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Incoming WebHook Scripting

With Scripts you can point any WebHook to Rocket.Chat and process the request to print customized messages, define the username and avatar of the user of the message and change the channel where the message will be posted or you can cancel the request to prevent undesired messages.

How to create a new Incoming WebHook

  • Go to your admin page
  • Go to Integrations
  • Create a New Integration and select Incoming WebHook
  • Select the channel were you will receive the alerts (you can override in messages)
  • Set Script Enabled to True
  • Paste your script inside the Script field
  • Save the integration
  • Use the generated WebHook URL to POST messages to Rocket.Chat

Incoming Script Details

The script should be in ES2015 / ECMAScript 6

The script expects a global class called Script, this class will be instantiated just one time (on the first execution) and kept in memory

The class should have a method called process_incoming_request, this method will be called every time your server receive a new request, will be called with an Object as parameter containing the request property.

The process_incoming_request method should return an object with a property content containing a valid Rocket.Chat message or an object with a property error that will be returned as the response of the request in JSON format and status code 400.

To help debug your script, you can use the console methods to log information. More information about console can be found here. To view the logs go to Administration -> View Logs.

/* exported Script */
/* globals console, _, s */

/** Global Helpers
 * console - A normal console instance
 * _       - An underscore instance
 * s       - An underscore string instance

class Script {
   * @params {object} request
  process_incoming_request({ request }) {
    // request.url.hash
    // request.url.query
    // request.url.pathname
    // request.url.path
    // request.url_raw
    // request.url_params
    // request.headers
    // request.user._id
    // request.user.username
    // request.content_raw
    // request.content

    // console is a global helper to improve debug

    return {
        text: request.content.text
        // "attachments": [{
        //   "color": "#FF0000",
        //   "author_name": "Rocket.Cat",
        //   "author_link": "",
        //   "author_icon": "",
        //   "title": "Rocket.Chat",
        //   "title_link": "",
        //   "text": "Rocket.Chat, the best open source chat",
        //   "fields": [{
        //     "title": "Priority",
        //     "value": "High",
        //     "short": false
        //   }],
        //   "image_url": "",
        //   "thumb_url": ""
        // }]

    // return {
    //   error: {
    //     success: false,
    //     message: 'Error example'
    //   }
    // };

Outgoing WebHook Scripting

With Scripts you can process all messages from a channel and change how Rocket.Chat will do the request or cancel the request. You can cancel the request and return a message or just do nothing. You can do another requests inside the script using the global helper HTTP.

The response of the request will execute the script too, calling another method so you can process the response as you can do in Incoming WebHooks

How to create a new Outgoing WebHook

  • Go to your admin page
  • Go to Integrations
  • Create a New Integration and select Outgoing WebHook
  • Select the channel where you will use the commands and receive the responses
  • Put the url you want to call in URLs, you can modify this url inside the script
  • Set Script Enabled to True
  • Paste your script inside the Script field
  • Save your integration

Outgoing Script Details

The script should be in ES2015 / ECMAScript 6

The script expects a global class called Script, this class will be instantiated just one time (on the first execution) and kept in memory

The class can have a method called prepare_outgoing_request, this method will be called for every message in configured channel or can be filtered by the Trigger Words, will be called with an Object as parameter containing the request property.

The prepare_outgoing_request method should return an object with, at least, properties url and method, or you can change the request object and return it. You can return nothing to cancel the request or return a message.

The class can have a method called process_outgoing_response, this method will be called for every response of the request, will be called with an Object as parameter containing the request property (the object you returned in the previous method) and response property.

The process_outgoing_response method can return nothing to proceed the default processing, can return false to stop or an object with the property content containing a valid Rocket.Chat message.

/* exported Script */
/* globals console, _, s, HTTP */

/** Global Helpers
 * console - A normal console instance
 * _       - An underscore instance
 * s       - An underscore string instance
 * HTTP    - The Meteor HTTP object to do sync http calls

class Script {
   * @params {object} request
  prepare_outgoing_request({ request }) {
    // request.params            {object}
    // request.method            {string}
    // request.url               {string}
    // request.auth              {string}
    // request.headers           {object}
    //        {string}
    //   {string}
    // {string}
    //    {date}
    //      {string}
    //    {string}
    //         {string}
    // {string}

    let match;

    // Change the URL and method of the request
    match =^pr\s(ls|list)/);
    if (match) {
      return {
        url: request.url + '/pulls',
        headers: request.headers,
        method: 'GET'

    // Prevent the request and return a new message
    match =^help$/);
    if (match) {
      return {
        message: {
          text: [
              '  pr ls [open|closed|all]  List Pull Requests',
          // "attachments": [{
          //   "color": "#FF0000",
          //   "author_name": "Rocket.Cat",
          //   "author_link": "",
          //   "author_icon": "",
          //   "title": "Rocket.Chat",
          //   "title_link": "",
          //   "text": "Rocket.Chat, the best open source chat",
          //   "fields": [{
          //     "title": "Priority",
          //     "value": "High",
          //     "short": false
          //   }],
          //   "image_url": "",
          //   "thumb_url": ""
          // }]

   * @params {object} request, response
  process_outgoing_response({ request, response }) {
    // request              {object} - the object returned by prepare_outgoing_request

    // response.error       {object}
    // response.status_code {integer}
    // response.content     {object}
    // response.content_raw {string/object}
    // response.headers     {object}

    var text = [];
    response.content.forEach(function(pr) {
      text.push('> '+pr.state+' [#'+pr.number+']('+pr.html_url+') - '+pr.title);

    // Return false will abort the response
    // return false;

    // Return empty will proceed with the default response process
    // return;

    return {
      content: {
        text: text.join('\n'),
        parseUrls: false
        // "attachments": [{
        //   "color": "#FF0000",
        //   "author_name": "Rocket.Cat",
        //   "author_link": "",
        //   "author_icon": "",
        //   "title": "Rocket.Chat",
        //   "title_link": "",
        //   "text": "Rocket.Chat, the best open source chat",
        //   "fields": [{
        //     "title": "Priority",
        //     "value": "High",
        //     "short": false
        //   }],
        //   "image_url": "",
        //   "thumb_url": ""
        // }]