These are some examples of previously created materials by mentors that you can use yourself, or for inspiration.
- Introduction to Git (by @aina21, Team 31)
This lesson plan is meant for a traditional class (vs. flipped classroom) where the mentor teaches the contents with breaks for exercises. The material to be taught is the same as in the flipped classroom though. The exercises suggested for the flipped classroom can be found here.
What is Git
- git is a version control software, widely used by software developers (and not only)
What is version control
- show example with google docs
- git does the same but for all files in a given folder/repository
- show repository for vscode as an example of a software built using Git to manage all the code
- also git allows you to have branches and work on multiple tasks at the same time, a bit like copying folders
Install git/git bash
Configure git
git config --global "name"
git config --global "email"
git config --global core.editor "code -w"
the commit is aborted with empty message)
Command line basics
, and explain how paths workls
- do a little exercise
Git vs. github
- slide 2
What is a repository and how to create one
- kind of a folder, but not all files in the folder have to be in the repository
- slide 3
The commit
- slide 4
How to save/commit changes in your repository
- slide 5
What is a commit (technical side)
- slide 6
Explain/show what happens after each git add and git commit
- slides 7-16
- also show a lot of git status and git log
Explain/show what happens after git push
- slide 17
Do a little exercise where the students:
- have them clone their class homweork repo into their computer (this is to get everyone on the same page, otherwise it is a mess)
- create a folder named
- add some files
- commit the changes
- push current changes
- go trough the homework workflow [have slides showing each step]: a) create a branch b) do commits c) push to github d) create pull request e) update local master
- do an exercise where the students do parts a) to d)
Here you can find all the materials used to teach the first Git class ✨:
- Review - contains a short review over the materials taught in class;
- FAQ - contains a compilation of the frequently asked questions;
- Cheatsheet - contains a cheatsheet with the commands used during the class (and a few extra);
- Resources - contains some resources about Git that might be useful;
- Git Basics - the slides used to teach some concepts during class.