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  • Node v18.12.1, pnpm
  • Vite for bundling with plugins for optimizing images and minification
  • Prettier, Stylelint and Eslint with custom rules for formatting and linting
  • Husky, lint-staged and commitlint configs for clean linted commits
  • PostCSS plugins and modern-normalize for CSS reset
  • PWA Configuration (optional) and SEO optimization
  • GitHub Actions for CI/CD
  • GitHub PR and Issue templates
  • Renovate Bot for automated dependency management
  • Cloudflare Pages for publishing

Setting up

  • Do a quick search for all the TODO: comments across the template and follow the instructions.
  • pnpm install for installing all dependencies.
  • pnpm start to start the dev server.
  • pnpm build:prod for creating the production build.
  • Linting happens parallely, you can refer to the scripts field in package.json to see the list of tasks.


  • Each push to main will run the GitHub action to trigger a deployment after the lint and build jobs have passed. The changes will be published to Cloudflare's production environment.
  • Pushes to feature branches (i.e other than main) will trigger a deployment to Cloudflare's preview environment.
  • PR's for the main branch are validated by a separate action validate_pr