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Elad Afif edited this page Apr 30, 2014 · 57 revisions


Every person has his own social group circles: Family, Friends, Work colleagues, Learning fellows etc.
In the developing virtual world we live in, we have to be connected to our social groups all the time.
we invite you to use a new platform that will deliver you group management from your device anytime anywhere.


Groupy offers users tools for managing and participating in the social life of each of the groups to which they are attached to:
What we offer:
Personal Area where each user can update profile , create groups , , connect existing groups and invite people to become members in the group.
Concentration of all groups in one place - giving the possibility to see more before entering the group.
Recent Updates of the group:
Option to view the new updates .
Entering each group member and finding all his/her related posts.
Share documents :
Ability to upload documents to your groups ( study sections , articles , newspapers , etc.)
Ability to search for a particular file .
Ability to search files by using.
Team Album :
Uploading photos .
View pictures uploaded ​​by group members.
Comments images of your friends.
Team Calendar :
Scheduling a new event ( birthdays, meetings , etc.)
Invite Attendees to the event - connecting one common calendar .
Attending to events scheduled .
Chat personally with each member .
Interfacing with Facebook personal profile .
Area Group will be isolated - only group members can view the content .

###Projects Idea Paper And Presentation:

* [Presentation](!114&cid=d3a5deae64bba8f2&app=PowerPoint&wdo=2)

###Project pages:

* [Development](
* [Inception](
* [User Manual](



###Iterations: Iteration 0- ZFR
Iteration 1 - MVP
Iteration 2 - First Layer Implementation
Iteration 3 - Second layer Immplemantaion
Iteration 4

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