A tool to calculate the Solvent Accessible Surface Distances (SASD) between crosslinked residues
This version of Jwalk is simply a modernization of the original invented by the Topf Lab
All functionality is original and compatibility has been upgraded for Python 3
Jwalk works on Linux / MacOS / Windows
The following can be installed with pip
Package | |
Required | BioPython |
Required | numpy |
Required | freesasa |
# Move to cloned directory
cd Jwalk
# Run install script
python setup.py install
$ jwalk -f 1FGA.pdb
Given no optional arguments, Jwalk will find all SASD between all Lys-to-Lys crosslinks in the provided PDB
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f F Input path to .pdb file
-o O Output path for Jwalk results (default: Out to "./Jwalk_results" in the current working
-xl_list XL_LIST OPTIONAL: Input path to crosslink list (default: Finds all Lys-to-Lys crosslinks)
-xl_dist_cutoff XL_DIST_CUTOFF
OPTIONAL: Specify maximum crosslink distance cutoff in Angstroms (default: Keeps all
-aa1 AA1 OPTIONAL: Specify inital crosslink amino acid three letter code (default: LYS)
-aa2 AA2 OPTIONAL: Specify ending crosslink amino acid three letter code (default: LYS)
-vox VOX OPTIONAL: Specify voxel resolution to use in Angstrom (default: 1 Angstrom)
-ncpus NCPUS OPTIONAL: Specify number of cpus to use (default: cpu_count())
Crosslink lists in the -xl_list
input should be pipe delmited:
Example of 5 crosslinks between 2 chains:
If your PDB file does not contain chain identifiers, use "x" as the chain"
Jwalk will create a results directory and place the outputs as follows:
⎿ inputfile_crosslink_list.txt
⎿ inputfile_crosslinks.pdb
To visualize the crosslinks PDB ...
In PYMOL, open the crosslinks.pdb file and set valence, 0
along with show sticks, all
and hide spheres, all
In Chimera, uncomment all the MODEL lines in the PDB then open the crosslinks.pdb file and select Actions > Atoms/Bonds > show
J.Bullock, J. Schwab, K. Thalassinos, M. Topf (2016)
The importance of non-accessible crosslinks and solvent accessible surface distance
in modelling proteins with restraints from crosslinking mass spectrometry.
Molecular and Cellular Proteomics (15) pp.2491–2500
- BBSRC London Interdisciplinary Doctoral Programme (Joshua Bullock)
- MRC MR/M019292/1 (Maya Topf)
Copyright 2016 - Josh Bullock & Birkbeck College University of London