Releases: FullStackWithLawrence/aws-openai
Releases · FullStackWithLawrence/aws-openai
0.5.2 (2023-11-16)
- propagate merges to main back into dev branches: next, next-major, alpha, beta (fd32caf)
- create a top-level Pull Request workflow that triggers tech-specific unit (fd32caf)tests
- refactor and expand the scope of automated PR revision workflows (fd32caf)
- consolidate all jobs related to merging to main into a single workflow (fd32caf)
- refactor Python unit test and only run when relevant modifications are (fd32caf)included in commit (*.py, requirements.txt (fd32caf), etc)
- scaffold a ReactJS unit test workflow (fd32caf)
- create a Terraform unit test workflow (fd32caf)
Bug Fixes
- add GITHUB_TOKEN to semantic-release job (bf4152d)
0.5.1 (2023-11-09)
Bug Fixes
0.5.0 (2023-11-07)
Bug Fixes
- add a hash of the output zip file (c9b9a0b)
- do not run Python tests for dependabot pull requests until org secrets can be passed (d0de24a)
- ensure that we're using --platform=linux/amd64 for the build (aada484)
- merge conflict (94d5833)
- replace hard-coded python version with (868f118)
- switch event from pull_request to pull_request_target (321ec8f)
- switch from pull_requests event to pull_request_target event (d70f2bc)
0.4.0 (2023-11-03)
Bug Fixes
- add a .env file to root so that test environment matches prod (293b20e)
- add openai_utils source location to the sys path for Python (30eed8e)
- need to setup venv from ./requirements.txt so that the dev imports are included (a907e98)
- paths should begin with ./ (c8060bc)
- physically copy openai_utils to pip packages folder (772b1d6)
- switch to Pytest (be7746b)
- add automated Python unit testing workflow to Github Actions (dea18fc)