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390 lines (279 loc) · 14.2 KB


Refer to the readme guide to get started.


Repository Reference

  • cdk/ - AWS CDK application to deploy apps
  • docs/ - Documentation related to project including architecture diagrams
  • tests/ - End-to-end test suite powered by Vitest, supports in-source unit testing
  • packages/ - collection of library packages, including Discord, support helpers, and a shared TypeScript configuration
  • scripts/ - small CLI helper for automating tasks

Architecture Reference

Architecture diagram

Git Hooks

It is recommended to use the provided git hooks to save time by verifying your changes before filing a pull request.

git config core.hookspath .git-hooks

Authoring Discord Commands

To get started, let's create a new command file in src/lib/discord/commands: hello.ts

import { SlashCommandBuilder } from '@discordjs/builders'
import type { ChatInputCommandInteraction } from 'discord.js'

export const config = new SlashCommandBuilder()
  .setDescription('Says hello to the world (or everyone)')
  .addStringOption((option) =>
      .setDescription('Say hello to this name')
        { name: 'world', value: 'world' }
        { name: 'everyone', value: 'everyone' }

export function handler(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction): string {
  const name = interaction.options.getString('name') as string
  return `Hello, ${name}!`

if (import.meta.vitest) {
  const { test } = import.meta.vitest

Creating new endpoints

  • refer to the SvelteKit documentation
  • New endpoints must be created in /api if they are to be called externally (i.e. not a page load endpoint, which runs at build time)
    • all routes under /api are rate-limited

Creating Secrets in SSM


Create secrets in SSM Parameter Store with the scripts helper! Rename .env.sample to and create secrets with the following command:

pnpm scripts create-secrets -e next

Note dotenv files are loaded using Vite's loadEnv and local dotenv files are not supported when creating secrets. Additionally, we must be sure to pass a valid environment name such as main or next

Setup GitHub

Some of the bot features require a few manual configuration steps.

Note You do not need to set up a GitHub organization to test with locally if you do not plan to work on GitHub-related features

Configuring a Github -> Discord Webhook

This is used for release notifications. Begin in your Discord server:

  1. Go to server settings (click on the server name -> Server Settings)
  2. Go to Integrations -> Create Webhook
  3. Add a descriptive name
  4. Select #releases as the channel the webhook posts to
  5. Select Copy Webhook URL
  6. Add the url to your .env file as DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_RELEASES

Creating the GitHub Webhook

Go to either the GitHub organization or repository that you wish to recieve release notifications for. You must be the owner of the organization or repository to perform the following steps.

  1. Go to the desired GitHub organization/repository, and click Settings
  2. Click Webhooks -> Add Webhook
  3. Under Payload URL , paste in the Discord Webhook URL from before with /github appended to the end
  4. Under Content type, select application/json
  5. Create a Secret and store it in .env as GITHUB_RELEASES_WEBHOOK_SECRET
  6. Select Let me select individual events then choose releases
  7. Click Add Webhook

Configuring an organization membership webhook

Configuring this webhook will remove the Discord staff role when members leave your organization.

Create the GitHub webhook

You must be the owner of the GitHub organization to perform the following steps.

  1. Go to your GitHub organization, and click Settings -> Webhooks -> Add Webhook
  2. Under Payload URL choose http://<your-production-url>/api/webhooks/github-org-membership
  3. Under Content type, select application/json
  4. Create a Secret and store in in .env as GITHUB_ORG_WEBHOOK_SECRET
  5. Select Let me select individual events then choose Organizations
  6. Add Webhook

Configuring a GitHub App

A GitHub App is required to obtain the permissions necessary for many API calls. You must be the owner of the GitHub organization to perform the following steps.

Creating the App

  1. Go to your GitHub organization, and click Settings -> Developer Settings -> GitHub Apps
  2. Select New GitHub App
  3. For the homepage URL, put in the homepage of your website
  4. Under Callback URL put http://<your-production-url>/api/auth/callback/github
  5. Select Expire user authorization tokens AND Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation
  6. Under Webhook deselect Active
  7. Scroll down to Organization Permissions and under Members select Read-only
  8. Create GitHub App

Storing App IDs

Now you should be looking at the settings page for your app.

