Python Code for CSF flow model experiments. Thanks to flohwie for the MCP3201 rpi code
Instructions for use: -
requires pigpio library see :
1 in the terminal enter
sudo pigpiod
2 to run the program enter
you will be prompted for a file name and sampling frequency in Hertz
3 Data will be recorded while 3.3v is suppied to pin 17 (Broadcom Numbering)
4 Ctrl + C to exit
Instructions for
Type the command (without the double quotes and with the stars replaced by your choice of numbers. The 'uniqueRunName' should be your choice of a unique name for the run and must be in 'quotes' and contain no spaces or special characters.): - "nohup python3 --Frequency ** --DutyCycle ** --TimeLapse **** --RunFolder 'uniqueRunName'" To terminate press and hold Ctrl & C or Cmd & C. TimeLapse is the number of seconds between image captures e.g. half an hour would be 1800.