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Aries RFC 0771: AnonCreds Attachment Formats for Requesting and Presenting Credentials


This RFC registers attachment formats used with Hyperledger AnonCreds ZKP-oriented credentials in the Issue Credential Protocol 2.0 and Present Proof Protocol 2.0. If not specified otherwise, this follows the rules as defined in the AnonCreds Specification.


Allows AnonCreds credentials to be used with credential-related protocols that take pluggable formats as payloads.


Credential Filter format

The potential holder uses this format to propose criteria for a potential credential for the issuer to offer. The format defined here is not part of the AnonCreds spec, but is a Hyperledger Aries-specific message.

The identifier for this format is anoncreds/credential-filter@v1.0. The data structure allows specifying zero or more criteria from the following structure:

  "schema_issuer_id": "<schema_issuer_id>",
  "schema_name": "<schema_name>",
  "schema_version": "<schema_version>",
  "schema_id": "<schema_identifier>",
  "issuer_id": "<issuer_id>",
  "cred_def_id": "<credential_definition_identifier>"

The potential holder may not know, and need not specify, all of these criteria. For example, the holder might only know the schema name and the (credential) issuer id. Recall that the potential holder may specify target attribute values and MIME types in the credential preview.

For example, the JSON structure might look like this:

  "schema_issuer_id": "did:sov:4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt",
  "schema_name": "bcgov-mines-act-permit.bcgov-mines-permitting",
  "issuer_id": "did:sov:4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt"

A complete propose-credential message from the Issue Credential protocol 2.0 embeds this format as an attachment in the filters~attach array:

  "@id": "<uuid of propose message>",
  "@type": "",
  "comment": "<some comment>",
  "formats": [
      "attach_id": "<attach@id value>",
      "format": "anoncreds/credential-filter@v1.0"
  "filters~attach": [
      "@id": "<attach@id value>",
      "mime-type": "application/json",
      "data": {
        "base64": "ewogICAgInNjaGVtYV9pc3N1ZXJfZGlkIjogImRpZDpzb3Y... (clipped)... LMkhaaEh4YTJ0Zzd0MWpxdCIKfQ=="

Credential Offer format

This format is used to clarify the structure and semantics (but not the concrete data values) of a potential credential, in offers sent from issuer to potential holder.

The identifier for this format is anoncreds/credential-offer@v1.0. It must follow the structure of a Credential Offer as defined in the AnonCreds specification.

The JSON structure might look like this:

    "schema_id": "4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt:2:bcgov-mines-act-permit.bcgov-mines-permitting:0.2.0",
    "cred_def_id": "4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt:3:CL:58160:default",
    "nonce": "57a62300-fbe2-4f08-ace0-6c329c5210e1",
    "key_correctness_proof" : <key_correctness_proof>

A complete offer-credential message from the Issue Credential protocol 2.0 embeds this format as an attachment in the offers~attach array:

    "@type": "",
    "@id": "<uuid of offer message>",
    "replacement_id": "<issuer unique id>",
    "comment": "<some comment>",
    "credential_preview": <json-ld object>,
    "formats" : [
            "attach_id" : "<attach@id value>",
            "format": "anoncreds/credential-offer@v1.0"
    "offers~attach": [
            "@id": "<attach@id value>",
            "mime-type": "application/json",
            "data": {
                "base64": "ewogICAgInNjaGVtYV9pZCI6ICI0Ulc2UUsySFpoS... (clipped)... jb3JyZWN0bmVzc19wcm9vZj4KfQ=="

Credential Request format

This format is used to formally request a credential. It differs from the Credential Offer above in that it contains a cryptographic commitment to a link secret; an issuer can therefore use it to bind a concrete instance of an issued credential to the appropriate holder. (In contrast, the credential offer describes the schema and cred definition, but not enough information to actually issue to a specific holder.)

The identifier for this format is anoncreds/credential-request@v1.0. It must follow the structure of a Credential Request as defined in the AnonCreds specification.

