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File metadata and controls

96 lines (72 loc) · 7.23 KB

Getting Started

Side Install to Gluu Server 4.4.x

Steps bellow should be used to development or production environment.

  1. Download and add Persistence API jar.
  2. Extract and save the required UMA API RP Key.
  3. Navigate to Configuration > Manage Custom Scripts > UMA RPT Policies and enable oxtrust_api_access_policy.
  4. Go to JSON Configuration > oxAuth Configuration and look for authorizationRequestCustomAllowedParameters. Add the parameter providerHost.
  5. Add inbound_saml interception script to Configuration > Person Authentication Scripts and enable it.
  6. Ensure you have node and yarn installed in your environment (outside chroot).
  7. Download and extract latest inbound-saml release outside the chroot container.
  8. Edit apache configuration file as explained in Server ProxyPass Section

Production Only Steps

Next steps are required only for production environment (for development environment, proceed to Development Environment Settings).

  1. Move inbound-saml-v.X.Y.z folder to /opt/inbound-saml folder
  2. Move systemd unit file to /etc/systemd/system. (i.e. sudo mv /opt/inbound-saml/setup/inboundsaml.service /etc/systemd/system)
  3. Change ownership from service to root user (chown root:root /etc/systemd/system/inboundsaml.service)
  4. Create inboundsaml user in linux. (i.e. sudo adduser inboundsaml) (required in production env only)
  5. Change ownership from /opt/inbound-saml folder to inboundsaml user. (required in production env only) (i.e. sudo chown -R inboundsaml /opt/inbound-saml)
  6. Go to inbound-saml folder and run yarn, then yarn build. (required in production env only)
  7. Configure Production Settings
  8. Start systemd service: sudo systemctl start inboundsaml
  9. Enable it to start automatically on boot: sudo systemctl enable inboundsaml

Server ProxyPass

Edit server configuration to proxy /inbound-saml to http://localhost:5000/inbound-saml

Bundled apache configuration file is named https_gluu.conf. File location changes according to linux distribution. In ubuntu, it's located in (/etc/apache2/sites-available/https_gluu.conf), add the following configuration:

<Location /inbound-saml>
        ProxyPass http://localhost:5000/inbound-saml retry=5 connectiontimeout=60 timeout=60
        Order deny,allow
        Allow from all

Production Settings

Persistence API Settings

Data layers calls oxTrust REST API that handles persistence to multiple backends

Environment Variable Description Default value
INBOUND_SAML_OXTRUST_API_HOST The oxTrust Api Host (i.e. None
INBOUND_SAML_OXTRUST_CLIENT_ID OxTrust API RP client ID. Open ID Client ID for API Ressource Provider. None
INBOUND_SAML_OXTRUST_API_COMPLETE_PATH OxTrust API Complete Path. (without the first forward slash) identity/restv1/api/v1/inbound-saml
INBOUND_SAML_OXTRUST_API_TOKEN_URL OxTrust API Token Url. URL to get token fro oxAuth for accessing the persistence api. Should use secure protocol (https) according to Oauth2 specs None
INBOUND_SAML_OXTRUST_API_KID Oxtrust API RP rs256 kid (extracted from jwks) None
INBOUND_SAML_OXTRUST_API_PVK_PATH Oxtrust rs256 Private Key extracted from api-rp jwks with above kid None

SP Proxy Server Settings

Proxy server is used to expose and address services through REST API.

Environment Variable Description Default value
INBOUND_SAML_ADMIN_USER User allowed to add a trusted IDP through the Add Trusted Idp from Metadata feature admin
INBOUND_SAML_ADMIN_PWD Password to the user above admin
INBOUND_SAML_LOG_LEVEL Log level, error, warn, info, debug info
INBOUND_SAML_PORT Port to run the server 5000
INBOUND_SAML_USE_TLS Require TLS to connect to SP Proxy: true or false. Notice that if set to true, 2 fields bellow are required false
INBOUND_SAML_TLS_CERT_PATH If INBOUND_SAML_USE_TLS set to true, the full or relative path to the TLS certificate. None
INBOUND_SAML_TLS_KEY_PATH If INBOUND_SAML_USE_TLS set to true, the full or relative path to the TLS certificate. None
INBOUND_SAML_PROXY_CFG_PATH The complete path to the Service Provider configuration json file. None

SP Proxy Service Settings

The configuration about the SP Proxy Service itself (and not about the http server) is located at a json file that implements SpProxyConfigProps (inbound-saml/packages/sp-proxy/src/frameworks-drivers/file-persistence/sp-proxy-config-dev.json).

key description default
host host name i.e. None
identifierFormat name identifier format to request from identity providers urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
skipRequestCompression If true requests to the IDP won't be compressed. POST-Redirect usually uses false. false
decryption Object (CertKeySetPath) containing publicCertPath and privateKeyPath to certificate and private keys used to decrypt requests None
signing Optional Object (CertKeySetPath) containing publicCertPath and privateKeyPath to certificate and private keys used to sign requests None
postProfileUrl Url that profile will be posted to, if authentication succeed. default

Development Environment Settings

When NODE_ENV=dev, development environment is activated.

In the development settings, you can use the environment variables or change/enter default values to files:

  • Persistence API Settings : packages/sp-proxy/src/frameworks-drivers/main/config
  • SP Proxy Server Settings: packages/sp-proxy/src/interface-adapters/config/env.ts
  • SP Proxy Service Settings: packages/sp-proxy/src/frameworks-drivers/file-persistence/sp-proxy-config-dev.json

To run the package use NODE_ENV=dev yarn dev