Package geo is a collection of useful utilities for mainly plotting marine data in the North Atlantic
To install, run:
Simple plot of Iceland
Let’s add some data into the mix. Read the spring survey tow station locations from
spring <-
#> Square Tow Subsq North1 West1 North2 West2 Depth1 Depth2 Sweeps Warp1 Warp2
#> 1 310 1 1 632300 103900 632160 104750 430 438 45 525 460
#> 2 310 11 3 631500 104950 631700 104100 399 412 45 470 450
#> 3 311 1 2 632907 110122 633307 105986 333 344 45 435 420
#> 4 311 2 1 632530 114370 632900 114070 392 408 45 545 540
#> 5 311 11 3 631300 114200 631500 113400 421 428 45 515 510
#> 6 311 12 4 630500 112000 630700 111300 447 454 45 520 510
#> Warp3 Dir Length
#> 1 590 250 4
#> 2 490 40 4
#> 3 450 20 4
#> 4 550 20 4
#> 5 520 60 4
#> 6 530 70 4
Convert location data to decimal positions:
spring <-
geoconvert(spring,col.names = c('North1','West1'))
spring <-
geoconvert(spring,col.names = c('North2','West2'))
Now plot: