Arborchive is derived from the Latin word "Arbor" (meaning "tree") and "Archive" , symbolizing the project's core mission of parsing and storing code structure as a tree(AST).
Arborchive 使用 clang
解析 C/C++ 代码, 并将AST节点信息存入 SQLite
- 操作系统: linux-x86_64
- 编译器: g++ (gcc version 14.2.1)
- 依赖
- clang: clang version 19.1.7
$ make # 编译
$ make help # 查看帮助信息
$ ./build/demo <Target C/CPP File> # 运行
The Makefile provides several useful commands for building and running the project:
# Build the project with default settings
$ make
# Build with debug flags enabled
$ make debug
# Build with release optimizations
$ make release
# Build and run the demo with test file
$ make run
# Clean up all build artifacts
$ make clean
# Show available make commands
$ make help
使用 ./tests/
$ ./build/demo ./tests/
- 解析 C/C++ 代码
- 记录变量声明&引用节点
- 记录函数声明&调用节点 ...
- 将 AST 节点信息存入 SQLite 数据库中
- 支持查询结果导出为 CSV 文件 ...