserted playlists
    • Media files can be played directly from the Playlist drop down on the status page
    • MultiSync page now handles a mixed setup of hostnames and IP address better (CORS issues)
    • MultiSync page will now use the configured background colors of the FPP remotes
    • "Send MultiSync Packets" checkbox made more prominent on MultiSync page
    • Proxies page can now have a description for each entry
    • Popup dialogs are now used for more places where content is streamed from the device such as the expand storage, flash to eMMC/USB, cape eeprom upgrade, etc....
    • File sizes for files larger than 2G will now display
    • REST API Help and FPP Command Help now separated onto separate pages (page was too long to be useful)
    • Ability to "Add" and provision network interfaces that don't yet exist. Should allow provisioning of wlan0 adapters when only eth0 are available at first boot
    • Storage tab can unmount unused storage devices (use with caution)
    • Add "Top" button to page to scroll back to top when scrolling down longer pages
    • Playlists will automatically scroll the currently playing entry into view
  • New features for Capes/Hats
    • Upgrade/installing eeproms should now be easier from the Cape Info pages. Selection based on vendor/model/version is available
    • DPIPixel based capes now support Pi 4's as well as 4 channel pixels
    • PiHats now support four channel pixel types
    • Per output/string testing functionality added to string based capes on the string configuration page
    • Support for eFuses/relays - capes can now specify pins to enable ports and get notification of Fuse triggers
    • Current monitors- For capes that provide current monitoring per port, there is a new Current Monitor status page. "Pixel Counting" is available on that page.
    • OLED display can display WIFI QR code when put into Access Point mode
    • Support for ADS7828 A2D sensors
    • Support for using IIO for A2D sensors
  • New features for Raspberry Pi
    • On a Pi4 - the storage tab in settings now allows for flashing FPP to USB and booting from USB. Very useful for USB3 attached SATA drives. Note: heat is an issues with USB attached storage. The Pi4 NEEDS good heat syncs and fans to stay cool when using USB attached storage.
    • Kiosk mode - external links are now disables/hidden when running in Kiosk mode to prevent going to sites and not being able to return (no "back" button)
    • System setting to enable PWM fan control on GPIO14
    • Better support for various HDMI touch screens made for the Pi (1024x600 setting available)
  • New features in Channel Outputs
    • Twinkly outputs will now revalidate tokens and restart within a couple minutes if the Twinkly device power cycles.
    • "Control Channel" functionality has been moved to a dedicated Channel Output on the "Other" tab. Multiple control channels can be configured.
    • New uDMX channel output driver for uDMX based USB->DMX adapters
  • New Features in Overlay Models
    • WLED effects have been updated to the latest WLED
    • Sound reactive WLED effects are available (reacts to the sound played from that FPP instance)
  • New C++ API's for PluginDevelopers
    • New "CurlManager" for handling asynchronous HTTP calls
    • New "Timers" for handling periodic tasks
    • New "Events" API for getting additional events (same events sent to MQTT)

Major Changes/Incompatibilities

  • Persistent network names for USB ethernet devices will now flip to the Linux persistent naming convention (en#######) instead of eth0/eth1. Devices may need reconfiguring.
  • The Web frontend has been upgraded from Bootstrap 4.4 to Bootstrap 5. (Bootstrap is a library uses for UI widgets/layouts) Some FPP plugins may not work properly until they are updated. Please report any issues to the plugin developers.
  • Removal of deprecated API's - the old "Rest like APIs" from the FPP 1.x days that were part of fppjson.php and fppxml.php have been removed. Users will need to migrate to the proper REST API's in "/api".
  • Removal of Linsn Panel driver - this actually has been broken for a while, but no one reported it so is likely not used.
  • Upload of files with special characters will not strip the special characters. Filenames should remain correct.

Other updates/changes

  • PHP processing was split from the Apache HTTPD service. Due to this change, older versions of xLights cannot upload files to FPP7.

