- Lead Participant: Chalmers
- Contributions by: Oskar Abrahamsson, Maximilian Algehed, Sólrún Einarsdóttir, Alex Gerdes, and Patrik Jansson.
- Abstract
This third deliverable (D4.3) of work package 4 presents the translation of GRACeFUL concept maps (expressed as GRACe programs) to the Constraint Functional Programming (CFP) layer. This report builds on the description of GRACe in “D4.2: A Domain Specific Language (DSL) for GRACeFUL Concept Maps” (delivered in project month 24) and the third release of the CFP layer “haskelzinc”. (The first release was described in “D5.1: Domain-Specific Language for the Constraint Functional Programming Platform” and the latest version is available from the Haskell package repository Hackage.) The work leading up to this deliverable is within Task 4.3 “implement a middleware for connecting the DSL to the CFP layer” and the full source code of the implementation is available on github.