A (temporary) world manager for Folia
Why does this even exist ??
These are the features that are currently not supported by Folia, but work on MoreFoWorld with some hacks. They don't guarantee to work similarly to Vanilla Minecraft. Use them at your own risk.
- Respawn World
- Portal Teleporting
Command | Permission | Description |
/mfw current |
morefoworld.current |
Shows the current world |
/mfw current <player> |
morefoworld.current.others |
Shows the current world of another player |
/mfw teleport <world> |
morefoworld.teleport |
Teleports you to the specified world |
/mfw teleport <world> <player> |
morefoworld.teleport.others |
Teleports another player to the specified world |
/mfw linkworld <from_world> <to_world> <nether/end> |
morefoworld.linkportal |
Link Portals between from_world and to_world |
/mfw unlinkworld <world> <nether/end> |
morefoworld.linkportal |
Un-link Portals of a world |
/mfw linkrespawn <from> <to> |
morefoworld.linkrespawn |
Link Respawn points between from and to |
/mfw unlinkrespawn <world> |
morefoworld.linkrespawn |
Un-link Respawn points of a world |
/mfw setspawn |
morefoworld.setspawn |
Set the spawn point when a player joins the server |
/mfw setworldspawn |
morefoworld.setworldspawn |
Set the spawn point of the current world |