Upgrade Instructions

It is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 6.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this is new and requires you to have the latest FPP 5.5 or newer and all updates already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 7.0. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image


Additional features not part of the Pi/BBB Images

  • FPP can now run natively on MacOS. It's not a simple image and must be "installed" from source. More details will come later, but you would need to download the file and run it to get all the pieces working.
  • FPP can now be installed on pretty much any Armbian based Single Board Computer. Devices like Orange Pi's, Banana Pi's, Nano Pi's Libre SBC's, etc... can now run FPP. Unfortunately, every single Armbian distribution is tied directly to the device it is designed for so we cannot provide images for all of them. There would be 10's or 100's of them which would be too time consuming. However, installing FPP is not hard. See the README.Armbian:
  • FPP can now be installed on other Linux distributions such as Ubuntu 22.10 and Linux Mint that use PHP 8 instead of PHP 7.4


25 Jun 23:44
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7.0-beta1 Pre-release

This is a PRE-RELEASE build of FPP 7.0 provided for testing purposes. There are a lot of very significant changes that need additional testing before being able to be released as FPP 7.0

In particular, it is asked that users thoroughly test the following areas:

  • General UI/Frontend
    • the PHP processing for the frontend has been split from the Apache2 HTTP processing and is now run via php-fpm. This has definitely caused issues with large file uploads, xLights/FPP Connect/etc... More testing would be appreciated. (It does require xLights 2023.05 or newer)
    • the UI framework was upgraded from Bootstrap 4.6 to Bootstrap 5.3. This is a major release of the framework that is not backwords compatible and may have introduced new bugs. Modal dialogs and tooltips are definitely areas that were difficult to upgrade. Please test.
  • WLED effects - the WLED effects built into FPP have been upgraded to the latest WLED/Sound Reactive code. Any command presets using WLED effects will likely need to be recreated as the new code provides more/different options. Sound reactive is enabled in "Player" mode and will react to music being played.
  • FPP Command Presets/Effects triggered from xLights timing tracks embedded in FSEQ files. With newer versions of xLights, special "FPP" timing tracks can be created to trigger effects and command presets by name (instead of control channels).
  • Control channels are now a Channel Output configured on the Output "Other" tab. Multiple control channels can be configured.
  • Persistent network names - particularly on the Pi3 and USB network devices, when creating persistent network names, we now flip to using the Linux standard network names instead of the eth0/eth1/etc... This should work more reliably.
  • Special characters for media/sequences - a bunch of work was put into supporting more special characters for media and sequences. More testing would be appreciated to see if other characters or places in the UI need to be updated/fixed.
  • Added support for uDMX USB adapters
  • Auto-backup of settings when settings are changed. Bunch of other updates to the Backup functionality including configurable backup locations, sync backups across devices, etc...
  • Ability to "Add" and provision network interfaces that don't yet exist. Should allow provisioning of wlan0 adapters when only eth0 are available at first boot.
  • Several updates/changes to multisync page to workaround CORS issues with monitoring remove Falcon/Genius controllers
  • Allow all media types to be played from status page

Hardware Support:

  • For Raspberry Pi 4, there is now an option to flash to USB3 storage devices such as SATA and NVME drives. The SD card is then removable and the entire system can run from the faster storage.
  • For capes with current monitors/eFuses (K8-PB), there is a new Current Monitor status page. Experimental "Pixel Counting" is available on that page.
  • Upgrade/installing eeproms should now be easier from the Cape Info pages. Selection based on vendor/model/version is available.
  • DPIPixel based capes now support Pi 4's as well as 4 channel pixels
  • Older rpi-ws281x pixel outputs for Pi's support 4 channel pixels
  • Per output/string testing functionality added to string based capes. (BBB48String, BBShiftString, DPIPixels, RPI Pixels)


  • The Linsn receiver card support has been removed. It hasn't worked for a while an no-one has stepped up to fix it.