  1. Copy the App ID and store in .env as GITHUB_APP_ID
  2. Copy the Client ID and store in .env as GITHUB_CLIENT_ID
  3. Select Generate a new client secret, then copy and store in .env as GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET

Generating a Private Key

  1. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Generate a private key

  2. Open the terminal on your computer and navigate to the directory that the key was saved to (look for <app-name>.<date>.private-key.pem, likely in ~/Downloads)

  3. Run

    openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in <filename>.pem -out private-key-pkcs8.key
  4. Create a variable in .env called GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY

  5. Delete the original .pem file and copy the contents of private-key-pkcs8.key into .env

  6. Wrap the key in double quotes, add a \n newline character at each line break, then format the private key to be on one line

  7. Store the key like this:

    GITHUB_PRIVATE_KEY={"privateKey": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEvQIBAadsgG9w0dsagQE...\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----"}
  8. Now delete private-key-pkcs8.key as well

Installing App

  1. On the toolbar on the top left side of the screen, navigate to Install App (If you cannot see this, you likely do not have the correct organizational permissions)
  2. Select the organization that you wish to install the app on and select Install
  3. GitHub should prompt you to authorize Read access to members; select Install & Authorize
  4. Upon success, you should be redirected to your App's callback url

Getting Installation ID

  1. Finally, go back to your organization's page, and select Settings -> GitHub Apps (under Integrations)

  2. Select the Configure button next to the app you just installed

  3. The url in your browser should now display the installation ID of your app<org-name>/settings/installations/<installationID>
  4. Copy this ID and store in .env as GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID


For the deployment we will work primarily in the cdk directory, where the AWS CDK CLI is installed locally to the package.

  1. if not already done, bootstrap the environment with pnpm cdk bootstrap
  2. ensure we are able to synthesize the stack: pnpm cdk synth
    1. alternatively we can synthesize an environment-specific stack: pnpm cdk synth -c env=next
  3. deploy the stack with pnpm cdk deploy

Typical Workflow

Deploy for environment next

  1. pnpm cdk synth -c env=next
  2. pnpm cdk deploy -c env=next

Destroy resources associated with environment next

  1. pnpm cdk destroy -c env=next


Run the tests with pnpm test. This will launch Vite in test mode, which will load secrets from .env.test if it exists. In a CI setting it is recommended to use a separate set of secrets unique to the test flow.

You can also launch a UI for the tests with pnpm vitest --ui

Unit Tests

This project supports in-source testing powered by Vitest. To get started, at the end of the file add the following:

// ... implementation

if (import.meta.vitest) {
  const { test } = import.meta.vitest
  test.todo('my unit test')

Note in-source testing with Vitest does not tree-shake dependencies, which could lead to ambiguous errors caused by circular references

When pnpm test is run from the project root, the newly added test is executed alongside the e2e tests.


  1. developer creates a PR from their fork
  2. maintainers review and add the run-ci label to run the CI pipeline and get the apporpriate status check
  3. after PR requirements are met, maintainers merge to main
  4. maintainers manually run the create-release action with the desired version release (major, minor, patch, prerelease)
  5. maintainers review and merge the automatically-created PR
  6. GitHub Actions run release action using the version specified in the PR title

This process uses one branch, main, and relies on the created releases and git tags to showcase the latest source code available in each environment (release -> main vs prerelease -> next).

flowchart TD
    dev[staff runs `create-release` action]


    subgraph create-release["create-release action"]
        pnpm[pnpm sets new version based on release type]
        releaseBranch[creates release branch]
        commitsChanges[commits changes from pnpm]
        pushesChanges[pushes changes to branch]
        createsPR[creates PR]
        releaseCi[CI runs automatically]


    staffReviewReleasePR[staff reviews and merges release PR]
    staffReviewReleasePR-->|automatically triggers|releaseAction

    subgraph releaseAction[release action]

        raVerifyRun["verifies run (see workflow for details)"]
        raExtract[extracts version from PR title]
        raPrerelease[runs prerelease workflow for `next` env]
        raRelease[runs release workflow for `main` env]

        raVerifyRun-->|if verified|raExtract
        raVerifyRun-->|if not verified|exit
        raExtract-->|if prerelease|raPrerelease
        raExtract-->|if not prerelease|raRelease

        subgraph reusableReleaseEnv[reusable release-env workflow]
            rrConfigureAws[configure AWS credentials]
            rrSetup[setup pnpm, node, install dependencies]
            rrCdkSynth[cdk synth with env, version]
            rrCdkDeploy[cdk deploy with env, version]
            rrGhRelease[GitHub CLI creates release with notes]





Creating Secrets in SSM


Create secrets in SSM Parameter Store with the scripts helper! Rename .env.sample to and create secrets with the following command:

pnpm scripts create-secrets -e next

NOTE: dotenv files are loaded using Vite's loadEnv and local dotenv files are not supported when creating secrets. Additionally, we must be sure to pass a valid environment name such as main or next


For the deployment we will work primarily in the cdk directory, where the AWS CDK CLI is installed locally to the package.

  1. if not already done, bootstrap the environment with pnpm cdk bootstrap
  2. ensure we are able to synthesize the stack: pnpm cdk synth
    1. alternatively we can synthesize an environment-specific stack: pnpm cdk synth -c env=next
  3. deploy the stack with pnpm cdk deploy


Build individual apps using docker compose:

  • docker compose up bot --build

Build manually with:

docker build -t bot .

Run manually with:

docker run --rm \
  --name bot-local
  -p 3000:3000 \