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Capacity Planner CLI

This tool is a stand-alone tool to extract peak resource usage values and corresponding timestamps for a given GCP project, time range and timezone.


You should run the following command to acquire the Application Default Credentials (ADC). Alternatively you may want to configure GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to use your service accounts to avoid hitting lower quota with ADC.

gcloud auth application-default login
% pip install -r requirements.txt
% python --help
Usage: [OPTIONS]

  --project_id TEXT               GCP project ID where the Cloud Monitoring
                                  API is called against.  [required]
  --end_time [%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z]
                                  The end time in ISO 8601 format of the time
                                  interval for which           results should
                                  be returned. Default is now.           e.g.
  --duration_minutes INTEGER      The number of minutes in the time interval
                                  ending at the time           specified with
                                  --end_time. Default is 360 minutes (6
  --output FILE                   The CSV file path for writing the results
                                  out.           Default is logs/result.csv
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


The following command will produce a CSV file in logs/result.csv.

python --project_id my-awesome-project --end_time '2022-10-15T18:30:00+09:00' --duration_minutes 60


HTTP(S) Load Balancing QPS global 1/s NaN 597460.0833 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
HTTP(S) Load Balancing Ingress Gbps global Gibit/s NaN 0.596731 2022-10-15 18:00:00+09:00
HTTP(S) Load Balancing Egress Gbps global Gibit/s NaN 30.82214 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
TCP/UDP Load Balancing Ingress Gbps asia-northeast1 Gibit/s NaN 0.000047 2022-10-15 17:41:00+09:00
TCP/UDP Load Balancing Egress Gbps asia-northeast1 Gibit/s NaN 0.000049 2022-10-15 18:04:00+09:00
Cloud CDN QPS global 1/s NaN 528772.95 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud CDN Egress Gbps NaN Gibit/s NaN 30.760505 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud Pub/Sub Publisher QPS NaN 1/s NaN 4993.98333 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud Pub/Sub Publisher Throughput MB/s NaN MiBy/s NaN 69.290791 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud Pub/Sub Subscriber Pull QPS NaN 1/s NaN 9.7 2022-10-15 18:03:00+09:00
Cloud Pub/Sub Subscriber Streaming Pull QPS NaN 1/s NaN 791.016667 2022-10-15 18:07:00+09:00
Cloud Pub/Sub Subscriber Throughput MB/s NaN MiBy/s NaN 13.703873 2022-10-15 18:03:00+09:00
Cloud BigTable QPS NaN 1/s NaN 91465.68333 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud BigTable Ingress MB/s NaN MiBy/s NaN 19.882619 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud BigTable Egress MB/s NaN MiBy/s NaN 1340.307562 2022-10-15 17:59:00+09:00
Cloud Storage QPS NaN 1/s asia 249.416667 2022-10-15 18:19:00+09:00
Cloud Storage QPS NaN 1/s asia-northeast1 0.266667 2022-10-15 17:36:00+09:00
Cloud Storage QPS NaN 1/s us-central1 0.766667 2022-10-15 18:04:00+09:00
Cloud Storage Egress MiB/s NaN MiBy/s asia 213.693089 2022-10-15 17:40:00+09:00
Cloud Storage Egress MiB/s NaN MiBy/s asia-northeast1 1.965136 2022-10-15 17:36:00+09:00
Cloud Storage Egress MiB/s NaN MiBy/s us-central1 1.952456 2022-10-15 18:21:00+09:00

Customize queries

You can add/remove/modify the queries.toml to customize queries to obtain other Cloud Monitoring metrics. One of the easiest ways is to use the Metrics Explorer to develop MQL queries for your purpose, and then you can copy the MQL queries to the query parameter in the queries.toml file.

For units conversion (scale()), see below.

Basic structure

The queries.toml configuration file consists of products and metrics.

    product_name = "Product Name"

    metric_name = "metric_name_1"
    query = """your MQL query comes here"""

    metric_name = "metric_name_2"
    query = """your MQL query comes here"""


    product_name = "Product Name"

    metric_name = "metric_name_1"
    query = """your MQL query comes here"""

    metric_name = "metric_name_2"
    query = """your MQL query comes here"""



Here shows some example configurations for HTTP(S) Load Balancing.

    product_name = "HTTP(S) Load Balancing"

    metric_name = "QPS"
    query = """fetch https_lb_rule
        | metric ''
        | align rate(1m)
        | every 1m
        | group_by [resource.region], [value_requst_count_aggregate: aggregate(value.request_count)]"""

    metric_name = "Ingress Gbps"
    query = """fetch https_lb_rule
        | metric ''
        | align rate(1m)
        | every 1m
        | group_by [resource.region], [value_requst_bytes_count_aggregate: aggregate(value.request_bytes_count)]
        | scale('Gibit/s')"""

    metric_name = "Egress Gbps"
    query = """fetch https_lb_rule
        | metric ''
        | align rate(1m)
        | every 1m
        | group_by [resource.region], [value_response_bytes_count_aggregate: aggregate(value.response_bytes_count)]
        | scale('Gibit/s')"""

How to run tests

To test the code, you can do so by simply running:

% pip install -r test_requirements.txt
% pytest

tests folder has a sample data named dump.json for testing already, but if you would like to test with your original data, you can generate it by running:

% python tools/ --project_id your-awesome-project-id --duration_minutes 180 --end_time '2023-01-12T00:30:00+09:00' --output tests/dump.json retrieves metric from your environment, but if you also would like to use another metric, you can change the query parameter accordingly.