Date: 2021-08-03
The existing schema definitions for ckanext-usmetadata were complex and it's effect was not completely known.
To expedite the upgrade to PY3, proper validation was made more lenient. There are a bunch of unit tests in and the ones that were failing or otherwise broken were commented out to be worked on in the future.
- Until the schema is updated properly, users may be able to input data that is not exportable in the data.json file. Due to the limited number of users and very little new users, this risk was deemed acceptable.
Date: 2021-08-03
The old tests were written for an older version of ckan (possibly 2.5) using nosetests and relying on outdated frameworks.
A few sources were researched to properly upgrade the tests:
- ckan/ckan#4247
- non-known.
Date: 2021-08-03
There were two validators that were imported from formencode, Regex and UnicodeString. In PY2+CKAN2.8, these data types had no issues with the sql code. However, in PY3+CKAN2.9, sql didn't know how to adapt these types.
Custom vaildator functions were written to handle the functionality that the imported validators provided. The following link was used as a reference,
- The validators were not registered with the plugin because the place where they were defined was already importing the plugin, so there would have been a circular dependency. Either way, the validators work as standalone functions that get called.
- There are probably unknown consequences.
Date: 2021-08-06
Not Implemented
Currently, a custom Dockerfile is used to install pip requirements and also the desired working extension.
The CKAN 2.8 and 2.9 docker dev images, [openknowledge/ckan-dev](
master/ckan-dev/2.8/setup/, support installing these things as part of the startup
of the container.
An example of updating to not use the dockerfile is seen in [ckanext-dcat_usmetadata](
GSA/ckanext-dcat_usmetadata/commit/8df5e938d750e26caddd3688b40b696991a5e0ad). While there is still a
Dockerfile, it only installed base linux packages and doesn't handle anything with the extension. Since
this extension does not need any additional linux packages, the docker-compose.yml would directly call
image: openknowledge/ckan-dev:${CKAN_VERSION}
This change was not implemented yet because no further development was necessary since the prototype of the development workflow was completed. There is a bit of residual py3 bugfixes/cleanup that will be done at some point before deployment. It was thought that this could wait until then.
- No tangible consequencees.
- Just slightly different development pipelines.
Date: 2023-06-28
To fix a broken layout, a call to CKAN core's resource view was removed. This allowed for a preview of the asset in CKAN.
As it was not working, and wouldn't result in a loss of necessary functionality it was decided to remove this block.
- Cleaner layout on resource pages
- No preview of resources