09 Apr 15:08
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7.0-alpha1 Pre-release

This is a PRE-RELEASE build of FPP 7.0 provided for testing purposes. There are a lot of very significant changes that need additional testing before being able to be released as FPP 7.0

In particular, it is asked that users thoroughly test the following areas:

  • General UI/Frontend - the PHP processing for the frontend has been split from the Apache2 HTTP processing and is now run via php-fpm. This has definitely caused issues with large file uploads, xLights/FPP Connect/etc... More testing would be appreciated. (It does require xLights 2023.05 or newer)
  • WLED effects - the WLED effects built into FPP have been upgraded to the latest WLED/Sound Reactive code. Any command presets using WLED effects will likely need to be recreated as the new code provides more/different options. Sound reactive is enabled in "Player" mode and will react to music being played.
  • FPP Command Presets/Effects triggered from xLights timing tracks embedded in FSEQ files. With newer versions of xLights, special "FPP" timing tracks can be created to trigger effects and command presets by name (instead of control channels).
  • Control channels are now a Channel Output configured on the Output "Other" tab. Multiple control channels can be configured.
  • Persistent network names - particularly on the Pi3 and USB network devices, when creating persistent network names, we now flip to using the Linux standard network names instead of the eth0/eth1/etc... This should work more reliably.
  • Special characters for media/sequences - a bunch of work was put into supporting more special characters for media and sequences. More testing would be appreciated to see if other characters or places in the UI need to be updated/fixed.
  • Added support for uDMX USB adapters
  • Auto-backup of settings when settings are changed. Bunch of other updates to the Backup functionality including configurable backup locations, sync backups across devices, etc...
  • Ability to "Add" and provision network interfaces that don't yet exist. Should allow provisioning of wlan0 adapters when only eth0 are available at first boot.
  • Several updates/changes to multisync page to workaround CORS issues with monitoring remove Falcon/Genius controllers
  • Allow all media types to be played from status page

Cape Support:

  • For capes with current monitors/eFuses (K8-PB), there is a new Current Monitor status page. Experimental "Pixel Counting" is available on that page.
  • Upgrade/installing eeproms should now be easier from the Cape Info pages. Selection based on vendor/model/version is available.
  • DPIPixel based capes now support Pi 4's as well as 4 channel pixels
  • Older rpi-ws281x pixel outputs for Pi's support 4 channel pixels
  • Per output/string testing functionality added to string based capes. (BBB48String, BBShiftString, DPIPixels, RPI Pixels)


  • The Linsn receiver card support has been removed. It hasn't worked for a while an no-one has stepped up to fix it.


20 Dec 15:48
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NOTE: The OS level has not changed since 6.2 and is still at 2022.11


  • Many updates to support Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04 on more devices
  • Initial support for Ubuntu 22.10
  • Initial support for PHP 8.1
  • Support for Proxy configurations on macOS
  • Add color support to favicon on browser tabs
  • VirtualMatrix - support 32bpp framebuffers on devices that don't support 24bit
  • Support DRM API's for VirtualMatrix
  • Add an advanced mode setting to allow extra arguments to be passed to VLC. May be required to play videos on some hardware.
  • Add "Reset" menu to OLED navigation to reset various FPP configuration files

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes several issues with Branch playlist entry type
  • Kiosk mode: Cleanup chromium files on boot
  • Fix display of "0" on panel test pattern
  • Fix compiling of fpp on devices with high CPU cores, but low memory
  • Fix crash when inserting a playlist that doesn't exist
  • Add warnings to UI for empty playlists
  • Increase audio buffer sizes to reduce crackling with streaming audio
  • Fix crash when starting a new playlist from within a playlist

Installation Instructions

If you have a system running 6.x, you can go to the FPP about page (about.php) and click on the "Manual Update" button. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Click on that to start the update process. It may take a long time to upgrade. Likely 5-10 minutes. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process.

