Open source durable execution system. Write code that’s fault tolerant, durable, and simple.
An older version must be used to be compatible with PG11 Newer versions use `GENERATED ALWAYS ... STORED' (see ddl)
wget -O docker-compose.yml
cat > .env <<'ENV'
docker compose up -d
Use the application on http://localhost:8080/
docker compose stop temporal
Add YugabyteDB service to docker compose:
container_name: temporal-yugabytedb
YSQL_DB: temporal
YSQL_USER: temporal
image: yugabytedb/yugabyte:2024.1.1.0-b137
command: bash -c 'rm -rf /tmp/.yb.* ; yugabyted start --enable_pg_parity_tech_preview --background=false --tserver_flags=ysql_colocate_database_by_default=true'
- temporal-network
- 5433:5433
- 15433:15433
Start YugabyteDB
docker compose up -d yb
Start a container with the YugabyteDB voyager image and run the migration steps
docker run -it --rm --name ybv --network temporal-network --link temporal-postgresql:pg --link yb:yb \
yugabytedb/yb-voyager:1.7.2 \
bash -c '
yb-voyager assess-migration --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user temporal --source-db-password temporal --source-db-name temporal --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql --iops-capture-interval 0
cat /var/tmp/assessment/reports/assessmentReport.json
yb-voyager export schema --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user temporal --source-db-password temporal --source-db-name temporal --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql
yb-voyager analyze-schema --export-dir /var/tmp
cat /var/tmp/reports/schema_analysis_report.txt
yb-voyager import schema --export-dir /var/tmp --target-db-host yb --target-db-user temporal --target-db-password temporal --target-db-name temporal --target-db-schema public
yb-voyager export data --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user temporal --source-db-password temporal --source-db-name temporal --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql
yb-voyager import data --export-dir /var/tmp --target-db-host yb --target-db-user temporal --target-db-password temporal --target-db-name temporal
PGPASSWORD=temporal psql -h yb -p 5433 -U temporal -c 'analyze' temporal
YugabyteDB Voyager shows wrong errors about ALTER TABLE CLUSTER not supported yet.
The schema migration schema is in temporal_visibility
docker compose exec yb bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=temporal PGUSER=temporal ysqlsh -h yb -c "create database temporal_visibility"'
docker run -it --rm --name ybv --network temporal-network --link temporal-postgresql:pg --link yb:yb \
yugabytedb/yb-voyager:1.7.2 \
bash -c '
yb-voyager assess-migration --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user temporal --source-db-password temporal --source-db-name temporal_visibility --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql --iops-capture-interval 0
cat /var/tmp/assessment/reports/assessmentReport.json
yb-voyager export schema --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user temporal --source-db-password temporal --source-db-name temporal_visibility --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql
yb-voyager analyze-schema --export-dir /var/tmp
cat /var/tmp/reports/schema_analysis_report.txt
yb-voyager import schema --export-dir /var/tmp --target-db-host yb --target-db-user temporal --target-db-password temporal --target-db-name temporal_visibility --target-db-schema public
yb-voyager export data --export-dir /var/tmp --start-clean=true --source-db-host pg --source-db-user temporal --source-db-password temporal --source-db-name temporal_visibility --source-db-schema public --source-db-type postgresql
yb-voyager import data --export-dir /var/tmp --target-db-host yb --target-db-user temporal --target-db-password temporal --target-db-name temporal_visibility
PGPASSWORD=temporal psql -h yb -p 5433 -U temporal -c 'analyze' temporal_visibility
In latest versions of Temporal (tested 1.24) YugabyteDB Voyager shows following errors:
- Reason : Stored generated columns are not supported
- Reason : Schema contains gin index on multi column which is not supported
docker compose stop postgresql
Change the service ( depends_on, DB_PORT, POSTGRES_SEEDS, and the DB=postgres to not upgrade to PG12 schema )
container_name: temporal
- yb
- DB=postgres
- DB_PORT=5433
- POSTGRES_USER=temporal
- POSTGRES_PWD=temporal
- DYNAMIC_CONFIG_FILE_PATH=config/dynamicconfig/development-sql.yaml
docker compose up -d temporal
Some screens show:
400 Uh oh. There's an error. invalid query: unable to convert filter expression: unable to convert left side of "TemporalNamespaceDivision = 'TemporalBatcher'": filter by 'TemporalNamespaceDivision' not supported for standard visibility
because this version with PG11 schema uses standard visibility which is deprecated.