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GDFirebase is a Modular Godot Plugin for using Firebase

Platform GodotEngine LICENCE

Depends on

Godot game engine: git clone

Available Features



Authentication Google, Facebook, Anonymoys, Email

Cloud Messaging



Getting Started

  • Install Android build Template to your GAME-PROJECT
  • Copy google-services.json you downloaded from Firebase to [GAME-PROJECT]/android/build/


Add google-services plugin to your [GAME-PROJECT]/android/build/build.gradle file

    dependencies {
        classpath ''
        // ...

Now Apply the Google Services Plugin in your build.gradle file, like:

apply plugin: ''

Edit your [GAME-PROJECT]/android/build/AndroidManifest.xml file and add the Following inside the <application> tag

If you are using AdMob

    <!-- AdMob -->

Replace [APPLICATION_ID] with your AdMob application id.

If you are using Authentication (Facebook)

    <!-- Facebook -->
    <meta-data android:name="com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId"

    <activity android:name="com.facebook.FacebookActivity"
        android:label="@string/godot_project_name_string" />
            <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
            <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            <data android:scheme="@string/fb_login_protocol_scheme" />

Now Edit your [GAME-PROJECT]/android/build/res/values/ids.xml file and add

If you are using Authentication (Facebook)

    <string name="facebook_app_id">[APPLICATION_ID]</string>
    <string name="fb_login_protocol_scheme">fb[APPLICATION_ID]</string>


    func _ready():
        if Engine.has_singleton("GDFirebase"):
            firebase = Engine.get_singleton("GDFirebase")
            firebase.initialize({dev_mode = true})
fun sendCustom(name: String, params: Dictionary)
fun sendScreenView(screenClass: String, screenName: String)

// Every param is an optional
fun sendAdImpression({
    value = Float,
    currency = String,
    source = String,
    platform = String,
    format = String,
    unitName = String
// Every param is an optional
fun sendPurchase({
    value = Float,
    currency = String,
    affiliation = String,
    coupon = String,
    shipping = String,
    tax = String,
    transactionId = String,
    items = [String]
// Every param is an optional
fun sendRefund({
    value = Float,
    currency = String,
    affiliation = String,
    coupon = String,
    shipping = String,
    tax = String,
    transactionId = String,
    items = [String]

fun sendJoinGroup(groupID: String)
fun sendSearch(item: String)
fun sendSelectContent(type: String, id: String)
fun sendShare(type: String, id: String, method: String)

fun sendLogin(method: String)
fun sendSignUp(method: String)

fun sendEarnVirtualCurrency(name: String, value: Double)
fun sendSpendVirtualCurrency(itemName: String, currencyName: String, value: Double)

fun sendTutorialBegin()
fun sendTutorialComplete()

fun sendLevelStart(name: String)
fun sendLevelEnd(name: String, {success = String}) // success is optional
fun sendLevelUp(level: Int, {character = String})  // character is optional

fun sendPostScore(score: Int, {level = Float, character = String}) // level and character is optional
fun sendUnlockAchievement(achievementId: String)

// name is optional, delay is in seconds
fun createNotification({
    name = String,
    title = String,   
    message = String,
    channelId = String,
    delay = Int,
fun createNotificationChannel({
    id = String,
    name = String


Banner and Interstitial Video is not implemented yet.
    func _ready():
        if Engine.has_singleton("GDFirebaseAdmob"):
            admob = Engine.get_singleton("GDFirebaseAdmob")
            admob.initialize({ ... })

For testing use the official ad-units priovided by admob

Interstitial            ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/1033173712
Rewarded                ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5224354917
Rewarded Interstitial   ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/5354046379
fun initialize({
    test = Boolean,
    interstitialUnits = [String],
    rewardUnits = [String],
    rewardedInterstitialUnits = [String]

// Following will show a ramdom ad-unit (Only Loaded) if more that one present
fun showInterstitial()
fun showRewarded()
fun showRewardedInterstitial()

fun showInterstitialFor(unit: String)
fun showRewardedFor(unit: String)
fun showRewardedInterstitialFor(unit: String)

fun reloadAll()
fun reloadFor(type: String)

// Get if any ad-unit is Loaded
fun isLoaded(type: String) // type: rewarded, interstitial, rewarded_interstitial
fun isLoadedFor(type: String, unit: String) // type: rewarded, interstitial, rewarded_interstitial

// Signals
"loaded" -> loaded(type: Sting, unit: String)
"failed" -> failed(type: Sting, unit: String)
"showed" -> showed(type: Sting, unit: String)
"dismissed" -> dismissed(type: Sting, unit: String)


    func _ready():
        if Engine.has_singleton("GDFirebaseAuth"):
            auth = Engine.get_singleton("GDFirebaseAuth")
            auth.initialize({ ... })
Authentication providers will be sepearated into there own plugins in the upcomming updates
fun initialize({
    google = {},    // OPTIONAL
    facebook = {permissions = ["email", "public_profile"]},  // OPTIONAL, Default

// provider: google, facebook, anonymous, email
// params: Dictionary containing email and password, for email signIn.
fun signIn(provider: String, params: {
    email: String,
    password: String

fun createEmailAccount(email: String, password: String)
fun revokeAccess(provider: String)
fun signOut()
fun isConnected(): Boolean

// returns: Dictionary with (uid, name, email, photo, provider, is_anonymous, email_verified)
fun getUserInfo(): Dictionary

Remote Config

RemoteConfigs default parameters .xml file is at [GAME-PROJECT]/android/build/res/xml/remote_config_defaults.xml

    func _ready():
        if Engine.has_singleton("GDFirebaseConfig"):
            config = Engine.get_singleton("GDFirebaseConfig")

Calling `fetch()` will activate the removeConfigs rightaway, [Read Mode.](
fun setDefaults(json: String)
fun setDefaultsFile(jsonFilePath: String)
fun setDefaultsAsync(default: Dictionary)
fun fetch() 
fun fetchWith({activate = Boolean})
fun activate()

// FAILURE = 1
// SUCCESS = -1
fun getFetchStatus(): Int

fun getBoolean(key: String): Boolean
fun getFloat(key: String): key
fun getInt(key: String): Int
fun getString(key: String): String

fun getAll(): Dictionary

fun isReady(): Boolean


    func _ready():
        if Engine.has_singleton("GDFirebaseStorage"):
            storage = Engine.get_singleton("GDFirebaseStorage")
fun download(url: String, path: String)
fun upload(filePath: String, child: String)

Cloud Messaging

    func _ready():
        if Engine.has_singleton("GDFirebaseCloudMessaging"):
            cm = Engine.get_singleton("GDFirebaseCloudMessaging")
fun subscribe(topic: String)
fun unsubscribe(topic: String)