The BigQuery sample application demonstrates some common operations with Google Cloud BigQuery and is compatible with Native Image compilation.
Navigate to this directory in a new terminal.
Compile the application using the Native Image Compiler. This step may take a few minutes.
mvn package -P native
Run the application:
The application will create a sample BigQuery dataset in your GCP project called
and perform some simple operations like creating a table, inserting data, and running a query.If you would like to delete the BigQuery dataset later, you can manage your BigQuery resources through Google Cloud Console to clean up BigQuery resources under your project.
When you run the application, you'll see output like this in the terminal:
Created new table: nativeimage_test_table_2351b0891d2f48af9309bd289c3bad13 Successfully inserted test row. Queried the following records: User id: TestUser-2f39e3ec-d81a-483f-9ec0-b9bd54155710 | age: 40 Deleted table: nativeimage_test_table_2351b0891d2f48af9309bd289c3bad13