Reporte Ciudadano is an open source platform for civic issue tracking based on the Open 311 standard.
Website | Wiki | Bugtracker | License | Team
- Ruby 2.0
- Rails 3.2
- Bootstrap 3.0
- Rspec 2.14
- Redis 2.8.6
All our conversation happens through GitHub issues, but if you want to reach us privately, you can write us to
Reporce Ciudadano is an iniciative that requires action from the community to become the best Open 311 solution for Latinamerica. You can help us with code, ideas, translations, reporting bugs and/or forking the app and using it in your city.
Check out the contribuiting guidelines.
This project was an initiative from Codeando México. The current core team:
Created by Codeando México, 2013 - 2014.
This project under GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0. Check out the LICENSE doc to get more info.