Releases: GeoscienceAustralia/tcrm
TCRM 3.0
TCRM Version 3.0
The main development in this release is the translation to Python 3.x. In part, this was also necessitated by upgrades to our primary computing platform.
We are no longer actively developing v2.1
, but critical bug fixes will be considered.
- Upgraded to Python 3.7
- Change to mpi4py for parallelisation
- Removed C-extensions
- Additional environment files to assist with installation
- Development branches have been cleaned up
TCRM 3.0rc3
Updated to remove dependencies on unsupported parallelisation libraries and provide additional conda environment file to make installation easier.
N.B. There may still be some minor issues regarding dependencies. Please let us know if any are missing when running the installation
Python 3 release candidate v2
A couple of late changes to the Python 3 version, including fixes to the random nuber generation process. See the v3.0rc1 release for full details of the changes
TCRM 3.0rc1
This release upgrades the code base to Python 3.6. We're putting it out for testing and checking prior to a formal release.
- Basemap (deprecated) has been replaced with cartopy
- Automatic system test for scenario simulation
- Remove unreferenced test data
- Link in the HazImp application to enable impact analysis (see
- Fix download function to use public methods
- Fix for reading CSV files in py3
- Update the check for compiled modules
Changes include:
- Record wind field dynamics (if config
section specifiesWindfields=True
) - Various bugfixes (documentation hyperlinks, automated test suite, Travis build updates)
- Cleanup legacy code (deprecated graphical configurer)
- HazImp integration
Version 2.1
Incremental release that includes a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes.
- Added Dockerfile for deployment (thanks to @olivierdalang)
- Integrate the local wind multiplier code (
) - Added empirical ARI calculation (no fitting to any kind of EVD)
- Fixed a bug where the translation speeds in the landfall decay model were assumed to be in km/h, but are in fact in m/s
TCRM V2.0.0
v2.0.0 Version 2.0.0 release
TCRM v2.0rc1
New features:
- Stores individual events as separate tracks and wind fields;
- Tracks stored in netCDF4 files, using the hierarchical structure and compound variables to improve file management for large simulations;
- Provides a relational database to allow interrogation of simulations (using an SQLite database);
- Updated visualisation of outputs using Seaborn;
Bug fixes:
- Update kernel density estimation methods. Previous version oversmoothed the distribution and used an isotropic bandwidth. Now uses statsmodels Multivariate KDE method for 2-dimensional KDE;
- Numpy 1.10.1 compatibility fix (see commit 0361c7c);
- Wind speed averaging times are as per WMO-TD1555 - default output is 0.2 second wind gust;