Bingo : A 5 Way Game - Android Multiplayer Game
Technologies Used: GRPC + Protocol Buffers, Firebase (In-game Chat), Google Cloud (Hosting Server)
Languages: Kotlin, Java, XML, Protobuf
Detailed Explanation:-
There are 2 modules app (Android App) and server module. Server is hosted on GCP - Google Cloud Platform
To generate java classes (files) for example BingoActionServiceImplBase,
- You need to define proto files in src/main/proto
- Configure gradle files and add necessary proto compiler plugins
- Then, rebuild the project and newly generated files should appear in build/generated/source/proto folder within each module
Don't forget to specify source set {...} in gradle files so that Android Studio knows where to look for generated files.
Demo repo link:-
Learn how to write .proto files:-
You'll need to remove in app level gradle file to generate signed APKs
Bingo: 5 Line Game Play Store Link:-
I couldn't find any good resources to start with GRPC on Android, even docs are not that great. I made Youtube video (linked above) to help others.