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Efficient Attentions

This repository contains the official implementation of experiments conducted in

🌲 Repo structure:

  • efficient-attention: a small self-contained codebase that implements various efficient attention mechanisms. Please see the usage for more details.
  • vit: codebase for image classification experiments, which is adapted from
    • DeiT for the file structure, and
    • PvT for PvTv2 model classes.
  • fairseq: a modified fork of fairseq for language tasks, including machine translation and autoregressive language modeling.
  • a bash script for launching all experiments.
    • See the script for the list of arguments.
    • Note that arguments after -e True are directly passed to the training command. You can pass custom arguments to the training command by appending them after -e True.


To setup the environment, run the following commands to install the required dependencies (recommended in a virtual environment):

# install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install efficient-attention library
pip install -e efficient-attention

# OPTIONAL: install fairseq library for running language tasks
cd fairseq
python3 build develop
cd ..

The environment is tested with Python 3.8.10, PyTorch 1.12.0, and CUDA 11.3. Also note our fork of fairseq modifies several files in the original codebase; using more recent versions of fairseq might lead to unexpected dependency conflicts.

Basic Usage of the Efficient Attention Library

efficient-attention is a small self-contained codebase that collects several efficient attention mechanisms.

Passing Attention-specific Arguments to Argparse

  • For arguments specific to each attention mechanism, please check the add_attn_specific_args() class method in the corresponding python file.
  • To pass these arguments to the argparse parser, follow the following code snippet:
import argparse
from efficient_attention import AttentionFactory
# ...
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--attn-name', default='softmax', type=str, metavar='ATTN',
                        help='Name of attention model to use')
# ...
temp_args, _ = parser.parse_known_args()
# add attention-specific arguments to the parser
# struct_name: name of the inner namespace to store all attention-specific arguments
# prefix: prefix to prepend to all argument names
#         for example, if prefix = encoder-attn, then for the argument --window-size 
#         we need to pass --encoder-attn-window-size
#         this is useful to avoid argument name conflicts.
efficient_attention.AttentionFactory.add_attn_specific_args(parser, temp_args.attn_name, struct_name="attn_args", prefix="")
# parse arguments to a namespace that supports nested attributes
args = parser.parse_args(namespace=efficient_attention.NestedNamespace())
# now we can access the attention-specific arguments via args.attn_args

Create an Efficient Attention Module

In a torch.nn.Module class, you can create an efficient attention module as follows:

# we might want to pass attention-specific arguments to the attention module
# along with other related arguments
attn_args = {
    'dim': args.embed_dim, 
    'num_heads': args.num_heads, 
    'qkv_bias': args.qkv_bias, 
    'attn_drop': args.attn_drop_rate, 
    'proj_drop': args.drop_rate,
self.attn = AttentionFactory.build_attention(attn_name = attn_name, attn_args = attn_args)

# the module can then be used as a normal function as
x = self.attn(x)

Image Classification on ImageNet1k

Data Preparation

We follow the setup similar to DeiT to pre-process the ImageNet dataset. Download ImageNet train and val images and place them in the following directory structure so that it can be compatible with the torchvision datasets.ImageFolder


Training & Evaluation

The following commands are used for training and evaluating various vision transformers with LARA/EVA. The training is assumed to be conducted with 8 GPUs.

ImageNet Classification on DeiT (sequence length 784(suffix:*_p8)/196(suffix:*_p16))

To use LARA/EVA in different DeiT architectures:

# LARA: DeiT-tiny-p8
bash -m evit_tiny_p8 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name lara --mis-type mis-opt --proposal-gen pool-mixed --alpha-coeff 2.0 --num-landmarks 49

# LARA: DeiT-tiny-p16
bash -m evit_tiny_p16 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name lara --mis-type mis-opt --proposal-gen pool-mixed --alpha-coeff 2.0 --num-landmarks 49

# LARA: DeiT-small-p16
bash -m evit_small_p16 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name lara --mis-type mis-opt --proposal-gen pool-mixed --alpha-coeff 2.0 --num-landmarks 49

# EVA: DeiT-tiny-p8
bash -m evit_tiny_p8 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name eva --num-landmarks 49 --adaptive-proj default --window-size 7 --attn-2d --use-rpe

# EVA: DeiT-tiny-p16
bash -m evit_tiny_p16 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name eva --num-landmarks 49 --adaptive-proj default --window-size 7 --attn-2d --use-rpe

# EVA: DeiT-small-p16
bash -m evit_small_p16 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name eva --num-landmarks 49 --adaptive-proj default --window-size 7 --attn-2d --use-rpe

ImageNet Classification on PVTv2-B3 (sequence length: 3136 -> 784 -> 196 -> 49)

To adapt LARA/EVA in PvTv2 architectures:

# LARA Attention
bash -m pvt_medium2 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 1.0 --drop-path-rate 0.3 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name lara --pool-module-type dense --mis-type mis-opt --proposal-gen pool-mixed --num-landmarks 49 --alpha-coeff 2.0 --repeated-aug

# EVA Attention
bash -m pvt_medium2 -p <dir-of-imagenet-data> -g 8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --drop-path-rate 0.3 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name eva --num-landmarks 49 --adaptive-proj default --window-size 7 --attn-2d --use-rpe --repeated-aug

The usage of other attention mechanisms:

Alternatively, you may want to try out other attention mechanisms:

# Softmax Attention
bash -m evit_tiny_p8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name softmax
# RFA/Performer
bash -m evit_tiny_p8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name performer --proj-method favorp --approx-attn-dim 64
# Local Attention
bash -m evit_tiny_p8 -d imagenet -e TRUE --dist-eval --num-workers 16 --clip-grad 5.0 --warmup-epochs 10 --seed 1 --attn-name local --window-size 7 --attn-2d --use-rpe

Language Tasks

Data Preparation

We use the standard pre-processing fairseq to prepare the data for language tasks.

  • For machine translation, please follow here to prepare for the binarized WMT'14 EN-DE data;
  • For autoregressive language modeling, follow here to process the Wikitext-103 dataset.


  • -r <resume-ckpt-DIR> specifies the DIRECTORY that stores your checkpoints during training and can be used to resume training.
  • Note that all attention-specific arguments need to be associated with prefix --encoder-attn- (for encoder-side) / --decoder-attn- (for decoder-side). See the examples below.

Machine Translation

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -s lara_8 -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-encoder lara --encoder-attn-num-landmarks 8 --encoder-attn-proposal-gen adaptive-1d --encoder-attn-mis-type mis-opt

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -s lara_16 -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-encoder lara --encoder-attn-num-landmarks 16 --encoder-attn-proposal-gen adaptive-1d --encoder-attn-mis-type mis-opt

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -s lara_32 -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-encoder lara --encoder-attn-num-landmarks 32 --encoder-attn-proposal-gen adaptive-1d --encoder-attn-mis-type mis-opt

## EVA
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -s eva_8_8 -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-encoder eva --encoder-attn-window-size 8 --encoder-attn-num-landmarks 8 --encoder-attn-adaptive-proj no-ln --encoder-attn-use-t5-rpe --encoder-attn-overlap-window

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -s eva_16_8 -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-encoder eva --encoder-attn-window-size 16 --encoder-attn-num-landmarks 8 --encoder-attn-adaptive-proj no-ln --encoder-attn-use-t5-rpe --encoder-attn-overlap-window

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -s eva_32_8 -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-encoder eva --encoder-attn-window-size 32 --encoder-attn-num-landmarks 8 --encoder-attn-adaptive-proj no-ln --encoder-attn-use-t5-rpe --encoder-attn-overlap-window

Autoregressive Language Modeling

# Currently, LARA does not support causal masking yet.

# EVA on a 16-layer Transformer LM
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -m 16layers -d wikitext103 -s eva_128_8_16layers -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-decoder causal_eva --decoder-attn-window-size 128 --decoder-attn-causal --decoder-attn-adaptive-proj qk --decoder-attn-chunk-size 8 --decoder-attn-use-t5-rpe

# EVA on a 32-layer Transformer LM
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 bash -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -m 32layers -d wikitext103 -s eva_128_8_32layers -g 4 -e TRUE --attn-name-decoder causal_eva --decoder-attn-window-size 128 --decoder-attn-causal --decoder-attn-adaptive-proj qk --decoder-attn-chunk-size 8 --decoder-attn-use-t5-rpe

Generation & Evaluation

For generation & evaluation, simply pass argument -i true when calling to perform the inference procedure only. The checkpoint path can be specified as -c <your-ckpt-path>. For example,

# Machine Translation
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash -i true -c <> -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wmt -g 1

# Autoregressive Language Modeling
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 bash -i true -c <> -p <dir-of-your-bin-data> -d wikitext103 -g 1

Pre-trained Models

We also provide trained EVA model checkpoints in OneDrive for machine translation and language modeling tasks:


  title={Efficient Attention via Control Variates},
  author={Lin Zheng and Jianbo Yuan and Chong Wang and Lingpeng Kong},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},
  title={Linear complexity randomized self-attention mechanism},
  author={Lin Zheng and Chong Wang and Lingpeng Kong},
  booktitle={International Conference on Machine Learning},