A react library for generating custom skeleton loading components automatically
npm install skeleton-loading-react
Just pass the component you want to load as a children to the Skeleton component.
If the children is receiving any props, you should also pass an exampleProps
prop, which is an object with the same props that your component receives,
that will be used to determine, for example, the length of the texts. Notice that it is important to import the css aswell.
Here is a basic example:
import {Skeleton} from 'skeleton-loading-react'
import "skeleton-loading-react/dist/index.css"
import {UserCard} from '../Components/UserCard'
//This mimics a delay from the api
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true)
//imagine this data is coming from an api
const user = {
name: 'Filipe Pfluck',
avatar: 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/62773200?v=4',
description: 'Fullstack developer focused in typescript.'
//Now let's create an example user:
const fakeUser = {
name: 'Joe Doe',
avatar: 'https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2015/10/05/22/37/blank-profile-picture-973460__340.png',
description: 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit.'
exampleProps={{user: fakeUser}}
<UserCard user={user}/>
You can wrap your application with the SkeletonProvider
, and doing so, all the Skeletons contained within will be styled.
The SkeletonProvider receives three props: mainColor
, accentColor
, angle
import { SkeletonProvider } from 'skeleton-loading-react'
return <SkeletonProvider mainColor='#FF0000' accentColor='#0000FF'>
exampleProps={{user: fakeUser}}
<Test user={user}>
The skeleton component accepts the following props:
- isLoading: boolean
- exampleProps: any object (should have the same props that your component receives)
- defaultStyles: CSSProperties (those will be added to every element considered as content, in other words, the ones that have a background) (optional)
- className: string (will be added to the same elements as above) (optional)
- mainColor: string (the Skeleton's animation main color) (optional, default: #1C1C1F)
- accentColor: string (the Skeleton's animation accent color) (optional, default: #28282C)
- angle: string (the Skeleton's animation angle) (optional, default: -90deg) (altering this is not recomended)
- It appears it doesn't work well with tailwindcss. Perhaps it doesn't work well with other styling solutions I'm not aware of, please open an issue if you notice something.
- For now, you can only pass a Component as children to the Skeleton component. If you want to just pass some HTML, please encapsulate it in a component first.
- You can only pass one level of components, if you pass a component with a child, it wont work right now.
Instead of this:
<ComponentA {someProps}>
<ComponentB {moreProps}/>
try this:
const Wrapper = ({someProps, moreProps}) => {
<ComponentA {someProps}>
<ComponentB {moreProps}/>
<Wrapper someProps={...} moreProps={...}>
MIT © FilipePfluck