Provides common command / control functions to all other plugins and allows control of device from serial console.
None: Included automatically by the mandatory opening sequence.
This plugin is a "singleton" - there may be only one single instance of it in the app. It is called h4p
, prefix all API calls below with h4p.
See also Common Command and Control: H4P_SerialCmd and Services
(erase all global variables USE WITH CAUTION!!!)h4/config
(change value of on or more global variables* (see below))h4/dump/x
(payload x = FS file name. Show contents of file.)h4/factory
( "factory resets" the device)h4/get/x
( show the value of global variable x)h4/reboot
( reboots the device )h4/show/all
(runs all the commands startingh4/show/
(internal configuration variables)h4/show/fs
(show all LittleFS filesystem files + sizes and used / free space)h4/show/heap
( result if _HAL_freeHeap())h4/show/plugins
lists all the currrently loaded pluginsh4/show/q
(shows all tasks in the Q waiting to be scheduled)- ... service control commands (see above)
*config payload:
For a single variable the payload should be name=value. You may also update several variables at a time by separating those name=value pairs with commas, e.g.
*** N.B. ***
The correct operation of the system depends on many of the global variables. Several of those critical values will immediately cause side effects (possibly undwanted, e.g. reboot) if changed. Change only those you created yourself!
SerialCmd can be safely stopped - it will continue to provide command functionality to other plugins that depend upon it. e.g. (http "REST") and H4P_AsyncMQTT but it will no longer accept serial commands on its own behalf. Thus it can only be stopped once from the serial console*. Unloading cmd
will show a huge performance improvement (+50% ish), so it is worth considering once testing is complete, especially for devices that will be deployed remotely and will never be able to recive serial commands. (see autoStop parameter above)
(* It can be restarted remotely, e.g. via MQTT or http/REST)
/* Information only: this is instantiated automatically and should never be called by the user
autoStop = true will stop the service from listening to serial commands and improve performance by about +35%
H4P_SerialCmd(bool autoStop=false);
void addCmd(const string& name,uint32_t owner, uint32_t levID,H4_FN_MSG f=nullptr);
Adds a new command to the existing set: This is how plugins update the command table when they load. The user may also add his / her own commands, however this requires in-depth knowledge of the internal data structure and is described in detail in Advance Topics
void all();
Runs all commands from any loaded plugins containing "show", i.e. h4/show/q
... etc and also runs h4/svc/state/...
on all loaded plugins
void clear();
Erases all global variables. USE AT YOUR PERIL! (if at all)
See also Global Variables and persistent storage
// The Global variables function set:
void gvDec(const string& name); // decrements variable expected to be numeric
void gvErase(const string& name); // remove a variable from the global store
void gvErase(initializer_list<const char*> nil); // remove several variables at once from the global store
bool gvExists(const string& name); // true if name is in the global store
int gvGetInt(const string& name); // return expected numeric value of name
string gvGetstring(const string& name); // return expected string value of name
void gvInc(const string& name); // increments variable expected to be numeric
void gvSave(const string& name); // changes temp / permanent flag to permanet and forces update flush
void gvSave(initializer_list<const char*> sav); // as above, more effifient for several at a time
void gvSetInt(const string& name,int value,bool save=false);// set value to int
void gvSetstring(const string& name,const string& value,bool save=false); // set vallue to string
void heap();
Shows the contents of H4's free heap
void help();
Shows the lst of available commands
uint32_t invokeCmd(string command,string payload="",const char* src=userTag());
uint32_t invokeCmd(string,uint32_t payload,const char* src=userTag());
Runs the named command
with a textual or integer payload
(if required). src
names / defines a "source" of the command. This is normally best left as the default "user" denoting that it was initiated from within user-code.
an error code as described above
void plugins();
Lists all currently loaded plugins, and calls show()
on each
string read(const string& filename);
The contents of the LittleFS file given by filename
void removeCmd(const string& name,uint32_t _subCmd=0);
Removes a command from the existing set: This requires in-depth knowledge of the internal data structure and is described in detail in Advance Topics
void showFS();
Lists the contents of the LittleFS file system
void showQ();
Lists the contents of the H4 task queue
uint32_t write(const string& filename,const string& data,const char* mode="w");
Writes the contents of data
the LittleFS file given by filename
. Modes are as described in the LittleFS documentation
A result as as described in the LittleFS documentation
(c) 2021 Phil Bowles