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MMMM Minutes (MMMMM 5)

Date: 27 November 2017 19:30

Location: Hacman, Wellington House

Minutes taken by Brittain


Standing Items

  • Reports from teams
    • Board
    • Craft
    • Laser
    • 3D Print
    • Documentation
    • Procurement
    • Electrical
    • Events

Member Submitted Items

  • Bin the space day
    • Great work marking and sweeping.
    • Next step: When are we getting a big skip?
    • Put in calendar
      • Large project storage - DNH must be applied and refreshed.
      • Shelves of crap/donations - reduced in size for now
      • Awareness of the new layout.
  • 3D Printer Filament Sale
    • The proposal is to get a few rolls of filament, and sell them on a per-gram of finished print basis
    • We will need a relatively accurate scale (£12 with a 15 year guarantee), and two or three rolls of filament which will likely cost around £21 each from 3DFilaPrint
    • The suggestion is that we get one black PLA roll, one natural PLA roll, and one roll of whatever happens to be cheap and shiny - but we might be able to get more than one roll as 3DFilaPrint do special deals for hackspaces
    • The aim of this is to lower the barrier of entry for members to both learn to print and to print small occasional items, as well as reducing the need for members to each store spools of material in the already cramped storage bin.
  • Use of space around the CNC machine, and table of haccess stuff.
    • this space isn't being used properly - stuff strewn out over the table needs to be stored and the space put to use.
    • Plastic work bench? Vacuum formers and 3D printers kept together under the umbrella of "Plastic forming" perhaps?
  • Update on weldy grindy - what can we as members do to get this finished?
    • The main one is for someone to make a decision on which type of paint to use - and how we're going to pay for it.
    • There's also power to that corner but that's dependent on the cable trays which is being sorted currently.
    • The red and blue small welders should be usable, the big one needs some attention electrically and for the gas.
    • There's also a question over if there should be a table to weld on (not the surface plate btw)
  • Brittain has some short items
    • Men in Sheds what we could do to increase footfall from this and why it may be beneficial
    • Re-industrialization What it is and hackspace role in this, if any.
    • Lino Fettle and Finish
    • TV Studio
  • Snackspace Profit Margins - discussion
    • At the moment we're made around £300 'profit' from about £2,000 being spent by members on snackspace (since april). This is about 15% profit, which is far lower than the standard 35-50% profit on suggested RRP on almost all of the snacks and drinks we sell
      • To put this in perspective, that means with a max spend of £200 for a snackspace run, we make £30 profit - if we took a taxi to the nearest Cash and Carry, it would cost us around £6-8 each way, effectively halving profit (if the cost was claimed back)
    • Costs have risen, but we're selling things far cheaper than everywhere else, plus we haven't increased prices in a long time (if ever)
    • The question is, how much profit do we want snackspace to bring in?
      • Profit merely goes back into space funds, allowing us to maintain equipment, buy consumables, save a war chest (for moving etc), and fund infrastructure projects
      • Prices going up may stop people consuming a much, but even a significant raise in profit is unlikely to take us above many local places prices, especially prices in the city centre - the convenience means people are less likely to change buying habits too
      • I (Chris/badspyro) suggest a modest rise to 25% profit, across every item evenly - for a fair number of items this will mean a small increase, and this would mean an increase over the same timescale (if everyone bought the same quantity) of £200 into the hackspace coffers. This is still far below market rate for all of the products, and will basically still be giving a decent 'discount' to members over the RRP.



  • 19:30 Meeting starts

Approval of previous minutes

Approved with one abstention

Reports from teams

  • Board: Reported that in October £1550 in and 1500 out not including snackspace. We have a slight increase in member numbers to 103
  • Craft: none given and none present
  • Laser: All well, soon to be two cash box’s one for tube other for materials, signs will be updated
  • 3D: Fan problem with Mendel Max 2 being looked at
  • Documentation: none given and none present
  • Procurement: Some members mentioned items required it was suggested that these be written on the white board. They were considering a different cash and carry
  • Electrical: Cable tray 50% done
  • Events:
    • Charity hack day suggestions, 13th December suggested as a date.
    • Need to start considering Newcastle Maker Faire and if we are going in April to think about preparations.
    • Ruth suggested that we should have a full day crafters event as that may attract new members. It was suggested that the craft team should liase with the events team. Ruth said she may join the craft team.

Member Submitted Items

  • Bin The Space Day

    • Date for skip set for Jan 13th
  • New Shelving

    • Agreed large project storage - DNH must be applied and refreshed.
    • Shelves of crap/donations - reduced in size for now
    • It was agreed we needed no new shelving before organising existing shelves.
  • 3D Printer Filament Sale

    • The proposal is to get a few rolls of filament, and sell them on a per-gram of finished print basis
    • It was agreed that the board could look at getting some black clear and cheap filament from £17 to £21 supplier of 2.5kg rolls suggested.
    • The suggestion is that we get one black PLA roll, one natural PLA roll, and one roll of whatever happens to be cheap and shiny - but we might be able to get more than one roll as 3DFilaPrint do special deals for hacspaces.
  • Use of space.

    • Some concerns were expressed about members storage creep and the timing of getting a skip to remove the final rubbish items having given people time to remove them.

    • After a general discussion regarding all the spaces it was decided to move the craft area to the centre of the room, which allows the area previously used by craft to be reallocated as plastics for the plastics forming.

    • It was also agreed that the hacspace infrastructure project should have it’s own storage area.

    • The paint for the Weldy grindy area was discussed and where the money could come from to fund it.

    • The rental terms for the gas cylinders were discussed.

  • Men In Sheds

    • Brittain was interested on feedback regarding the listing we have on the men in shed web site. It seems this has bought some attention, Brittain has had an enquiry from someone who wanted to buy some vouchers to allow access to give as a Christmas Present.
    • It was agreed that some discussion by the board on people being able to join and pay without using the internet may help this.
  • Reindustrialisation

    • What this means and if the hacspace could have any role in this was discussed.
  • Lino

    • Brittain requested some help in recutting and flattening the lino as sometimes it requires two people.
  • Instant TV Studio

    • Brittain asked where this could be used and it was suggested that we leave it on wheels in the hall when not in use.
  • Snackspace Profit Margins

    • It was reported that at the moment we're made around £300 'profit' from about £2,000 being spent by members on snackspace (since April). This is about 15% profit,
    • Some discussion about increasing the profit margin was had. It started with some views on what the original idea of snackpace was had, it was agreed that the snackspace prices should only rise with inflation and always be self sustaining.
    • Discussion went on to items stocked and it was suggested that people with ideas of what should be in the shop should mail or buythis@hacman


  • A welcome to hacspace leaflet was suggested this was thought to be something worth consideration by the documentation team.

  • Someone suggested we may need fire doors and it was recommenced that if we did we got two.

  • The outgoing and new board members were thanked for their work.

  • Date of next meeting 29th January 2018