Clone this repository.
The repository contains the docker-compose file for quick launching of the node with preconfigurations on rpc, and
genesis.json. Change your current directory to node
Run startup bash script (for linux, mac):
Run following commands (for windows):
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yaml up -d
Prerequisites: make sure that the validator private key (priv_validator_key.json) and node id (node_key.json) files, are in node/config
It will start the node for you, which will ingest all the previous heights
After node is launched, it starts syncing with the network.
Note: Check our nodes real-time logs with the following command:
docker-compose logs -f --tail 100 node
⚠ [IMPORTANT] Wait for the node to catch up with the remotes, to query it or send transactions
First of all, you need to log into your docker container
docker exec -it node /bin/bash
Once logged in, you can use bandd CLI to restore your ODIN wallet address. Please make sure to keep your mnemonic safe! (you can use --keyring-backend test with the following command, for testing purposes)
bandd keys add [[YOUR_WALLET_NAME]] --recover # e.g. user1
After that you will be asked to enter your mnemonic phrase. This will recover your wallet from mnemonic.