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Guild Import Job


This is a job that imports guilds by retrieving them from the NATS server stream. The job is responsible for fetching guild IDs from the stream and importing them into the database using

Testing & Debugging

To fetch a guild named our-guild from the NATS server stream named guild-import-job, follow these steps:

  1. Install nats-server locally via a Package Manager.
  2. Install NATS Command Line Interface. This step is optional but highly recommended for a smoother debugging experience.
  3. Add env variables mentioned in the previous section.
  4. Run protocol API: yarn nx run protocol-api:serve.
  5. run nats server: nats-server --jetstream
  6. Publish messages to nats server with a stream name: guild-import-job. You can acheive that using one of two ways:
    • nats CLI: nats -s nats://localhost:4222 publish "guild-import-job.row" "our-guild". It is recommended to complete step 7 at least once before running this command.
    • Alternatively, call the writeMessages() utility function from /helpers/nats.ts after you successfully establish a connection.
  7. To check if a message is successfully published: nats stream report. To view messages: nats stream view
  8. Run guild import job: yarn nx run guild-import-job:serve.

Unfortunately, nats-server doesn't include a built-in logging or debugging mode. However, nats CLI provide a convenient ways to interact with the server's state using nats stream help, accessing various functionalities and insights about nats server.

Here's a Loom screencast to prepare nats-server for testing: