I have three Asus Tinkerboards available, which I use with DietPi. Sadly those boards only support 32bit operating systems, but at least for a while, they are a still good solution for a music digital transport.
Sadly, some work appears to be required in order to avoid audio issues, at least when using Docker in combination with USB DACs. And that is ironic, considering that, when I bought those boards, I chose them over the RPI 3B because they have a better USB implementation. Then the PI 3B+ came out to solve all those issues, and the Pi4 of couse is even better in many ways.
The Volumio guys also chose this board for their first product, the Volumio Primo. I think it's still worth the effort, and using old hardware is a good thing instead of creating new e-waste.
Currently (at least until circa November 2022, 24th), there is an issue with docker not running the squeezelite image (and of course a lot of others if not every single image). This can be solved running these commands as root
grep -q 'systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0' /boot/boot.cmd || G_EXEC sed -i '/^setenv bootargs "/s/"$/ systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=0"/' /boot/boot.cmd
apt install u-boot-tools
mkimage -C none -A arm64 -T script -d /boot/boot.cmd /boot/boot.scr
A reboot is required after this command. Reference: here and more specifically this reply.
I was experiencing bad audio quality after the upgrade to bullseye and/or after starting using docker for audio player. I don't exactly know when this started, but anyway I was experiencing all sorts of disturbances. Click, pops, skips, etc.
Apparently, the problem is related to the cpu governor, and more specifically with the lowest allowed cpu frequency. When set to a high(er) value, the issue disappears. I tried with good success by setting the minimum frequency to 1800 MHz (same as the max frequency), but I later tried with 1200 MHz as the minimum frequency without experiencing the issue. I do not know which would the lowest possible frequency that still works properly, but I am quite happy right now with 1200 MHz. Feel free to experiment and possibly report (if you are one of those who still have some Asus Tinkerboard around).
The governor settings can be set using dietpi-config
. See the screenshot here.
This issue is mostly related to mpd with a scrobbler. See this repository. I was experiencing this issue:
2022-11-18T21:22:28+0000 [last.fm] handshake failed, clock not synchronized (BADTIME)
2022-11-18T21:22:28+0000 [last.fm] waiting 60 seconds before trying again
2022-11-18T21:22:28+0000 [libre.fm] handshake failed, clock not synchronized (BADTIME)
2022-11-18T21:22:28+0000 [libre.fm] waiting 60 seconds before trying again
I solved the issue by changing the ntp governor to Daemon + Drift
See the screenshot here.