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222 lines (182 loc) · 10.2 KB

File metadata and controls

222 lines (182 loc) · 10.2 KB

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mdtranslator was written by the Alaska Data Integration Working Group (ADIwg) to assist researchers with authoring both spatial and non-spatial metadata for projects and datasets. Input to the mdtranslator is a JSON record conforming to the mdJson-schemas. The user can request the mdTranslator to translate the mdJson input into one or more established metadata standards. The mdTranslator currently supports translation to ISO 19115-2, ISO 19110, HTML, and mdJson 2x. The mdTranslator part of an open source architecture toolkit that allows developers to write additional readers and/or writers as may be required.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'adiwg-mdtranslator'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install adiwg-mdtranslator

CLI Usage

$ bundle exec mdtranslator help translate

ISO19115-3 Reader Work


  • we want to create an ISO19115-3 reader because we process ISO19115-3 files and want to convert them into DCAT. There's already an ISO19115-3 writer so we're basically looking for the inverse of that. What does the inverse look like? To understand that first let's check out the information flow of the program as a whole:
    1. read/parse the input file ( e.g. fgdc, mdJson, sbJson, iso19115_3 )
    2. store the input file data in the internal md object
    3. write the internal md object into the output file
  • the "inverse" we're looking for is step 3 to step 2 or xml into the md internal object which ends up actually being step 1 to step 2.

Git Workflow

  • ISO19115-3 feature branch
  • all work is branched off and merged into ^ this branch.
  • the ISO19115-3 feature branch would be merged into datagov when finished.

Feature Development

  • units of work are typically going to be some xml complex element found in an ISO19115-3 document which will be expressed as a ruby module.

  • let's take cit:CI_Address as an example....

    <!-- ... -->
       <!-- look below for deliveryPoint -->
          <gco:CharacterString>4210 University Drive</gco:CharacterString>
          <gco:CharacterString>1234 Example Drive</gco:CharacterString>
       <!-- look above for deliveryPoint -->
    <!-- ... -->
  • the idea is to create a ruby file called module_address.rb in our modules folder which is responsible for processing cit:CI_Address elements regardless of the context. In other words, wherever cit:CI_Address can occur module_address.rb should be able to process it by accepting its immediate parent element.

  • first, go to the associated address writer file and see how the internal md object is written to the output xml. Let's use deliveryPoints as an example.

    # ...
    # address - delivery points []
    aDeliveryPoints = hAddress[:deliveryPoints]
    aDeliveryPoints.each do |myPoint|
       @xml.tag!('cit:deliveryPoint') do
          @xml.tag!('gco:CharacterString', myPoint)
    # ... 
  • looking back at the example cit:CI_Address above you can see what the data is supposed to look like when written.

  • so hAddress[:deliveryPoints] should look like ['4210 University Drive', '1234 Example Drive']

  • you want to store data according to the associated object found in internal object file

  • in this case, what you're looking for is...

    def newAddress
             addressTypes: [],
             description: nil,
             deliveryPoints: [],
             city: nil,
             adminArea: nil,
             postalCode: nil,
             country: nil
  • sometimes there's information in the internal object (in this case newAddress) which doesn't need to be processed. so you'll need to check the writer out for more info. in this case, addressTypes and description aren't processed.

  • additionally, you may need to reference the schema documents for more info. you can find them here which may lead you to finding out that you need more data in your fixture/example for processing.

  • here's what the template of the ruby file should look like when you're ready to begin...

    require 'nokogiri' # xml lib
    require 'adiwg/mdtranslator/internal/internal_metadata_obj' # internal object lib
    module ADIWG
       module Mdtranslator
          module Readers
             module Iso191153
                module Address
                   # i've been adding xpath class vars here
                   def self.unpack(xParentElem, hResponseObj):
                      # xParentElem is the parent element cit:CI_Address resides under.
                      # hResponseObj is basically a logging object for communicating warnings, info, and errors to the end user during processing.
                      intMetadataClass =
                      hAddress = intMetadataClass.newAddress
                      # fill out your address data...

Feature Development (testing)

  • modules/elements are responsible for checking exact values for their root-level keys.
  • assertions on container keys which point to a hash or array should simply check whether the container is empty or the size of the container. let the module/element that container represents handle its own contents.



  1. debug comes with ruby installations >= 3.1. this is a proper debugger with more features than IRB.

Steps to get 'debug' wired up:

  • Uncomment / add require 'debug' in bin/mdtranslator to run debugger
  • Add a breakpoint anywhere in the code via binding.b
  • Assign your test file to a variable in the CLI:
    export f=test/readers/iso19115_2/testData/iso19115-2.xml
  • Invoke MDTranslator with the following command:
   bundle exec mdtranslator translate $f -r iso19115_2 -w dcat_us

Note: to debug a test, you want to add require 'debug' to vendor/ruby/3.2.0/gems/rake-13.2.1/lib/rake/rake_test_loader.rb, prior to invoking bundle exec rake test TEST={path to test file}

  1. IRB comes with your ruby installation and can be used to "debug"
  • insert a "breakpoint" by adding binding.irb on the line of your choice. here's an example of what that might look like...
From: /home/bobsmith/.rbenv/versions/3.2.2/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/gems/3.2.0/gems/adiwg-mdtranslator-2.20.0.pre.beta.5/lib/adiwg/mdtranslator/writers/dcat_us/sections/dcat_us_contact_point.rb @ line 10 :

     5:       module Writers
     6:          module Dcat_us
     7:             module ContactPoint
     9:                def
 => 10:                   binding.irb
    11:                   resourceInfo = intObj[:metadata][:resourceInfo]
    12:                   pointOfContact = resourceInfo[:pointOfContacts][0]
    13:                   contactId = pointOfContact[:parties][0][:contactId]
    15:                   contact = Dcat_us.get_contact_by_id(contactId)

irb(ADIWG::Mdtranslator::Writers:...):001> # execute your expressions here...



  • Ruby
  • bundler (gem install bundler)
  • rake (gem install rake)


In order to run the tests, first install the dependencies

$ bundle install

Then, run the rake command

$ bundle exec rake

TODO: There are currently 4 tests that are not passing, related to mdJSON readers and writers


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/mdTranslator/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request specific notes

For our purposes, we are building a spec compliant reader first and then cloning that reader and making changes to that ISO19115-2-datagov reader so that documents which have been marked valid historically by our harvester are passed so long as there is not a good reason to fail them.

To that end, we have settled up this workflow:

  • Create test documents in testData folders that are spec compliant
  • Run a secondary translation test against this document test/datagov/WIP__office-of-coast-survey-wrecks-and-obstructions-database.xml via the command: bundle exec mdtranslator translate $f -r iso19115_2 -w dcat_us where $f is equal to the above file
  • Comment out failing lines
  • Add lines to XML to allow spec compliant reader to pass

(as an example)

      <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>
<!-- <gmd:date gco:nilReason="inapplicable" /> -->
  • Once we begin work on the sibling reader we will begin to back out those changes and slowly make our document pass