The JSON structure might look like this:

    "entropy" : "e7bc23ad-1ac8-4dbc-92dd-292ec80c7b77",
    "cred_def_id" : "4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt:3:CL:58160:default",
    // Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
    "blinded_ms" : <blinded_master_secret>,
    "blinded_ms_correctness_proof" : <blinded_ms_correctness_proof>,
    "nonce": "fbe22300-57a6-4f08-ace0-9c5210e16c32"

A complete request-credential message from the Issue Credential protocol 2.0 embeds this format as an attachment in the requests~attach array:

  "@id": "cf3a9301-6d4a-430f-ae02-b4a79ddc9706",
  "@type": "",
  "comment": "<some comment>",
  "formats": [
      "attach_id": "7cd11894-838a-45c0-a9ec-13e2d9d125a1",
      "format": "anoncreds/credential-request@v1.0"
  "requests~attach": [
      "@id": "7cd11894-838a-45c0-a9ec-13e2d9d125a1",
      "mime-type": "application/json",
      "data": {
        "base64": "ewogICAgInByb3Zlcl9kaWQiIDogImRpZDpzb3Y6YWJjeHl.. (clipped)... DAtNTdhNi00ZjA4LWFjZTAtOWM1MjEwZTE2YzMyIgp9"

Credential format

A concrete, issued AnonCreds credential may be transmitted over many protocols, but is specifically expected as the final message in Issuance Protocol 2.0. The identifier for this format is anoncreds/credential@v1.0.

This is a credential that's designed to be held but not shared directly. It is stored in the holder's wallet and used to derive a novel ZKP or W3C-compatible verifiable presentation just in time for each sharing of credential material.

The encoded values of the credential MUST follow the encoding algorithm as described in Encoding Attribute Data. It must follow the structure of a Credential as defined in the AnonCreds specification.

The JSON structure might look like this:

    "schema_id": "4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt:2:bcgov-mines-act-permit.bcgov-mines-permitting:0.2.0",
    "cred_def_id": "4RW6QK2HZhHxa2tg7t1jqt:3:CL:58160:default",
    "rev_reg_id", "EyN78DDGHyok8qw6W96UBY:4:EyN78DDGHyok8qw6W96UBY:3:CL:56389:CardossierOrgPerson:CL_ACCUM:1-1000",
    "values": {
        "attr1" : {"raw": "value1", "encoded": "value1_as_int" },
        "attr2" : {"raw": "value2", "encoded": "value2_as_int" }
    // Fields below can depend on Cred Def type
    "signature": <signature>,
    "signature_correctness_proof": <signature_correctness_proof>
    "rev_reg": <revocation registry state>
    "witness": <witness>

An exhaustive description of the format is out of scope here; it is more completely documented in the AnonCreds Specification.

Proof Request format

This format is used to formally request a verifiable presenation (proof) derived from an AnonCreds-style ZKP-oriented credential.

The format can also be used to propose a presentation, in this case the nonce field MUST NOT be provided. The nonce field is required when the proof request is used to request a proof.

The identifier for this format is anoncreds/proof-request@v1.0. It must follow the structure of a Proof as defined in the AnonCreds specification.

Here is a sample proof request that embodies the following: "Using a government-issued ID, disclose the credential holder’s name and height, hide the credential holder’s sex, get them to self-attest their phone number, and prove that their age is at least 18":

    "nonce": "2934823091873049823740198370q23984710239847",
        "attr1_referent": {"name":"sex"},
        "attr2_referent": {"name":"phone"},
        "attr3_referent": {"names": ["name", "height"], "restrictions": <restrictions specifying government-issued ID>}

Proof format

This is the format of an AnonCreds-style ZKP. The raw values encoded in the presentation MUST be verified against the encoded values using the encoding algorithm as described in Encoding Attribute Data

The identifier for this format is anoncreds/proof@v1.0. It must follow the structure of a Presentation as defined in the AnonCreds specification.

A proof that responds to the previous proof request sample looks like this:

      "c_list":[ 6 arrays of 257 numbers between 0 and 255]


The following lists the implementations (if any) of this RFC. Please do a pull request to add your implementation. If the implementation is open source, include a link to the repo or to the implementation within the repo. Please be consistent in the "Name" field so that a mechanical processing of the RFCs can generate a list of all RFCs supported by an Aries implementation.

Name / Link Implementation Notes