Pre-built image containing the tools from my Spotify Tools repo.
Many tools require authorization. You will need to create a Spotify App with Client ID and Secret here:
and then export
the environment variables SPOTIFY_ID
in your shell and pass them to the docker container:
docker run --rm -ti -e SPOTIFY_ID -e SPOTIFY_SECRET harisekhon/spotify-tools <program> <args>
If you want to run things requiring user private data, such as listing private playlists, then you will need to get an interactively authorized token valid for an hour and pass that through to the docker container instead (
in the DevOps Bash tools can generate that for you, but at that point you need a local copy - this is a limitation of the way the Spotify API is designed to require interactive user authorization in a web browser):
docker run --rm -ti -e SPOTIFY_ACCESS_TOKEN harisekhon/spotify-tools <program> <args>
List available programs like so
docker run --rm -ti harisekhon/spotify-tools