This document details the installation process for the dockerized version of the Documentation Requirements Lookup Service (DRLS) PAS Workflow system for Production. There are two approaches to doing this:
Option 1 utilizes Docker Compose, which comes with Docker Desktop, and requires the corresponding docker-compose.yml file from the prior-auth repository. This option has minimal technical set up involved and allows for the customization/modification of the dockerized configuration.
Option 2 utilizes Porter, which requires a separate installation in addition to Docker Desktop but does not require the use of any local files. This option has the least amount of technical set up involved and is recommended for non-technical users of DRLS PAS as it does not allow for the customization/modification of the dockerized configuration.
This document is designed to take you through the entire set up process for DRLS PAS using docker containers. It is a standalone guide that does not depend on any supplementary DRLS PAS documentation.
This guide will take you through the development environment setup for each of the following DRLS components:
- Coverage Requirements Discovery (CRD)
- (Test) EHR FHIR Service
- Documents, Templates, and Rules (DTR) SMART on FHIR app
- Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Library
- CRD Request Generator
- Keycloak
- Prerequisites
- Install core tools
- Clone PAS repository(Option 1 Only)
- Configure DRLS PAS
- Verify DRLS is working
Your computer must have these minimum requirements:
- x86_64 (64-bit) or equivalent processor
- Follow these instructions to verify your machine's compliance:
- At least 8 GB of RAM
- At least 256 GB of storage
- Internet access
- Chrome browser
- Git installed
Additionally, you must have credentials (api key) access for the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC). Later on you will add these credentials to your development environment, as they are required for allowing DRLS to pull down updates to value sets that are housed in VSAC. If you don't already have VSAC credentials, you should create them using UMLS.
How you set environment and path variables may vary depending on your operating system and terminal used. For instance, for zsh on MacOS you typically need to modify .zshrc instead of .bash_profile. To figure out how to set environment variables for your system, consult the guides below or google how to permentaly set environment/path variables on [insert operating system] [insert terminal type]
For more information on how to set environment variables consult these following guides:
Download the stable version of Docker for Mac and follow the steps in the installer.
Once the installation is complete, you should see a Docker icon on your Mac's menu bar (top of the screen). Click the icon and verify that Docker Desktop is running.
Configure Docker to have access to enough resources. To do this, open Docker Desktop and select Settings > Resources.
The defaults for memory at 2GB and possibly CPU as well are too low to run the entire DRLS PAS workflow. If not enough resources are provided, you may notice containers unexpectedly crashing and stopping. Exact requirements for these resource values will depend on your machine. That said, as a baseline starting point, the system runs relatively smoothly at 16GB memory and 6 CPU Processors on MITRE issued Mac Devices.
The recommended IDE for this set up is Visual Studio Code
- Install Visual Studio Code -
- Install Docker extension -
Download and install porter as per instructions:
curl -L | bash
and add the following lines at the very bottom:export PATH=$PATH:~/.porter
and complete the update toenv
:source .bash_profile
Install required Porter plugins
porter mixins install docker porter mixins install docker-compose
Note: The exact command to add to your system path will be mentioned at the bottom of the execution of step 1 and may vary from what's above depending the operating system you installed Porter on. Consult the output in your terminal for how to set your system path.
Note: How you set environment and path variables may vary depending on your operating system and terminal used. See Setting Environment Variables and System Path for more information.
Pull Windows Porter Image
docker pull smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas-windows:current
Run Windows Porter Image in Interactive mode with docker daemon volume mount
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -ti --name porter-windows-container smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas-windows:current
In the interactive docker shell, install the porter plugins
porter mixins install docker porter mixins install docker-compose
Note: All future commands for Windows will be run in the interactive shell of the Windows Porter Image. To exit the interactive terminal type
ctrl + d
clone the PAS repositories from Github:
git clone prior-auth
Alternatively, you can download/copy just the docker-compose.yml file from the PAS repository since that is the only file needed for this set up.
The Docker Extension for VsCode has useful functionality to aid in the development process using this set up guide. This extension lets you easily visualize the containers, images, networks, and volumes created by this set up. Clicking on a running container will open up the file structure of the container. Right clicking on a running container will give the option to view container logs (useful to see output from select services), attach a shell instance within the container, and attach a Visual Studio Code IDE to the container using remote-containers. See:
At this point, you should have credentials to access VSAC. If not, please refer to Prerequisites for how to create these credentials and return here after you have confirmed you can access VSAC. To download the full ValueSets, your VSAC account will need to be added to the CMS-DRLS author group on You will need to request membership access from an admin. If this is not configured, you will get
org.hl7.davinci.endpoint.vsac.errors.VSACValueSetNotFoundException: ValueSet 2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1219.62 Not Found
While this step is optional, we highly recommend that you do it so that DRLS will have the ability to dynamically load value sets from VSAC.
