There are two application folders named gateway
and service
The first one contains the users and authentication services and should act as API gateway. The second one constains the todos service and should act as a microservice. They are feeded with a default user/todo.
The index.html is a simple web page connecting to gateway and requesting TODOs from the service.
The best experience is by launching this example using Docker:
docker-compose up
This should create 3 containers: the gateway and two instances of the microservice. Because in this example each microservice has its own embedded database, using the index.html or POSTMAN you should see that the TODOs are alternatively served from each instance because they have different IDs.
To launch these apps manually when developing:
// Launch gateway
cd gateway
npm/yarn install
npm start
// Launch service
cd service
npm/yarn install
npm start
Open the index.html file in your browser, you should see a TODO from the service.
If you use cote monitoring tool you should see something like that:
These apps have been generated using the feathers-cli
// Initialize gateway
mkdir gateway
cd gateway
feathers generate app
// Add authentication
feathers generate authentication
cd ..
// Initialize service
mkdir service
cd service
feathers generate app
// Add todos service
feathers generate service