For users of FPP 5.x or older, it is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 5.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this requires you to have FPP 5.5 and all the updates for 5.5 already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 6.2. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image



04 Nov 16:45
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  • New FPP Commands:
    • Command to run multiple presets one after another
    • Command to run a preset sometime in the future
    • Command to Insert a single random item from a given playlist
  • Remove about 300MB of unused files from BBB image to reduce size
  • Updates to to install on Ubuntu 22.04, some Armbian "Jammy" builds
  • Start adding detection of Genius Controllers

Bug Fixes

  • Add exim/mail to image (requires OS update)
  • Fix bugs in BBBSerial trying to find pin out configuration when uploaded from xLights
  • Fix some hostname validation issues with some characters that are now allowed in hostnames
  • Fix "Ping" button with hostnames that have certain characters (like dashes)
  • Fix Kiosk install script
  • Fix persistent net names on Pi3
  • Fix hostapd config on latest Arbian/Ubuntu
  • Fix crash with test mode if end channel is lower than start channel
  • Fix crash/hang/race condition in playlists with inserted playlists while status is being retrieved
  • Fix crash in auto creation of overlay models if strings are missing or non-consecutive
  • Default to sending mac address for DHCP client (requires OS update)

Installation Instructions

If you have a system running 6.x, you can go to the FPP about page (about.php) and click on the "Manual Update" button. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Click on that to start the update process. It may take a long time to upgrade. Likely 5-10 minutes. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process.

NOTE: The exim/mail updates and DHCP client updates are an OS level update and will require using the "fppos" method to update to the 2022-11 OS level.

For users of FPP 5.x or older, it is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 5.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this requires you to have FPP 5.5 and all the updates for 5.5 already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 6.2. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image



16 Sep 17:33
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  • Updated systemd-networkd/wpasupplicant to better support WIFI roaming (BeagleBone Only, requires OS update)
  • New "BBShiftString" output which can provide significantly larger controllers and support future Beagle hardware
  • In some limited cases, allow input actions defined on gpio inputs page to override cape provided actions
  • Add many common causes of "Cannot start output XXXXX" to the warnings displayed right in the UI thus not requiring examining of the logs
  • Display the value of range sliders when adjusting FPP Commands (example: WLED effects)
  • Add warning if storage space is getting low
  • New version of ccache installed, this potentially allows faster updates for developers on master branch (by setting a ccache property) (requires OS update)
  • Change thumb color of RGB sliders on Display Testing page
  • Added some configs/scripts to help configure FPP to boot/run from USB SSD on Pi 4's
  • Add an auto-showing/hidden 'Top' button to scroll to top of page
  • Standardize WiFi level to use Link Quality normalized to 0-100 range
  • Added 4 channel support to rpi_ws281x

Bug Fixes

  • Garbled/stuttering audio output (requires reboot)
  • Plugin upgrades not calling the proper upgrade scripts which may be needed to rebuild the plugin
  • Several older WIFI adapters that worked with 5.5 were not working with 6.0 (requires OS update)
  • Problems pinging github from certain countries were preventing updates
  • Always show storage tab if SD card needs expanding
  • Change timing for V2 smart receivers to support the latest batch from Falcon
  • Fix exim4 mail install and configuration
  • Fix calling some python scripts due to Debian upgrade from python -> python3
  • Fix upload of large files
  • Fix pixel strings UI bug when expansion ports are disabled
  • Fix elapsed time reported for Pause playlist entry items
  • Fix fallback interface for UDP channel outputs
  • Allow access to REST API from localhost when using UI password
  • Add Warning banner for BBB48String for unlicensed strings
  • Fix multisync of videos
  • Remove the rules on BBB that create the SoftAp0 interface on BBBW and BBGGW

Installation Instructions

If you have a system running 6.x, you can go to the FPP about page (about.php) and click on the "Manual Update" button. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Click on that to start the update process. It may take a long time to upgrade. Likely 5-10 minutes. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process.

NOTE: The WIFI updates are an OS level update and will require using the "fppos" method to update to the 2022-09 OS level.

