This project includes samples for calling the Google Cloud Speech API
Install the dependencies, namely google_api_speech
, using Mix:
mix deps.get
Authentication is typically done through Application Default Credentials
which means you do not have to change the code to authenticate as long as
your environment has credentials. Start by creating a
Service Account key file. This file can be used to
authenticate to Google Cloud Platform services from any environment. To use
environment variable to
the path to the key file, for example:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/service_account.json
Use Interactive Elixir and Mix to compile and run the samples
iex -S mix
Now you can run the samples! For example, to transcribe an audio file, type the following into the Interactive Elixir shell:
iex(1)> GoogleApi.Speech.Samples.recognize("gs://elixir-samples/audio.raw", :LINEAR16, 32000)
how old is the Brooklyn Bridge
To use your own sample audio sample, upload an audio file to Cloud Storage. You will need to provide the correct encoding and sample rate to the API.