The stats downloader setup is used to create a Windows installation package to install the stats downloader.
- .NET Framework 4.7.1
- WiX
- Update all projects
- StatsDownload, StatsDownloadSetup, and StatsDownloadApi
- Do not update WxsMerger unless modified
- Update Product.wxs.template
If the .NET Core version has changed, then update the batch script that is havesting the source to pull from the correct folder (e.g. netcoreapp2.0 -> netcoreapp2.1).
- Load StatsDownload solution
- Run unit tests and ensure all tests pass
- Load StatsDownloadSetup solution
- Publish StatsDownloadSetup solution
- Update target as needed e.g. Windows x86, Windows x64
Instructions to get the SHA256 hash to communicate to others the expected value
- Use Get-FileHash Command
- Ex. PS C:\Setups> Get-FileHash StatsDownload-x64.msi -ALGO SHA256