Hey you, you are releasing Alchemy, awesome! You can release the Alchemy by running:
grunt --release
The release
flag is to prevent an accidental release when running the default grunt
In order for the release to work, please make sure the following is true:
- the documentation site is in a subfolder called site
- update the package.json file with the release version
- the version should be in the format "X.Y.Z", for example "0.5.0", not "v0.5.0", "v0.5", "0.5"
- make sure that the version is different than any other version that has been published to npm or the bower registry
The release task aliases to the following grunt tasks:
* "test:dist": tests the site with sauce labs using your credentials. See the [[BUILD.md]] file for more information on exporting sauce lab credentials to your OS ENV.
* "build", build Alchemy vendor files and Alchemy.js
* "string-replace", apply version to Alchemy.js
* "bumpBower", bump bower version
* "shell:commitBuild", commit dist files
* "release", create tag and version
* "archiveDist", create archive of files to zip for upload to github
* "concat:s3", squash vendor and alchemy files for cdn. The css and js files on CDN include all vendor, assuming that is what users who are not managing their own dependencies want.
* "concat:s3Version", apply version numbers to files for cdn
* "s3:production" publish files to s3 for cdn
* "shell:docs", run grunt file that releases docs (see ./site/Gruntfile.coffee