For users of FPP 5.x or older, it is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 5.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this requires you to have FPP 5.5 and all the updates for 5.5 already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 6.1. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image



26 Jul 23:43
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FPP 6.0


  • Upgraded from Debian Buster (10.x) to Debian Bullseye (11.x). This is an entire new version of the underlying Linux Operating System
  • Security
    • To comply with various laws targeting security in IOT devices, on first boot, FPP will now require you to choose to use a UI Password or not and to set an OS level password. You can choose insecure settings to match previous versions of FPP, but that is your choice.
    • Advanced UI level setting to allow uploading SSH public keys
    • Samba, Rsyncd, and ftpd services are disabled by default. If you require these services, you must enable them on the System page in settings. (Advanced UI level)
  • Cape/Hat Selection - If the Cape/Hat does not have a valid physical eeprom for FPP to pull information from, Cape/Hat selection is now done via virtual eeproms which can provide enhanced functionality and information. On the initial setup, you can select an appropriate virtual eeprom for your cape.
  • Audio - for sound produced directly by FPP's sound code (not via VLC's which is used to play videos to HDMI), there is now configurable support for multichannel sound instead of just stereo. This does require USB sound device that can support multichannel output.
  • Networking - the change to Debian Bullseye has allowed for some new features:
    • Enable DHCP Server to provide IP addresses to other devices. Includes reserved DHCP leases.
    • Configuration of IP Masquerade/NAT to allow devices to access the internet more securely/easily
    • Route metric configuration
  • Display Testing
    • The display testing functionality has been completely re-written to use FPP Command. This does provide a Command that can be invoked via Big Buttons plugin or scripts or similar. As an FPP command, it can also be multisynced out to all remotes allowing testing of the entire display.
    • Certain outputs (LED Panels, BBB String outputs) now have a "Test Pattern" button on the output configuration page to enable a specific test pattern for that output to help diagnose issues specific to that type of output. For example, the LED Panels will put the Output/Panel number on each panel. The BBB Strings will light up the first number of pixels white equal to the port number.
  • Pixel Overlay Model/Framebuffer updates
    • Overlay models can now be sub-divided into smaller models which can allow effects to run on just a part of the model.
    • Framebuffer devices will now be configured as Pixel Overlay Models and users of framebuffers (Virtual Display, etc...) will then operated against the model. This will allow the HDMI monitor to be divided into areas that can display different content.
  • Channel Outputs
    • Raspberry Pi - DPI Pixel Output - new pixel driver for the Raspberry Pi that allows up to 24 strings.
    • Twinkly Channel Output to control Twinkly lights over WiFi
    • LED Panels Config UI - add "Auto Layout" button to make initial setup easier
    • Pixel Strings Page - show warnings when channels overlap, allow viewing of GPIO/Pin the string is assigned to
  • Scheduler
    • Added ability to adjust start/end times of future scheduled playlists when extending a running playlist's end time.
    • Added button to status UI to start next scheduled playlist now.
    • Added setting to display more than two weeks in advance for the schedule preview.

Major Changes/Incompatibilities

  • Licensing -Some multi-string pixel capes will need a license key applied to continue to use the multi-string pixel channel output code on the BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi. License key vouchers are available for all existing BBB and Pi capes with more than 2 WS2821X pixel string outputs. Visit and for more info.
  • Image Playlist Entry now displays the image on an Overlay Model instead of directly to the Linux framebuffer.
  • The Virtual Display has been changed from writing to a framebuffer device to writing to a PixelOverlayModel. Any existing Virtual Display channel output must be recreated. This does not affect the HTTPVirtualDisplay, only the framebuffer Virtual Display is affected. The X11VirtualDisplay has been removed.
  • The Virtual Matrix has been converted to display to a Pixel Overlay Model. Any existing Virtual Matrices will need to be recreated after creating a Pixel Overlay Model for the desired video output device.
  • Removed old PlaylistEntryVolume and PlaylistEntryMQTT playlist entry types. These were deprecated a long time ago and should have been moved to using FPP Commands, but if some ancient playlists still exist that use these, they may break.

