Some of the dotfile configurations used by Fireworks Project team members. Feel free to poke around, and if you have any tips... share the love.
git submodule init
git submodule update
Note: This is optional, and only required if you are an author of this repository and have made changes to pathogen or vim-coffee-script.
cd vim/third_party/vim-javascript
git pull origin master
cd ../vim-pathogen
git pull origin master
cd ../../../
cd vim/.vim/bundle/vim-coffee-script
git pull origin master
cd ../../../../
git commit -a
The only files deployed by this script will be Vim files, .gitignore, .bashrc,
and a safe version of .gitconfig; the rest of the files in this repo are for
reference only. To update the .gitconfig file for your own settings, checkout
to use as a template to edit your ~/.gitconfig
The Fireworks Project Team