A Google Cloud Project is required in order to run the sample. The project should have the following API's enabled:
- Cloud Run
- Cloud Functions
- Serverless VPC Access API
From inside the vpc-sample directory:
gcloud functions deploy restricted-function \
--runtime=python311 --trigger-http --no-allow-unauthenticated \
--ingress-settings=internal-only --entry-point=hello_world
The -ingress-settings=internal-only
will restrict access to the function to services inside the project. To call the function, deploy a service with the egress going through a VPC connector.
gcloud compute networks vpc-access connectors create serverless-connector \
--region=${_SERVICE_REGION} --range=
Set environment variable for your Artifact Registry (example, 'containers' in us-central1):
export _AR_REPO_NAME=us-central1-pkg.dev/${PROJECT_ID}/containers
From inside the vpc-sample directory:
gcloud builds submit --tag=${_AR_REPO_NAME}/restricted-function-caller .
gcloud run deploy run-function --image ${_AR_REPO_NAME}/restricted-function-caller \
--no-allow-unauthenticated \
--update-env-vars=URL=https://${_SERVICE_REGION}-$PROJECT_ID.cloudfunctions.net/restricted-function-caller \
--vpc-egress=all --vpc-connector=serverless-connector --region=${_SERVICE_REGION}
The Cloud Run function sends a get request via the VPC connector to the network-restricted function.