Other updates/changes

  • Crash Reporting - HOPEFULLY you won't experience this. However, if FPP crashes, it should produce a crash report on a new "Crash Reports" tab in the file manager. If you see these, please let us know.

Upgrade Instructions

It is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 5.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this is new and requires you to have the latest FPP 5.5 and all updates already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 6.0. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image


Additional new features not part of the Pi/BBB Images

  • FPP can now run natively on MacOS. It's not a simple image and must be "installed" from source. More details will come later, but you would need to download the file and run it to get all the pieces working.
  • FPP can now be installed on pretty much any Armbian based Single Board Computer. Devices like Orange Pi's, Banana Pi's, Nano Pi's Libre SBC's, etc... can now run FPP. Unfortunately, every single Armbian distribution is tied directly to the device it is designed for so we cannot provide images for all of them. There would be 10's or 100's of them which would be too time consuming. However, installing FPP is not hard. See the README.Armbian:


31 May 18:41
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6.0-beta1 Pre-release


This is a PRE-RELEASE build of FPP 6.0 provided for testing purposes. There are a lot of very significant changes that need additional testing before being able to be released as FPP 6.0

In particular, it is asked that users thoroughly test the following areas:

  • Networking - FPP6 images will be based on Debian 11 (bullseye) instead of Debian 10 (buster). As part of that, all the networking code that used to be managed by connmand had to be completely re-written to use systemd-networkd. This has allows some new features, but also introduces significant risk of new bugs and issues. New features include ability to act as a DHCP server for the show network, reserved DHCP leases, configuration of IP Masquerading/NAT to provide internet access, route metric, etc... Most are "Advanced Mode" options.
  • Cape/Hat Selection - If the Cape/Hat does not have a valid physical eeprom for FPP to pull information off from , Cape/Hat selection is now done via virtual eeproms which can provide enhanced functionality and information. On the initial setup, you can select an appropriate virtual eeprom for your cape. Please test to make sure the virtual eeprom for your cape is fully working.
  • Licensing - as announced in the forums, SOME capes will require a valid license to remain fully functional. Other capes/hats (like PiHats) will continue to be functional as is, but could gain additional features (such as enabling onboard sound) with a license key. Testing the licensing is important to make sure it's as easy as possible.
  • Plugins - many plugins have been updated to work with FPP 6, but others likely still need updating. Please test plugins to make sure they work properly.
  • Display Testing - the display testing functionality has been completely re-written to use FPP Command. This does provide a Command that can be invoked via Big Buttons plugin or scripts or similar, but the rewrite could have missed some functionality. As an FPP command, it can also be multisynced out to all remotes allowing testing of the entire display. Please test.
  • Crash Reporting - HOPEFULLY you won't have to test this. However, if FPP crashes, it should produce a crash report on a new "Crash Reports" tab in the file manager. If you see these, please let us know. If the device has internet access, they are auto submitted at this point, but that also has had minimal testing so following up with us to make sure the details are available will help get the issues fixed.
  • Audio - for sound produced directly by FPP's sound code (not via VLC's which is used to play videos to HDMI), there is now configurable support for multichannel sound instead of just stereo. This does require USB sound device that can support multichannel output.
  • Framebuffer/Pixel Overlay Model updates - this is still a work in progress so expect more changes. Overlay models can now be sub-divided into smaller models which can allow effects to run on just a part of the model. Framebuffer devices will now be configured as Pixel Overlay Models and users of framebuffers (Virtual Display, etc...) will then operated against the model. This will allow the HDMI monitor to be divided into areas that can display different things. Again, a work in progress. The "Virtual Matrix" code has not yet been updated for this, but should be soon.

Additional new features not part of the Pi/BBB Images

  • FPP can now run natively on MacOS. It's not a simple image and must be "installed" from source. More details will come later, but you would need to download the file and run it to get all the pieces working.
  • FPP can now be installed on pretty much any Armbian based Single Board Computer. Devices like Orange Pi's, Banana Pi's, Nano Pi's Libre SBC's, etc... can now run FPP. Unfortunately, every single Armbian distibution is tied directly to the device it is designed for so we cannot provide images for all of them. There would be 10's or 100's of them which would be too time consuming. However, installing FPP is not hard. See the README.Armbian:

More stuff coming!

