Read this article If you find any of the patterns from the article then there is something to give feedback on!
- Is everything indented properly.
- How is the folder structure of the application.
- How are the files named and does that make sense.
- Are the class names and id’s semantic and do they describe the content of the tag?
- Has id’s and class names been used correctly.
- Has the correct tag been used. Fx is main, header, footer, section, nav used properly.
- Is the html correctly implemented.
- Are there unnecessary wrappers?
- Has kebab-case been used?
- Has alt tags been written for images.
- Is the css imported using the style tag.
- Are there unused selectors.
- Are there lots of fixed pixel values. This could affect responsive layouts.
- Try to avoid absolute positioning as this tends to break responsive layouts.
- Use flexbox over floats.
- Avoid using
statements. - Avoid inline styles
- Consistent naming and grouping of css-classes (see naming conventions below)
- CSS selectors are only as specific as they need to be
- Are comments written in an comprehensible english and are they free from spelling and grammar mistakes?
- Are functions described with comments?
- Avoid "stating the obvious" in comments - the "how?" (i.e.
const button; // This is a button
) - Focus on using comments to relay business logic that may not be obvious from reading the code - the "why?".
- Break long comments onto multiple lines and only place short comments on the right side of code (and only if the agreed code style allows for it - if in doubt put all comments above the code)
- Regular expressions are not obvious to read for even many experienced programmers. If you see a regular expression make sure there is a comment describing what the authors intention is.
- Avoid committing commented out code.
- Are variables declared at the top of the functions scope rather than scattered over the file?
- Have const and let been used instead of var? Remember to use const if variable is never re-assigned.
- Does the variable naming make sense? (see section below about naming conventions)
- Minimize the use of global variables and variables that are shared across functions. Instead, pass the variable from one function to the next.
- Does the function name make sense? (see section below about naming conventions)
- Does the function do more than the name suggest? (solution: split into multiple functions)
- Do you see repeated code throughout the file? (solution: split into multiple functions)
- Is the function long and convoluted? Can it be simplified or split into multiple functions? Ideally functions should only have one responsibility.
- Does a function have any side effects (i.e. is it modifying state outside of its own local scope)?
- Are the inputs an outputs (parameters and return values) appropriate for what it does?
- All names should be in english and look out for spelling mistakes.
- Try to understand the domain language and pick names that reflect the domain.
- Filenames should be kept in lowercase (kebab-case: multiple words concatenated with
). - Variable and function names should be written in camelCase.
- Javascript classes should be written in PascalCase.
- CSS classes should be in kebab-case and cannot start with a number.
- Common practice is to prefix boolean names with
). - Prioritize readability over writeability. Modern code editors and IDEs are generally good at autocompleting so you can be a bit more generous with the characters if it fosters readability (i.e.
) - Never do single character functions like
. This is not algebra! - Be consistent. If don't have one function spelled
and anothergetColor()
(british and american spelling). - Think ahead and try to generalize as much as possible. If a function is simply summing a list of numbers and you are planning to use it for a shopping cart, consider calling the function
rather thancalculateShoppingCartTotal()
. If it does other things strictly related to a shopping cart (i.e. calculate taxes and shipping), you should of course call itcalculateShoppingCartTotal()
so it is clear what it does.
- Is triple equality used?
- Avoid multiple nested if/else blocks.
- Are ES6/ES7 like
used over regularfor()
loops? - Prefer destructuring assignments over trivial variable declarations.
- Remember to check that values are set before referencing them?
- Use template literals over
"hard" + " " + "to read" + " string concatenation"
. - Is there any dead code?
- If npm packages are no longer used, are they being removed from
? - Avoid committing code with
-statements - If external libraries are used, vet them thoroughly: Is the library maintained? Is the issues tab on github filled with unanswered questions? Does the library solve the problem well without adding unecessary overhead? Is it well documented?
- Make sure no sensitive information is published to git (i.e. API keys, passwords and similar). These should be stored in env variables and the
file should be in.gitignore
. - Make sure no dist folders, editor/IDE files, database dumps or large pictures or videos are checked into git.
- Commits are small and divided into logical parts.
- Commits messages are small and understandable.
- Use branches for new features.