You can see a list of your pre-existing environment variables on your Mac by running env
in your Terminal. To add to env
Set "VSAC_API_KEY" in the .env file in the PAS Repository
cd ~/
and add the following lines at the very bottom:export VSAC_API_KEY=vsac_api_key
and complete the update toenv
:source .bash_profile
Be aware that if you have chosen to skip this step, you will be required to manually provide your VSAC credentials at http://localhost:8090/data and hit Reload Data every time you want DRLS to use new or updated value sets.
Note: How you set environment and path variables may vary depending on your operating system and terminal used. See Setting Environment Variables and System Path for more information.
Note: The compose project name is to disambiguate between different set ups on the same machine and can be set to any identifier. If you are following both options mentioned in this guide, it is recommended to change the compose project name for each so that they differ.
You can see a list of your pre-existing environment variables on your Mac by running env
in your Terminal. To add to env
Set "COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME" as "pas_prod" in the .env file in the PAS Repository
cd ~/
and add the following lines at the very bottom:export COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=pas_docker_compose
and complete the update toenv
:source .bash_profile
Note: How you set environment and path variables may vary depending on your operating system and terminal used. See Setting Environment Variables and System Path for more information.
cd prior-auth # Need to execute commands in directory with corresponding docker-compose.yml file located in the PAS repository
docker-compose up
docker-compose down # Removes application servers
docker volume prune # Optional - Removes persisted data
docker-compose build --no-cache --pull [<service_name1> <service_name2> ...]
docker-compose --force-recreate [<service_name1> <service_name2> ...]
# Options:
# --force-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration and image haven't changed.
# --build Build images before starting containers.
# --pull Pull published images before building images.
# --no-cache Do not use cache when building the image.
# [<service_name1> <service_name2> ...] Services to recreate, not specifying any service will rebuild and recreate all services
You can set the flag --allow-docker-host-access in the below commands with the PORTER_ALLOW_DOCKER_HOST_ACCESS environment variable so that you don’t have to specify it for every command.
Note: replace ${vsac_api_key} in the below commands with your own vsac api key. If you do not have access to VSAC, please refer to Prerequisites for how to create these credentials and return here after you have confirmed you can access VSAC.
Note: On Windows this should be run within the interactive shell of the windows porter image container
porter install fullstack_drls_pas --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access --reference smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas:current # Initial Installation needs to be from remote repository
porter install fullstack_drls_pas --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access # Subsequent runs can use the local installation
Note: The project will keep running in the background when you "ctrl + c" out of the above process. To stop running all together, use the stop command below
Note: On Windows this should be run within the interactive shell of the windows porter image container
porter invoke fullstack_drls_pas --action stop --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access
If you get the below error on running the stop command above, then try running the stop command with the --reference field as so
Unable to find image 'smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas-installer:v0.0.1' locally
Error: 1 error occurred:
* Error response from daemon: manifest for smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas-installer:v0.0.1 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
porter invoke fullstack_drls_pas --action stop --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access --reference smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas:current
porter upgrade fullstack_drls_pas --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access # Pull and Update application images and recreate containers
porter upgrade fullstack_drls_pas --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access --reference smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas:current # Pull and Update Invocation Image in addition to application images from remote repository and recreate containers
porter uninstall fullstack_drls_pas --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access
If you get the below error on running the stop command above, then try running the stop command with the --reference field as so
Unable to find image 'smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas-installer:v0.0.1' locally
Error: 1 error occurred:
* Error response from daemon: manifest for smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas-installer:v0.0.1 not found: manifest unknown: manifest unknown
porter uninstall fullstack_drls_pas --param vsac_api_key=${vsac_api_key} --allow-docker-host-access --reference smalho01234/fullstack_drls_pas:current
To remove all images, volumes, and artifacts set up during the install, run the following commands
docker image prune -a
docker volume prune
docker network prune
- Go to http://localhost:3000
- Click Patient Select button in upper left.
- Find William Oster in the list of patients and click the dropdown menu next to his name.
- Select E0470 in the dropdown menu.
- Click anywhere in the row for William Oster.
- Click Submit at the bottom of the page.
- After several seconds you should receive a response in the form of two CDS cards:
- Respiratory Assist Device
- Positive Airway Pressure Device
- Select Order Form on one of those CDS cards.
- If you are asked for login credentials, use alice for username and alice for password.
- A webpage should open in a new tab, and after a few seconds, a questionnaire should appear.
- Fill out questionnaire and hit next
- Submit PAS Request to (submitting request locally has a bug and is being worked on)
Congratulations! DRLS PAS is fully installed and ready for you to use!