There is still work ongoing to add more features into FPP6. We expect to be pushing more changes over the next few weeks. However, we would like the above stuff tested as much as possible to make sure the underlying OS changes, networking changes, etc... are solid as we move forward with Debian 11/Bullseye.

Thanks for testing!
FPP Development Team


19 Jan 17:28
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This is mostly a bug fix release to fix issues encountered with Christmas shows, but it also contains some other enhancements.

Note: There are no OS level changes. OS level will remain at 5.3.


  • Enhance the scheduler to allow scheduling repeating FPP Commands
  • Restarting FPPD when a scheduled playlist is running will restart at the same item
  • Open links to remotes from Multisync page in new tabs
  • Remember MultiSync filters to avoid having to reenter each time
  • Allow deleting a corrupt Playlist from the Playlist list UI
  • Enhancements to Channel Testing page to allow easier selection of channel ranges
  • Added robots.txt to protect exposed FPP instances from being listed on the usual search engines (although exposing FPP is a bad idea)
  • Add multi arch support to docker for both amd64 and arm64
  • Add to warning if UDP output is set to self
  • Updates for floating player controls

Bug Fixes

  • Fix problems if scheduled entry start and end times were equal
  • Fix "Insert Playlist" commands not working correctly to insert an entire playlist
  • Fix problem of extended playlists that stopped gracefully may restart instead of fully stopping
  • Fix Script Editor Save/Cancel buttons
  • Allow hostnames in universe IP fields
  • Fix a bunch of place that did not allow start channels above 1M
  • Allow DDP outputs to have more than 512K channels
  • Don't show the second 12:00 AM when not in 24-hour format
  • Fix second-midnight not working in scheduler UI in 12-hour mode
  • If the user starts a playlist manually that is supposed to be running via the scheduler, use the scheduler to start the playlist so that it stops at the scheduled end time.
  • Several playlist randomization bugs are fixed
  • When jumping to another position in the currently scheduled playlist, don't reset the schedule so the playlist will end on time.
  • Fix range/volume sliders not displaying correctly in Firefox/Edge
  • Fix playlist editor losing playlist durations

Installation Instructions

If you have a system running 5.x, you can go to the FPP about page (about.php) and click on the "Manual Update" button. At that point, a big green "Upgrade" bar should appear on the main status page. Click on that to start the update process. It may take a long time to upgrade. Likely 5-10 minutes. You will need to reboot after the upgrade is complete to finish the upgrade process.

For users of FPP 4.x or older, it is strongly recommended to do a full "OS Level" upgrade or re-image instead of attempting to upgrade directly from any older FPP version. There are several new features that will not work if an OS level upgrade is not done. There are two ways to do so:

  • Re-image - you can backup your 4.x configuration, create a new image, and restore the configuration.
  • In-place upgrade - this is new and requires you to have FPP 3.6.2 (or 4.0-alpha2) or newer already running on the device. Download the appropriate "fppos" file to your computer. Make sure the file extension is still fppos (some browsers will rename it). Upload it to the "File Manager" on the FPP instance. Then go to the about page. Under the normal "Manual Upgrade", a new Upgrade OS button should appear. Click it and wait a LONG time. When done, it should reboot into 5.0. At that point, go to the Uploads tab of the FPP File Manager and delete the fppos file. Note: In SOME cases, the reboot will fail due to library replacement. In that case, a power cycle may be required to get it back up and running.

Selecting an image

For Raspberry Pi series including Pi B, Pi B+, Pi 3, Pi 3+, Pi 4 and Pi Zero use this image


For Beaglebone Black, Beaglebone Green, PocketBeagle, and Beaglebone Green Gateway use this image
