The current workflow is the following:
- Open an issue to describe your feature request or your bug fix with a detailed explanation of what you want to achieve.
- Fork the repo
- Develop locally:
- Install the precommit file (
pip install pre-commit
, thenpre-commit install
) - Create a branch based on the main branch (
git checkout -b <prefix-branchname> main
) - Create a conda environment (conda create -n python==3.7)
- Activate this environment (
conda activate <your-env-name>
) - Install the extra dependencies for tests (
pip install kedro-serving[dev,test]
) - Apply your changes
- Run pre-commit (black linting, flake8 errors, isort with
pre-commit run
- Install the precommit file (
- Submit your changes:
- Ensure test coverage is still 100%
- Update documentation accordingly
- Update
according to "Keep a Changelog" guidelines - Squash all the changes within a single commit as much as possible, and ensure the commit message has the format ":gitmoji_icon: Informative description (
)" - Rebase your branch on
to ensure linear history - Open a pull request against
- Ask for review:
- Assign the reviewer @Galileo-Galilei
- Wait for review
- Resolve all discussions (go back to step 3.)
- The PR will be merged as soon as possible
We reserve the right to take over (suppress or modify) PR that do not match the workflow or are abandoned.
- Check the issues:
- Ensure all the release issues are completed. Eventually move the not addressed yet issues to a further release.
- Create a new milestone
- Create the release candidate:
- Go to the create-release-candidate action
- Click "Run workflow"
- Enter the part of the version to bump (one of
- If the workflow has run sucessfully:
- Go to the newly openened PR named "Release candidate
" - Check that changelog and version have been properly updated.
- (If everything is normal, skip this step) Eventually pull the branch and make changes if necessary
- Merge the PR to main
- Go to the newly openened PR named "Release candidate
- Checkout the publish workflow to see if:
- The package has been uploaded on PyPI sucessfully
- A Github release has been created
- If the pipeline has failed, please raise an issue to correct the CI, and ensure merge on main manually.