The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix invalid boundary resolving of composite steps in composite files
- (Fixes vividus-framework#406) Fix invalid multiline step highlighting when it's followed by a comment
- (Fixes vividus-framework#380) Add 'Insert Step' source code action
- (Fixes vividus-framework#367) Fix meta parsing to not consider meta sign in step as part of meta tags block
- Fix semantics error occurred when user selects VIVIDUS language mode for new text file that was not saved on the file system
- Add auto-completion for locally defined composite steps
- Highlight composite step files content
- Do not invoke completion items list on typing inside unbounded argument
- Highlight multiline step arguments
- Fix internal accessibility error (#32603) when running
VIVIDUS: Run Stories
- Add auto-completion for regular and composite steps
- Add syntax highlighting for scenarios, scenarios examples, steps, steps arguments, comments, meta info, lifecycle, story examples and given stories
- Add command to run stories from IDE
- Add VIVIDUS icon for story and commposite step files
- Add auto-assembling of test project
- Add automatic location of JDK 17 in the system